I, agree with everything you said on this Thom. We know where they want to take us and we must not let them. They are afraid of things that aren’t real Thom. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we must stop these fascist who think their being White is the only thing they need to save in a country turning all totally different people of all colors. We have it i our power to begin the world over again Batman and we need you to help get these law breakers behind bars where they belong. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great mind’s for these truly complicated times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s Absolutely no Nukes!

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"And we all must speak up, before it’s too late. We must call this what it is: fascism."

Good point, but so many people have differing or vague definitions for fascism.

It would be great if the definition of fascism could be changed to mean decision-making that breaks the golden rule not just a little, but in big, obvious ways because that would get at the deeper root problem common to nearly all the protest-worthy political issues you write about. Some (perhaps many) fascists might stop participating if they realized their leaders were breaking the golden rule and, consequently, support for them would indirectly break it too.

I'd like to speak up about a collection of root words that might be better at treating the root problem.


Since the words at that site are about carrying out the golden rule or at least not breaking it in big, obvious-to-all ways, a negating prefix is needed to create the appropriate -ism for the decision-making actions you wrote about in today's Daily Take.

Here are a few (perhaps too many) examples meant to capture both the cause and suggest the cure of problems/troubles you described:

unriarism unsoshism uncivism

antiryrism antisoshism anticivism

contra-ryrism contra-soshism contra-civism

If humanity ever raises its member's consciousness enough that big, obvious violations of the golden rule become rare, we might raise the bar to call out those who break the golden rule in smaller, less obvious ways with words like these:







The two audio clips from Radiolab at the bottom of that web page are very entertaining ways to learn how important words can be for the process of thinking. They can also be found on the top page:


You might become amazed that most major languages still don't have any commonly used root words for the decision-making act of deciding not to do to others what one would obviously not want done to oneself (one of the most basic social acts for getting along with each other).

Fascism is merely a subset.

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