Legislation to accomplish this goal seems elusive. The only path is the judicial process. Yes, it may take years, but in combination with a green energy economy, we could quash the devastation before it ends civilization.
Legislation to accomplish this goal seems elusive. The only path is the judicial process. Yes, it may take years, but in combination with a green energy economy, we could quash the devastation before it ends civilization.
Wet blanket alert: The words "green energy economy" are magically translated in programmed brains to sound like "taxtaxtax commiecommieBidenradicaljackbootsAOCb-word." What the heck we gon' do about that?
Legislation to accomplish this goal seems elusive. The only path is the judicial process. Yes, it may take years, but in combination with a green energy economy, we could quash the devastation before it ends civilization.
Wet blanket alert: The words "green energy economy" are magically translated in programmed brains to sound like "taxtaxtax commiecommieBidenradicaljackbootsAOCb-word." What the heck we gon' do about that?