This Report is right on the money. Explains for me why so many are clamoring to get into politics. I've puzzled over this question, considering it can be a life-threatening career choice, if you upset the wrong people. For example, there are the death threats being received by those just performing their job. Trump had/has a knack for ruining people's lives; there are many who never used to have a security detail assigned to them before he came onto the scene.

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Ditto on wondering. Big, big egos think that nothing is going to happen to THEM. Trump, being a psychopath, doesn't see danger coming. Then the descent politicians wanting to do the right things certainly exist too, but they have to contend with the risk while trying to resist being bought.

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And speaking of money, I caught a small portion of the Thursday show that included a Trump cult member. Thom tried to tell him the truth, but at this stage one has to wonder what their agenda is when they listen to the show and call. He didn't seem like a troll or happy warrior; he just sounded very pissed. I think the cultists see Trump and their dream fading away, as part of the GOP begins to see the writing on the wall if they stick with him.

I wonder if something like today's point of the money he made and is still raising on the backs of Americans would hit home with the cultists. It is all about the money. Trump was supposed to be so rich he wouldn't need it. Maybe the question for them we could ask is: how much money has he asked you for, how often, and were you sucked into donating to a billionaire.

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Unless many US individual voters are willing, systematically, to NEVER VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT POLITICIAN the system will never change; there is simply too much corporate money, too many lobbyists and all the major media is owned by giant corporations. The approach for not voting for an incumbent may sound contra intuitive, because it also means getting rid of favorite liberal politicians.

However, as long as ALL politicians KNOW they are bought and paid for going in none of them will really have a service attitude to the people at home: They will be buying into a PERPETUAL NEED TO SELL OFF MAJOR PORTIONS OF THEIR FUTURE VOTING DECISIONS. This is a common sense TERM LIMIT approach. 330 million people will have the option this Fall 2022. If we talk with our neighbors about what's good for our country, the idea might catch one.

Mr. Hartman's citation:

Today there are very few members of the House who aren’t multimillionaires and we have several senators worth hundreds of millions. As the Supreme Court tilted the political field toward the white, male, and rich, the party that most embraced the “money first” ethos — the GOP — has come to reflect that in its makeup and priorities.

Big money is the cancer that has been eating away at the foundations and structures of American politics ever since the Supreme Court blew up hundreds of good government laws designed to protect our democracy from rich predators.

And they are rich. While average Americans are carrying the full tax load necessary to support America, most billionaires in this country are paying around 3 percent in income taxes. Most large corporations not only pay nothing; they’ve figured out ways to get government to give them money every year

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What needs to be done to overturn Citizens United? I want to do my part and spread the word.

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It could be done in two ways. First, Congress could do it, although it will require overcoming the filibuster. Second, the Supreme Court can do it, although that will require changing the composition of the court. A lot of work, but work well worth doing.

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Like Thom is saying today on his show, the Republicans must go the way of the Whigs and the Federalists, so that adults rather than fascists can be in charge. Then it will be possible to change the composition of the court. The midterms in November will determine, in my opinion, whether we can send the Republican party to oblivion before their harm to America becomes fatal.

I want to do my part to design a plan B -a plan for what happens if the Dems do poorly on November 8th. So, I just launched a new website, New Harmony ( newharmony.ohioprogressivelife.com ) .

I am publicizing the website now but still making minor tweaks. Hopefully the Plan B I want to discuss there will not be necessary. But the stakes are too high to wait until November 9th to start a detailed plan for the aftermath of a bad midterm. At least that is my thinking. I hope other Americans will contribute writings and ideas to my New Harmony website. My own content will be backed up with supporting evidence such as demographic statistics.

The Supreme Court and the Republican Party are too dangerous for me to only be encouraging voters to turn out, so I am doing this too.

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Ditto for Sandi Hanson's question: What needs to be done to overturn Citizens United? I want to do my part and spread the word.

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