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Thom, this is really all Treasonous behavior from these people. All they offer is hate and anything that can help them be more hateful. To think someone can say if we were part of a takeover of our country we would have been armed and been successful. I don’t understand how they are not under arrest for such words in the open. I have come to believe that their are the others that we don’t know about only we do and they are still working in the Capitol Thom. This is some scary crazy stuff here Thom we need accountability so as to save our democracy. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we both know if we don’t get accountability then what will become of our country. Fascist are not my idea of anything but keeping people in control with no real freedom at all.

We have it in our power Batman to begin the world over again and with that power will come good things for all people. Thom you said today on your program you are not rich by any means but you are rich, with information and facts as they are and to that I say you are worth more than any amount of money for just that. I thank you for just being you, to me that is worth more than any amount of money, information is power. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great mind’s for these truly complicated times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s Absolutely No Nukes! Thom it is a privilege to be able to be part of something you provide to make me a smarter person because I have your wonderful mind always thinking and trying to come up with solutions to the problems of the day. I know how lucky I am to have such the privilege of having you in my life. No amount of money could ever add up to all you have to offer. Thank you Thom.

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