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Yes, we all have to get out and vote, then perhaps more lives can be saved Thom. I find these numbers on people Dying in Red States to not be surprising coming from the conservatives. Thom, Liberal Progressive whatever we want to help people even those who don’t realize they need that help. Thom thank you again for pointing out this incredible injustice even to those who don’t believe in justice. I would think when people let you die and don’t care maybe your thinking would change to come to the side of who would not do those things. Thom the ignorance of these people is really beyond anything I can think of. I am so glad you wrote this though. I just wish the people who need to know this the most did. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we need you and your understanding of what real Revolution is. We have it in our power to begin the world again Batman, although I would think with Halloween and all your night must be full of fighting for the truth and justice that we all need to understand the point we need to get to. Conservative or Liberal we know that fighting to save lives is really what good people do in the first place. I know you have a busy schedule but knowing you are out there for all of us, helps me sleep a whole lot better Batman. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great thinker’s for our complex times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s No Nukes!

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