See http://davidlsmith.substack.com for series titled "EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY AND WERE AFRAID TO ASK"

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Thom, the takers just want to keep taking. We have to have a platform so all these things they want to destroy don’t happen. We do know why they call it insurance Thom it’s for your future as a piece of the insurance you have paid into for working. These people never stop and we better not either. We cannot let what is for the public good good away. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary and we need to be awake for sure with all the things we we need to stay vey much aware of. We have it in our power to begin the world over again and we must for the future of us all. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great mind’s for these complicated times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s No Nukes!

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