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Let’s keep our eyes And ears open to all that is happening right before our eyes. Thom, the corn was way past our heads a long time ago. I am aware of this while others believe the corn is not growing at all. I don’t want our country to become what you have pointed out so clearly. I really hope it’s not too late. With all the hate and liars who are running for office to end our democracy how could no one see the corn already sky high. I am praying for a brighter day for all of us as citizens of this great country where all are included and we have freedom to have a voice. A Leader to answer to who doesn’t hear anybody is not what we need or want. I really hope that the peoples voice will matter in the end or this could really be the end of democracy as we know it to be. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we better see that the corn is so high and if you can see that then it maybe too late. We the people are the true Leaders of the country let’s carry on forward on November 8th and really get that with our vote. Thom, without real democracy everything else won’t even matter. We have it in our power to begin the world again so let’s not wait too late to see that happen Thom. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great mind’s for these more and more complicated times.Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s No Nukes!

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