I have written before that the filibuster is the present the senators give themselves. It provides them a veto ability they do not deserve; it makes them 100 of the most powerful people in the world. They absolutely need to get rid of it, but that would require sacrifice and decency. It reminds me of the Solomon story about splitting the baby in half. He knew the real mother would cry out, and she would relinquish the child to protect its life at the expense of her happiness. Democratic senators know the right thing to do to preserve our democracy.

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Unfortunately we do not even have 51%. Manchin and Sinema will vote against most anything Democratic. Bribed?

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Why you pay a higher percentage of income tax then Jeff Bezos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6V9i8fFADI

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We have forgotten how bad January 6th was. Time wears us down. Republicans call it a normal tourist day at the capital building. Democrats are also guilty of prolonging any investigation. Watch this too remind us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWJVMoe7OY0

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