He's the governor of my state and while Republicans disagree with him, and the rural areas are generally more conservative, here we simply do not have the poisonous hatred too common in much of America. (There was one wacky Representative in Congress, but she was soon gone.) To the best of my knowledge nobody in public has ever had a bad word to say about Walz as a person, nor has he been nasty with anyone else. The man listens and is polite. In the Twin Cities there are billboards reminding women that they have the right to an abortion and no one has defaced them. And when Trump lost there was a rally for him at the Capitol. It had about 6 people. If he can tap into and encourage that sort of calmness and mutual respect in more of America we can have a normal country again.

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Walz across the Midwest/rust belt. Represents small town America. Same genealogy as the rural population in the blue wall states.

Was a successful football coach. Coaches for Harris Walz. Knows there is no "I" in "team."

I'm hoping he'll sway some of those Norwegian bachelors, repressed Lutherans and other denizens of states like the Dakotas, Nebraska and Iowa. Support ND stealth senate candidate Katrina Christensen, who is a female Walz. https://www.katrinaforussenate.com/katrina

Trumps Vance-- same genealogy to contest with hyperactive collective racist subconscious. Can invoke the magic words, "not suckers or losers." Can tell SS beneficiaries "don't slit your own throat."

Walz loves all animals. Trump hates dogs.

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I am thinking that Walz should be the voice of the campaign, literally, he should be out front running as if he was the presidential candidate.

I was in my car listening to Kamala's speech in Philadelphia, although the speech was inspiring in content, in tone and timber it wasn't. She is just not forceful, public perception is all. FDR was a great president but he, with the help of the media, hid his infirmity (polio) from the public.

I am going to get shit for sounding sexist, but I am a realist. I love Kamala, but she is handicapped in public perception, she needs to speak more from the diaphragm, less nasal,drop a pitch.

A linquist explores Kamala Harris voice


But more than speech, ethnicity and identity. The tonal range

, pitch and timbre is important, also being a able to vary them during delivery., start soft and low make people lean into you to hear, then as you progress you can raise the pitch, tone and timbre.

Monotone puts the audience to sleep.

With conscious practice one can alter their speech.

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According to Alan Lichtman who has a track record picking winners, vice presidents are not one of the key issues.

I had many years of training in persuasion, at places like like the National College of Trial Advocacy, and I expect that as an ADA, Harris had the same training. We did CLE in persuasion at Hastings, where she went to law school, The trick is demeanor -- body language -- I can tell who's winning by replaying without sound.

I produced judicial education for several organizations, and one of the experts we used is/ was a professor at Hastings. At one time he was at U of M, here in Baghdad By the Sea. The propaganda states, "scholarship and teaching focuses primarily on dispute resolution, including law and psychology, the effect of emotion on dispute resolution, lie detection, and emotional skills. In collaboration with Paul Ekman, the scientific advisor to Fox’s Lie to Me, Professor Freshman trains lawyers and negotiators in lie detection and emotional skills worldwide." https://www.uclawsf.edu/expertise/lie-detection-and-deception/

Women can be more persuasive than men.

Compared to Trump, who has multiple "tells" and literally lies perpetually, she should be able to do verbal ju jitsu using humor -- something that Trump doesn't have.

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Mr. Solomon, yes Old Joe Biden has read Lichtman's book and he understands the thirteen keys. This helped him to time his announcement that he was stepping down.

"she should be able to do verbal ju jitsu using humor" and her charming, infectious laugh.

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Thanks, and I agree.

There is a portion of the population that essentially lives in their car or truck, and their only access to the news is via the radio

Fox and MSNBC viewers are old farts like me. You can tell who they are by the ads, the Millenials get theirs from Facebook and Shitter, Gen's X, Y, and Z' from Tik Tok. and youtube

For the most part it is TV viewers that notice body language, and TV Viewers are, for the most part, already committed.

Fox, Oann viewers will vote for Trump is jacks off in public, and kills dogs. I would vote for Kamala if she was a bearded lady.

As Bill Maher noted, Trump is known for jacking off two men simultaneously.

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Mr. Farrar, Linguist Holliday's screed on intonation in the voice of Kamala Harris and the pronunciation of those who speak her name is the most unimportant, insignificant, and irrelevant claptrap I have ever read by a "Linguist" about a subject as important as our nation's imminent election of our most powerful political leader. She and whoever published her words have trivialized the most important presidential election in America since Abraham Lincoln. One would expect a Linguist to have something more important to contribute than this trivial BS. Especially a Linguist from the faculty of one of our most highly respected Universities.

Linguistics is the most originative of the Social Sciences, the most fruitful in our quest for understanding of the human condition. It is the discipline which is most likely to provide the next huge breakthrough in our understanding of human behavior. Instead we get this otiose screed from a Linguist. Surely there must be something more directly bearing on policy and substance which a linguist could contribute. But what do we get? Intonation. I do not claim to be a linguist; but I taught Language and Culture for many years. My friend and teacher Binod Agrawal a Cultural Anthropologist from New Delhi could listen to a stranger speak and identify where in the U.S. they grew up, almost to the county they lived in as a child. In fact I actually watched him do just that on one occasion, the county he correctly identified was south of Detroit, Monroe. I was overwhelmed by his ability. But Binod dismissed it as meretricious.

Linguistics has powerful insights which have already been introduced into the canon. Read about Chomsky's Universal Grammar, and/or the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and you shall feel the power.

Perhaps I am being too hard on Holliday as an individual. Maybe she was simply responding to an editor or interviewer who wanted to hear about intonation. If this was the case, Holliday was more than happy to oblige. She did well.

Kamala Harris has more important things to do than adjust the intonation, nasally or otherwise, of her speaking voice. She is a great speaker who has perfected her ability in the toughest venue of all: the courtroom. As a litigator she spoke in front of opponents, judges, juries and interested members of the public, in cases where life and freedom swung in the balance. And the MAGA crowd is talking derisively about her laugh. If Trump is dumb enough and arrogant enough to publicly debate her, he is in for a drubbing. Her oratorical and persuasive skills will bury him. Of this I am certain. He will whine, cry out and shout her down; his only means of response; with which he is quite familiar.

And finally: if Harris were a white man; would this topic even be brought up?

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As regards Linquistic, not my baliwick. but it is my sons Dr Farrar, he has been published and chairs the psychology department of a college.

I posted that link, because I was looking for something on pitch and timbre of voice, and that is all I could find.

Rather than dwell on the subject of linquistics. I stand by my the gist of my post.

I listened to Kamala give her Phillie speech, while I was driving my car, and noticed that she needs to lower the pitch improve the delivery., and provided some recommendations. all valid. The content is great, the delivery needs more work if she wants to excite the non committed 10%.

She doesn't have to say word, neither does Walz, as regards the committed.

The MAGA committed will vote for Trump if he gives Putin a blow job in public.

The wavering 10% needs to be inspired, drawn in, I recommend that Walz do most of the public speaking from here on, and if Kamala does debate Triump that she reach deep inside and draw on and use that aggressive male that is lurking inside, that will put Trump off his stride and game.

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Mr. Farrar, I actually agree, mostly, with your "gist." My main interest was Professor Holliday. A yes....flagrante delicto....wouldn't it be a hoot though? Donald J. Trump...... J could stand for Job...... Flagrante or Fellator..... take your pick.

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I live in a rural area in Minnesota and know people that hate Walz, mostly due to propaganda. I had the impression that there may be Youtube videos about a coverup/conspiracy to him "letting Minneapolis burn". Hate due to COVID lockdowns. Hate due to abortion access. Hate due to free school lunches. Hate due to spending state surplus money. Hate about environmental regulations. You know, basically hate due to him being a Democrat. I can't wait to hear the backlash about him running for VP (if they actually say it in front of me).

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Mentioned by Robert Reich, I forgot that they also hate him for paid family leave as people are supposedly abusing it to get take more days off of work. What can I say, some people seem to hate everything that they don't understand.

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They hate because they are told to hate by Rupert and Co, and it's vile offspring.

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They complain constantly, but have no solutions and are negative weird imbeciles. They are angry that their mommies made scrambled eggs out of their brains, and their daddy disappeared or helped her, with religion and supernatural thinking, and not playing with them before the age of 10, cause the parents don't know how to have fun. The blind leading the blind. The cycle of life is to play, learn then teach.

They want everyone to be miserable, like them. Misery loves company! That makes them happier. I would like to rehabilitate them, but they can't connect the dots. Hopefully a drug some day will be able to help them, not these anti-depressants though. They seem to make a lot of people worse in my opinon, because they quit using them

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According to Vance, Walz "stole valor" because he retired after 24 years in the National Guard instead of going to Iraq. Of course Trump was a pussy and considers veterans suckers and losers. Nobody in his family served. He told the generals he knew more than they did about defense. Many of the generals and admirals who know him up close and personal say he is a doofus.

How many of those Badgers who hate Walz are Norwegian bachelors? Missouri Synod Lutherans? Statistics show he got about 39% of Republican votes in the area surrounding Mankato.

Which candidate knows the lyrics to "A Mighty Fortress Is Our Lord"?

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The Iraq war and later Afghanistan war were a complete wast of about 8 trillion dollars and killed millions of people, including about 65k Americans. If he did bail to avoid that war, I say kudos, for having the brains to know when to fight!

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Bob, re-calculate the losses and add in well over 30,000 suicides. The cost might be a couple trillion less according to Harvard Kennedy School, but you certainly have the basic idea down.

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There is a link down below from cbs news that keeps figuring the interest, and it was about 6500 American soldiers who died, not 65k, I got the two confused, thinking of Vietnam also. About 30k suicides sounds about right https://www.cbsnews.com/news/afghanistan-iraq-wars-debt-6-trillion-interest/. I try to be accurate, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. It is hard to get accurate information, 2.7 million Iraqis died and Afghanistans died?

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What war were you think of Bob. I just checked DOD and total casualtes, including contractors, was about 7,000

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https://www.cbsnews.com/news/afghanistan-iraq-wars-debt-6-trillion-interest/ And about 6,500 American dead with about 2.7 million civilians killed and wounded. I got the Vietnam war mixed up with the totally bs weapons of mass destruction war. Apparently the interest keeps on going. Like the eveready batteries. Thanks to gop lies!

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It's a bullshit allegation.

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I actually admire soldiers who don't follow liars. Of course it is a BS allegation. The GOP lied, what is new? Liars don't care.

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It's hard to look serious on the outside when having a great big grin on the inside, but you can do it, Bret.

I left the Mid-west, but it did not leave me. I know those people---they're all over my red county here as well. No escaping them. Thanks for my chuckle today.

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I don't need Tim Walz to repair my lawnmower; I need him to preside over a Senate with a Democratic majority. There's a "honey-do" list waiting for him there.

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Ok Jeffrey ,

But , by analogy, the Trump Publican

Party will dismantle your carburetor, short circuit your old wiring and unleash the wasps to inflict pain and suffering on your whole family , then claim it was all your fault.

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That's what they have done, and why we have a long to-do list.

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I want Tim Walz to serve Kamala for 8 years then be president for 8 years!

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How about running an amendment to abolish the Senate, like was done in Nebraska?

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Yes! And I have written on that very notion in the past, along with expanding the House to ca. 1300 seats (more than others, such as Robert Reich, advocate). As of my last check, Nebraska has not gone communist.

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Red is the color of communists, and red is the color of Nebraska and 26 other states.

Communism is conformity and there is nothing more conformist than the Christian right.

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Ironic, isn't it?

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I am surprised that I am the only one who has noticed it, and I noticed it when Nixon was president.

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William, The right are authoritarian, yet they hate being told what to do? I guess they just dream of telling others what to do? It goes well with their sadistic nature.

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I'm a Midwest guy - born in Wisconsin and raised by the most caring mother you could ever know. I lost a stupid number of decent men beginning at a very early age - murder, bizarre natural death's, and of course estrangement through the indifferent winds of time.

But life somehow managed to provide surrogates - mentors really - no matter where I found myself. Thom Hartmann, although from afar, is among those few that kept my heart in the right place, and my ability to hope for a better world alive. I am forever grateful.

Wisconsin is now home for me once again, and having watched Tim Walz speak last night I am reminded of the truly good and basic decency I remember being so common place here when I was younger. He's exactly the type of man I wished I'd had in my life during those fragile years of youth.

Tim Walz is exactly what a young and promising country like America needs right now - compassion, experience as an "average good guy", and a record of actual toughness. Bonus: he's got a sense of humor!

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“Trump and Vance are riding a wave of hate, fear, and bigotry made acceptable and even viral by a multi-billion-dollar media machine that emerged from the Reagan years.” Your words ring true. We will WIN this election and see new, fresh positive horizons.

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Completely agree, Thom. It was refreshing to watch and boy was he on fire last night! He seems to have a great sense of humor too. I think they will do great, but I also think we are not out the woods yet, MAGA's will do everything they can to steal this election.

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Murdoch is a poison too! Thank you

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You don't get to the rank Governor Walz reached by being average. Those soldiers have to know EVERYTHING. They must manage to get the mission done while dealing with the officers on how to and who should do the work. Most missions involve something that resembles figuring out how to put 10 lbs of crap into a 5 lb bag.

Murdoch really does qualify to be in the contest for Worst Person in the World and then there is his spawn. Can't fail to acknowledge all the scum that were just waiting for someone like him and Trump to try to convince folks that being a psychopath is a good thing. Thanks for the history, Thom

Governor Walz is perhaps the best choice, and makes me think Vice President Harris is going to choose an excellent team.

Look out JD, the Command Sergeant Major is coming for you and it is going to hurt!

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To become a command Sergeant Major is equivalent to being a Four Star General. You have to be proficient and efficient to be an NCO, but to become the MFWIC of NCO's, you need emotional intelligence and political skills.

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Murdoch, Trump and Barr are in a league of their own, imho. The maga cult are just wanna be's?

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Well, that's sad: my main post seems to have vaporized. Still seems to be in "edit, thank goodness!) : I tried to figure this rank thing out, and I fear it is a classic of the kind of technicality that will be successful as propaganda, at least as far as the Repubs win the spin while somehow Dems never win the s'plain. I submit the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/07/us/politics/vance-walz-military-record.html?utm_source=newsshowcase&utm_medium=gnews&utm_campaign=CDAQ24i5raau0Yk5GNiohNSw1crcsgEqDwgAKgcICjCO64oDMJavPA&utm_content=rundown&gaa_at=g&gaa_n=AWsEHT5qXUlfvxfA4m37LyT9n3ovvsYMMTGWQ-twqvuNEnyMwy-JP7DcRzELjhcWebvlCIqSYTbM-xPegpwz&gaa_ts=66b4249e&gaa_sig=I33CEHJlw2x8fVEsIn58F4pK_qVZv2lDUWeLgZKA1AoUqC3WJ9rfCya5IdfZVEk2G3rXVKlco5ATrtcwekh29w%3D%3D

Oh, great, a paragraph-long link. Whatever. The bottom line seems to be that Walz SERVED AS "command Sgt. Major" in Nebraska, but did not RETIRE in that rank. I would argue to a jury (captive audience, like, good luck with average voter) that the timeline completely absolves Walz of "abandoning his Unit" on deployment, essentially a charge of cowardice. Evidence is solid that he had been (witnesses) considering running for Congress for some time, and eventually retired "several months" BEFORE his Unit got deployment heads-up. (After 24 years service.) However, a friend admits there were "rumors" of deployment. (How much good did the guys actually on the Boat with Kerry showing up at the convention do? Answer: he'd already been branded a fake and coward, go suck pickles.) Nobody will pay me any mind (why would they?) but I have a counter attack for Walz: at THE END of the NYT article:

"Mr. Vance, who then went by the name James D. Hamel, was assigned to the Second Marine Aircraft Wing, one of the Marine Corps’ largest subordinate commands that oversees aircraft such as fighter jets and helicopters. He was deployed to Iraq in 2005 and 2006 with the aircraft wing but did not see combat as a frontline combatant.

His official military occupation, known as a combat correspondent, meant he was tasked with basic communication roles such as writing articles about the happenings in his unit."

I call that the camp "GOSSIP COLUMNIST."

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My punch line cut off? Can't tell: "something went wrong" I'll try to get in the end here:

re: Vance's deployment: (see NYT link below: or above?)

"His official military occupation, known as a combat correspondent, meant he was tasked with basic communication roles such as writing articles about the happenings in his unit."

I call that the camp "GOSSIP COLUMNIST." (I was setting this up as necessary counterattack STAT! )

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Computers are wonderful---when they work, Mmerose.

Think we are going to find Governor Walz can explain anything, including his duties as a CSM, by using his teaching skills. I will be curious to see who speaks about him. Sure seems like he is loved and respected. Might see someone that served under him at the convention.

If they are digging dirt about Tim, they better get busy; the "swift-boaters" were out there by May 4th. Ticktock!

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Ilove "teaching skills!" I saw a headline today that the campaign has tweaked Walz's bio. How about some tweaks (metaphorical poison-tipped) at (so-called!) "Vance?

This is pretty informative: https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/08/angry-senators-brother-calls-bs-on-jd-vances-attack-on-tim-walz.html From that article: NPR’s Quil Lawrence, who covers national security, climate and veterans’ issues nationwide, reported Vance worked as a “civil affairs Marine” who helped escort journalists around the wartorn country. He noted Vance has been careful not to say he served in a combat role. This is even better than "Gossip Columnist!" How about "Visiting Press Host!" or "Press Tour Guide."

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Good article, Mmerose . I'm a vet, and I was thinking the same as Scott Kelly. Walz should publicly ask JD if this is how he is going to treat veterans if he is elected.

For the convention, I hope they blow-up a big-ass picture of CSM Walz in his dress blues looking young and handsome. Maybe a slide show of him coming up through the ranks and whatever good they did, because that's what the Guard does here at home, they HELP.

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Couldn't resist getting back to you today: morning coffee with a smile, lots of spontaneous ex-military "surrogates" coming out of the woodwork! Yay! I did not know that in his book, Vance actually wrote he was fortunate to escape actual combat! (not intended as a quote, but close). I just hope Walz resists joking about it if it comes up in debate. It looks like a "Swift-boat" fail: standoff at worst.

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And … he has a bit of a Dwight Eisenhower look. 🤗🤗

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Sergeant Major is the ultimate middle management position. Everyone from the commander to the lowest ranking soldier has access to him and he has responsibility to them all. Anyone who thinks that’s an easy job that anyone can do is an idiot!

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Karl Rove famously said: Attack their strengths. Thus a genuine war hero, a triple amputee. Max Cleland who lost his limbs in Vietnam, was attacked as a coward because he opposed the illegal invasion of Iraq, and lost his election. John Kerry, was Swiftboated.

What and how will they attack Walz and Kamala.

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William , here in Arizona, there are attack ads on Kamala constantly, like the day after Biden resigned. They attack her border policies and being soft on illegal immigrants who commit crime in America while she was prosecutor for San Francisco. She needs to come out and support no more immigration until the homeless problem is gone! Of course the rich got richer off of union busting and the left environmentalists have looked on in horror the last 45 years at overpopulation and pollution. Now, my party gets blamed? I know both parties are in on the looting of the middle class! I hope the dem party defends democracy. Before raygun I had no doubts.

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Republicans are like Thor, the only weapon he had was a hammer,.

The only weapons Republicans have are immigrants, environment (and shame on people who let environmentalism be a weapon, especially in blistering Arizona, where you can cook an egg on a sidewalk, and die from heat stroke in 20 minutes. and personal attacks.

How effective are they?Not very if the results of 2020 and 2022 are considered.

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It gets over 110 degrees often down here. How the homeless survive is beyond me. It has been over 90 degrees for a low at night also. Iam looking for a place to move to. The last two years are record setting. Even Flagstaff at 7,000 ft. can get into the mid nineties during the day. I will be living in a motor home when I leave. I like the freedom of starting the engine and moving. It will be parked 99% of the time at 8 mpg. San Diego is where I wanted to retire to, but it is too crowded, expensive and polluted now.

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48.636669, -122.916611 welcome, Scorching summer, all of 84 degrees fahrenheit. Winters get down to 19 for a couple of days, we had snow that stayed around for three days, didn't try to get out (driveway is two football fields long and we had no need.

My neighbor Jay,is a snowbird, goes to Arizona for the Winter, but didn't last winter. neighbor is loose, I can see his house sitting on a hill about 4.10's of crow mile away, and it is still 500 ft of dirt road to the asphalt road.

If you are like me and live off retirement tis good, if you have a trade tis better.

They need tradesmen here, handy man's are in hot demand.

Air is clear, I can see the stars at night, water is well water, where I live, if you live in Town though, it sucks. Towns folk drink bottled water.

We live in the rain shadow of the Olympics and Vancouver Island, yet it still rains quite a bit in winter, and winters are lots of cloud cover and grey, but don't mind it all when I see what is going on in the rest of the country. No heat domes, no polar vortex, no tornadoes.

There have been earthquakes, but deep down, mild and never felt where I live.

But there are earthquakes everywhere now,especially with fracking.

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Bob numbers are latitude and longitude

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Mr. Farrar, I think perhaps the MAGA crowd has already begun their Rovian attack on strength. They are ridiculing her for her easy, charming, beautiful laugh. They are attacking her for her moral rejection of the death penalty. She does not believe the all-powerful government should put its own citizens to death as a form of punishment and deterrence while it is actually a form of vengeance.

I will not be too surprised to see the MAGATS get, in the future, as close as they possibly can to referring to Kamala with the "N" word. Walz's words and actions of down home, Midwestern wisdom they will call the "Communist ravings" of the moron from Podunk.

I was appalled at the Republican treatment of Cleland and Kerry. Two patriots. And that was before MAGATS were on the scene.

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Trump has already came close to using the N word, at his interview the the National Black Journalists Association

Republicans know that they have lost the election, so now they are relying on voter suppression laws and tactics, and outright stealing the election.

They have run honest election officials off, out of fear for their lives and threats to their families and replaced them with MAGAts. Georgia has just passed a law, that enables county election officials to determine which is and which aren't valid votes.

The election rides on Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Arizona and Nevada are also swing states, but their importance comes at the tail end if results are close.

It takes 270 electoral votes to win

Red and red leaning states have 235

Blue and blue leaning states have 226

Michigan has 15, Pennsyltucky 19. that makes 269,with no clear majority the election goes to the house,where each state gets one vote (the 2020 Republican game plan behind Jan 6th. There are more Republican states than Democratic states. Trump wins.

Republicans have trained 100,000 "poll watchers" armed in many places, Steve Bannon said on TV before he went to jail, that there will be lawyers sitting on court house steps with papers in hand to challenge the election and alternate "electors" sitting on state capitol steps in 2024,if Trump loses.

I hope the DNC, DCCC, DSCC,DCLC is ready with their own geared up ready to fight Emergency Response Team.

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Thank you, Thom for the upbeat and encouraging article.

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Love this so much!

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I believe the Harris-Walz ticket is the best ticket in my lifetime. Better than all the Republican tickets for sure, but even better than the Democratic ones, for so many reasons. Center leftist (center at most by European standards) but pragmatic. Positive, fair-minded, no coastal elite Ivy credentials in either one (ironically, both on the fascist ticket have those). I feel with care they can win big in November.

As to Murdoch, I find him in many ways worse than Hitler in the damage he and his family have done and keep doing in the English-speaking world. We will all be better off when as many of his clan as possible go to their final “reward”., starting with him. I suspect that reward will be everything he and they deserve. An utterly corrupt and grotesque creature, irredeemably evil and a total waste of oxygen.

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I agree with you Roy, I hope Biden and Garland see it that way also! We may need the military to keep a few lunatics from owning all the wealth on earth and enslaving the few who survive global warming?

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Getting rid of social security Reagan double tax is an economic issue the campaign needs to not ignore. The need for 3 to 4 economic issues is absolute. I hope the Dems get their act together and put it on the line and not try to use only non economic issues they tried in 2022 and lost. Our new VP candidate has a real record to punch back on the Repubs policies of failure. It is important that the traditional Christians get a wind of what Jesus is about. Time for them read the book. The times are a coming for those that pretend they are for traditions to come to know they are simply wrong with Jesus and fear and hate are always wrong. In order to ascend to the New Earth means an end to fear and hate.

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Throwing cold water on powerful interests may be more symbolic than many people realize. L Frank Baum

( author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ) lived on the Plains where the struggle over water resources was central to agricultural and business interests . Tim Walz ( also from the Plains ) would surely understand that issue . We can only hope that VP

Tim Walz will liquidate the MAGA

thirst for power as effectively as

Dorothy ( a symbol of everyday common people with uncommon ability) did .

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Coach says:

"Mind your own damn business!"

Words to live by except when someone is in distress & our country is in distress. Here's hoping Veep & Coach are that winning team we need so desperately!

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