A nuance on the NATO comments is to look at what was meant by "paid their fair share."

In the kleptocratic mindset, that means "paid me and my friends" not devoted a portion of GDP to defense. The brazenness is certainly on display!

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IMHO today Trump is in Ft. Pierce, attempting to intimidate the court and witnesses in his documents case. The hearing is supposed to be secret.

Traitor Michael Flynn and other advisers to Trump’s 2016 campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18E106/

Besides Thom's list, Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting in May, 2017, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on Iran. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html

All of this became public knowledge when Flynn was being prosecuted. Flynn was the only White House official to be convicted as part of the Trump-Russia investigation that was completed by Mueller. Under Trump and Barr, the administration tried to discredit and dismantle that inquiry.

John Gleeson, a former federal judge and mafia prosecutor appointed by Judge Sullivan to critique the Justice Department’s attempt to drop the case against Flynn, argued that the claimed basis for the request made no sense and seemed to be cover for a politically motivated favor.

As soon as he was pardoned, Flynn pledged an oath to the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, and as Trump sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in which he was defeated, Flynn suggested the president should suspend the Constitution, silence the press, and hold a new election under military authority. Flynn later met with Trump in the Oval Office to discuss options.

Flynn has since become a prominent leader in the Christian nationalist movement, organizing and recruiting for what he characterizes as a spiritual and political war.

If I were the FBI, I'd want to know whether Flynn had contact re documents with Trump at Mar a Lago, where there are still apparently implicating documents. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2022/09/02/trump-hosted-all-these-people-in-his-mar-a-lago-office-where-hed-stashed-government-secrets/?sh=3fa1fdf727d6

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Thanks Daniel, and for those who cling to the belief that the miltiary will come to our rescue if Trump wins and declares martial law or simply goes on a revenge tour., I remind them that Lt Gen Michael Flynn is a regular commissioned officer of the United States and this brother General (promoted by Biden) Charles Flynn is the dude who sat at the Pentagon and let the phones ring off the hook, when the traitors were trying to kill congress critters for Trump

The point is that the Flynn brothers are not an exception.

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Power is a very strong elixir and we see it with many of sycophants who surround this movement. Clarity at the level that FDR had post December 1941 is very much needed. Let's hope it does not come to a wider conflict in Europe. That said, it is pretty clear from the statements of Vlad's messenger and partner that a wider war is desired by some.

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Sadly all is true which makes the US not a democracy or this and other idiots would be jailed three years ago. I always knew the wheels of justice was slow BUT, 3 years WTF.

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The US was founded as a Republic, and as a democratic Republic, however the notion of democracy was limited to property owning males. Not we the demos.

The Declaration of Independence starts out We the People, however the constitution wound up more or less defining people differently that it is defined today.

Today it includes everyone and, alas, corporations.

Based on the founding document it We the People only referred to property owning men, women were not included, and until 1832 and the Nat Turner rebellion free property owning blacks could vote, as there were slave owning black planters especially in south Carolina and Louisiana, and scores of free black property owners. Like John Carruthers Stanly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Carruthers_Stanly

. Prior to the Civil War, free Black people had suffrage in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Until 1835, after the Nat Turner Revolt, free property owning blacks had suffrage (vote)


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Dred Scott decision stripped free Blacks of citizenship.

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Yep, thanks for mentioning that Daniel.

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Trumps whole organization, including his ‘one way ‘devotion to Putin is actively undermining our democracy and our citizens.

If this portrays any sort of twisted political goals , as positive for democracy, it’s a damning lie.

One of thousands indicating Trump and his advocates should be charged with treason .

Anyone interfering with charges against Trump( think Jim Jordan ) should also be charged .

The 62 Republicans who have written out their lie , telling America and the world there was no attack on Democracy on January 6 , are all guilty of treasonous acts against the United States.

Not any of these people are legitimate members of Congress , they should be barred.

They are actively enabling Trump to destroy our country .

The billionaires, not only accept this Trump takeover they are funding it . Not all billionaires are doing so but they know who they are .

Trump needs to be taken out of the running for office.

The Supreme Court totally missed the first opportunity to get this right.

In deference to ‘ fairness’ , of all things .

What has been done to the facts in this case?

Trump is guilty of insurrection by his own admission. And we were the witnesses.

Do not accept any more Lies from the media, Republicans and certain members of the Supreme Court. Clarence Thomas’ wife was involved in the insurrection and we allow him input into this investigation.

It’s bizarre.

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Patricia, you are too nice, you assume good faith, where there is no evidence to make that assumption.

Jim Jordan and the rest of the Congressional conspirators roam free, to do damage because of Merrick Garland.

The Supreme court didn't miss an opportunity, the Supreme court is of an ideological sectarian fascist mindset, at least 6 of them, and totally owned by the money powers, at least 5 of them.

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Thanks for another informative and well written post, and comments. Personally, I'm a retired psychiatrist and study the role of the "limbic" survival mid-brain in the MAGA movement, Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald, and world affairs. I believe all the blood shed in Ukraine might have been avoided if Zelensky had brokered a deal with Putin for a 10 yr. moratorium on NATO membership application, so as not the threaten the paranoid little man. As for Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald, I wrote an internationally acclaimed essay on "The Psychology of Donald J. Trump" on academia.edu a few years ago. Key point is that he was severely traumatized at age 2 when his mother nearly bled to death and had to be rushed to hospital after the complicated birth of her 5th child, Robert. Trump has spent the rest of his life running from ever having to re-experience the "abandonment terror" of that moment, aka "Borderline Personality Disorder", thus his obsession with "loyalty" and obvious arrested personality/character/intellectual development so resembling that of a 2yo in the "terrible twos". This, also, explains his rage against authority, sadism, impulsivity, lack of healthy relationships, grandiosity, self-centeredness, anger discontrol, total lack of empathy, anti-social behavior, amorality, proclivity to fabricating the truth as fantasy, etc. He, also, sounds like a Bipolar Type II patient, with his well known Twitter streams well into the night and minimal sleep. The gene for this comes from southern Bavaria. His father, who he was left with when his mother suddenly abandoned him, taught him his love of Nazism and anti-American anti-democratic beliefs. Think of Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones, Mussolini, etc., but with the underlying mental structure of a 2yo.

So. yes, he is a VERY DANGEROUS "unhinged" pan-destructive tantruming man-child, and utterly unfit to be president.

So, why the absolute loyalty of his MAGAT army? Simple, when we humans are scared to death, our brains downshift from rational thinking in the "new" brain PFC frontal lobes and back to the much earlier less evolved "limbic" survival brain. So, a constant diet of FOX NEWS and alarmist Right-Wing agit-prop keeps the MAGATS seeking safety behind their "strongman" leader. All of this happens on a mostly unconscious level. I met with a cousin recently, and she was critical of Biden for not acting PERSONALLY fast enough to retaliate against the Iranian backed militias who killed 3 servicemen and women recently in Jordan. And, for all the pluses in our current president, "strongman" presentation of self is not part of his persona. She, also, admitted that her sole source of news down here in central Ohio is FOX NEWS, channel 10, from Columbus. Hope this helps.

Thanks for all you do, Thom, and Co.

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But this dysfunctional person is being used by other greedy and powerful people for their own purposes, just as Hitler was in the beginning. They lost control of Hitler. The oligarchs better wake up. Of course they always ride over the top of economic recessions and profit from war anyway.

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Frankenstein lost control of his monster too, but that lesson never seems to be learned. After the 2020 election McConnell thought that Trump would just quietly fade away, which assumed a rational person who played by the rules. As my wife once said about Cheney rising like Dracula from the ruins of the Nixon Administration, "People like that never go away."

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@greeleymiklashekmd "He, also, sounds like a Bipolar Type II patient, with his well known Twitter streams well into the night and minimal sleep. The gene for this comes from southern Bavaria."

So...would lithium carbonate control Trump? Many bi-polar people "self medicate." Not booze-- a teetotaler. According to some reports, he may be self medicated by Adderall, which could yield the blather.

MAGATs? Undeveloped amygdalas? Emotional retardation?

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Yes, lithium might help and the MAGAT amygdalas are OVERDEVELOPED, so they are always alarmed, which shuts down the higher intellectual functions in the neocortex. Kinda explains MAGALAND does it not?

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Great piece, one exception though, The notion of Zelensky assuring Putin that he wouldn't seek NATO admission for ten years. To my knowledge Zelensky never sought NATO admission until after Putin invaded. And even if he did, it made no difference. Putin has declared that Ukraine is a fake nation, and already invaded Crimea, and had virtually annexed two oblasts' that are located on his border

As a psychiatrist you should know that any concessions to a bully only results in encouraging the bully.

The only way to have avoided this waste of lives and property is that Ukraine should have joined NATO, before Orban became dictator of Hungary and could stop him.

But if wishes were horses. History is a long list of what if's.They do not good dealing with the here and now.

Edit added: I don't care, and it is immaterial, why Trump is the way that he is, we all have trauma of some sort. What is important is who he is and what he has done and is doing to the world, our country, democracy, our liberty.

The psychiatric profession had best amend their code of ethics, and publicly diagnose Trump before it is too late, and they wake up and find that they no longer have an organization or profession., unless it is in the service fo the state, much like it is in Russia.

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Thanks for your reply. I do not agree with your anti-rational refusal to consider the origins of Our Mad King's psychopathology. A world without compassion is a world not worth keeping. Just the Buddhist in me, I guess, but, also, the long experienced psychiatrist, although I've been told that I am most unusual in my profession. I was mentored by a fellow psychiatrist in Bangkok, who was the most compassionate and humane man I ever met, and had lived for one year as a full-fledged Buddhist. Like the old Indian said: "Don't judge me until you have walked a mile in MY moccasins." The psychiatric profession today bears no resemblance to what I was taught at Wisconsin or practiced. Big Pharma rules. It is in service to Big Pharma and know-nothing "administrators." Peace, out.

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I believe I read part it. Was it referenced or included with 17 other professionals work in the book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump? I assumed his diagnosis was Malignant Narcissist Sociopath. ( perhaps Sociopath has been given over to be replaced with psychopath). Whichever he is indeed, Dangerous! And I believe the same tendency that creates authoritarianism, including the beliefs of those promoting Christian Nationalism have their beginning in mega church's and Farwell radio preachers.

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If Putin's guy wins in the United States, Putin will likely win in Britain too. "Tory MPs urge Rishi Sunak to bring back Boris Johnson" (https://www.msn.com/en-in/video/watch/uk-tory-mps-urge-rishi-sunak-to-bring-back-boris-johnson/vi-BB1i9BUe) , and "Boris Johnson says four more years of President Trump is 'just what world needs'" (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/boris-johnson-says-four-more-years-of-president-trump-is-just-what-world-needs/ar-BB1gZFyD). While the Tories are likely to suffer a rout in the next general election later this year, some Tory voters and politicians are switching to Reform who are even more extreme right than the Tories, and others to Labour who seem to have moved to the right to take the right wing place of the Tories.

Labour leader Keir Starmer recently tweeted "I changed the Labour Party. Now I'm ready to change the country." (https://twitter.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1754975969255792813) and "Labour is the party of business." (https://twitter.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1753368969208115338)

I hate to think what government we might end up with, and how many more dominoes might fall around the world.

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Putin 'forgets' that Russia was spawned from Kiev, not the other way around, so if he cares about history, he should surrender to Ukraine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27

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Thanks Sue. I was thinking the same thing. Russia is named for the Rus, Swedish Vikings and Traders that founded Kiev (Kyiv)

On the other hand Russia and Putin, by his physiognomy, are descendants of Jenghis Khan

Interesting read here: Mongol Invasion of Kievan Rus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Kievan_Rus%27

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Interesting, thanks. So who are the political descendants of the Mongol Empire?

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Release the Mueller report unredacted. Inquiring minds want to read it.

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Billionaires for fascism and citizens united. Billionaires love SCOTUS and Trump.

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Why isn’t Trump in jail pending trial? It’s an outrage.

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Indeed, he is blatently showing that the insurrection continues with his comments and his brain dead treasonous minions in congress following his treacherous commands to hurt our country and others. His comments about abandoning NATO if elected is beyond the pale. Lock him up now! He is fomenting civil war and continuing the insurrection. Biden needs to can Garland! He is not the right person for the job. I believe he is a nice person, but his decision-making is poor in the AG position.

Biden needs to act decisively now! Doing nothing is not an option! Good grief, an insurrectionist is Speaker of the House! Traitor Tucker should be hauled in and grilled about his antics.

Stay strong progressives and write/call your legislators daily!

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Garland is a milquetoast. These treasonous criminals need to feel the heat of the law, according to the law, with as much power as possible.

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My concern is that is that Trump will support a Russian invasion of Western Europe. I’m sure Putin is looking forward to this.

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The "power and greed" disease was described in ancient times. Putin isn't going to stop until NATO stops him.

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Clearly, the former American President [In-Name-Only] was Putin's willing and able supplicant and, so, his [Vladdie's] A-#1 Ruski Ass-set.

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"Trump and Putin are collaborating to tear America apart."

The United States has never been "united" as is proven by its inception, history and the fact that you and I had a discussion about this very issue several years ago and we concurred on this stark fact. Further, if the United States was, in fact, "united" it could not be "torn apart" by definition and Agent Orange could have never ascended politically. His funky, cowardly ass would be in jail somewhere washing some big Black Alkebulanian brother's socks.

"But the United States is very much a battlefield today; instead of bullets and bombs, the weapons being used are digital, psychological, and social."

Standby, Mr. Hartmann, the bombs and bullets cometh nigh.

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Putin's puppet is noticeably absent from this conversation. Will you show up "Boris"?

By the way Rohn, I agree, even though you won't see this post, because you have foolishly blocked me, but others can. I could rip you apart and you wouldn't know it, because you blocked me.

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You know you can aggravate commenters: lol. You almost brought me to canceling my substack subscriptions. I'm glad you weren't my kid when you were a teenager.

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Ms. Maloney, I trust you will forgive my insertion into your stimulating conversations with any Pompous Readers In Chief (P.R.I.C.'s) on Mr. Hartmann's fine site. However, I'm much too busy to pay attention to individuals older than my parents (would be) that have lived on Earth close to a century whose life has culminated into being a troll. Frankly, it is rather doleful, if not downright pathetic.

Having said that, perhaps you might find solace in this fact: Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.

A fact that can not only be applied to certain individuals, but an entire nation.

As the world can plainly see.

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Some folks deserve it. Let me quote Osama, he reputedly said, that he will use our democracy and freedoms to destroy us.

By the same token those who would destroy our democracy, use our sense and sensibilities and our freedoms against us.

I am too old to be your kid, more likely your parent. And I actually pity your kids, to have a mindset of conformity.

In fact that was my mother, an ass kissing conformist, but it served her well, financially, not so much emotionally.

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We have got to deal with this!

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I don't think Putin and Trump could pull this off without the help of the Democratic party. There were no primaries this year. I guess there never has been primaries for the current presidents, so who that heck decided that? Following Biden's actions of not prosecuting the instigators of the insurrection by replacing Garland or replacing Trump's other appointees and keeping classified information. Biden will figure a way to throw the election for the Democrats somehow, if he hasn't already. We still must vote for Biden, in the hopes that he is not compromised but only severely naive and delusional.

I would give Biden and A Plus or keeping the economy going and keeping the social safety net programs going, but I would give Biden an F minus for protecting democracy. Biden and his administration, could be keeping those Rich billionaires placated while the GOP sets up a dictatorship?

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Bob, While I don’t agree with all of your assessments of Biden (F minus for Democracy, really?), Garland should have been replaced long ago, heck, should have never been nominated. What worries me is the repeated ability over the last five decades for the Democratic Party to almost never miss an opportunity to shot themselves in the foot, probably because they’re always caught flat footed.

I’m glad Biden came out immediately to criticize the Hur’s unwarranted, unprofessional, cheap shot report. That’s the kind of fire we need to see across the board from all levels of the Democratic Party. I only wish, that when it has occurred and does finally catch, the shameful MSM reports it.

Mainstream Media is becoming the real enemy; sacrificing Democracy, Truth, and real reporting of all the facts to feed America click-bait biased journalism, creating an illusion that TFFG has and will make good decisions for us, while ignoring the real costs to America and the world, all the while hyping stories on anything bad they can find or make up on Biden for days on end.

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Corporate media BECOMING the enemy, Michael? Becoming? How about have been,.

The media are just another corporation, and corporations are founded and managed for one purpose and that is to produce a profit (as much as possible) for the investors.

Also political campaigns and parties.

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Upon further examination, I still came up with an f minus. In your opinion Michael, what would Biden's grade be for protecting democracy?

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The ideal government for the oligarchs is authoritarian capitalism. They control the government to choose who will become wealthier. Russia has this form of government. Oligarchs don't recognize national boundaries but they have to negotiate the spoils with each other. How can we get the oligarchs dueling with each other without allowing them to exploit the poor to fight for them?

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A word you used early on, and you know Thom, psychologically Trump is unfortunately in a powerful position, by family training about winning, to act out his survival response taken on when raised by his father who was "corrosively cruel" to Freedy, Trumps's older brother. Freddy was too sensitive and kind to be the heir to father Fred. So Fred and Trump, directed by his father, both ridiculed, devalued and degraded Teddy, he dying from alcoholism at 42. Thus learning, Trump was never allowed to learn of being sensitive and kind, and as I also earlier read, he not doing well in school, and maybe teased, was sent to some military school or similar, early on. I have not yet read your whole article this morning, but Putin is a father replacement to please, as Trump pleased his father, and as Putin is loved by Trump for being a touch guy.

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This all sounds so much like the Holy Roman Empire with rich dudes raking in the moolah while the poor work and make no progress, plus bread and circuses to keep them distracted.

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