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We, know now what is happening so we must take the reins and speak up and against this hate and just brutal behavior they want our country to become. What would American Government look like under a Fascist state. Thom it would be just as you describe it. There will be no media or speaking out against the so called leader. People will be punished just for thinking differently about this so called leader. Things you say would seem the same but will be different. I don’t think we want to find out to late to save our valued democracy as We the people see it, one person one vote. We believe in democracy for all not just some. Thom this all is very scary but I think we will see a big sign of the Fascism on Thursday night on big display no doubt.I am always on the side of democracy. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary. Saying that time is of the essence is a understatement we have got to really be a huge part of being it right now! We have it in our power to begin the world again Batman we must not let our country become something we don’t recognize as a country for all people to live in with no problems. I know I am naïve but I really believe this to be true. Peace Love Freedom Justice you ask me again I’ll tell you the same Justice.

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