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This, is the gradually then suddenly moment here Thom. We see all the behavior of fascism right in front of us everyday just look at the GOP and them backing a person who may be on his way to jail I hope and yet they still hold on to the raft and the raft as it is going out to sea. They hang over the side of the raft like Seals catching treats from Trump. I hope they all keep going and never come back to a place they don’t like as America. I say just keep on hanging on and taking the treats that are thrown your way. All aboard. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we better not laugh at this gradual then suddenly moment and see it for the freight train that is coming right toward us. We have it in our power to make the world over again Batman and we need the good guys to come out on top, not fascism. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great minds for these complicated times.

Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s No Nukes!

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