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Yes, he was one of the best presidents in our lifetime. What a very fascinating life Mr. Carter had. I was thinking a young scientist that put himself on the line to help save so many people and the unselfishness of that act alone is mind blowing . Thom he hosted himself down a nuclear reactor and the radiation that he endured was like wow. He saved so many peoples lives. I also thought about him going on to become the president of the United States and even then he had so much foresight about the issues that we deal with today. The fossil fuel industry hold on our environment and not doing anything to stop the clear and present danger Mr. Carter so often talked about on your program. I also think of all the hardships in his life and always coming out on the side of good, always. Thom, he lived to be ninety eight years old now that is amazing in itself. I will think of him as a person and president who had the foresight that we are really missing today. Solar Panels just think how fair ahead of the game we would really be, if not for the give to the fossil fuel industry and Reagan. Jimmy Carter a man who saw us all with a better future for us all to save the planet as well. Democracy. never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we really do know that to be true. We have it in our power to begin the world over again and betcha by golly wow we can do just that. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great brilliant mind’s for the sign of our times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s No Nukes!

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