They will not hear this on Fox News. Thus Republicans stay blind. Bush took us into this war and controlled it for 7 years. He basically gets no credit for the whole mess on the mainstream media. This was a Holy war. Christians or agnostics have no idea of how fanatical these sects are. How many evangelical Christians or Mormons get up at the very first sign of light in the morning and pray for 30 minutes? Muslims do. And they do it 4 more times each day. Many Muslims have a dark spot on their forehead. That is a callous from hitting their head on the prayer rug while praying. They believe that only their religion is right. Just like many Christians. How can you change that?


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Thanks again for your daily rants.

I think you are giving DJT too much credit. Back then, DJT's ego would not let him see someone else as President. DJT is about DJT and how to remain popular with his lackeys and keep them sending him money by making friends with other right-wing authoritarians like the Taliban. DJT is not a strategic planner. He's all aboutt instant ego boosts. Strategy takes something he doesn’t have: an understanding of systemic causation. He understands ‘punching’ others gives him immediate satisfaction. He’ll never understand the complexities of global warming or the impact of a deal made today on the future.

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The Headlines on Fox (Fascist or Xenophobic) News website today:

Citizens, experts, lawmakers across political parties question Biden’s leadership after Afghan disaster.

Mother of Marine killed says Biden rolled his 'f***ing eyes'.

Interpreter who helped rescue Biden in 2008 left behind.

Defiant Biden takes 'responsibility' for withdrawing troops.

Afghanistan faces threat of economic collapse.

White House doesn't deny Biden looked at watch.

Psaki grilled on Biden's broken promise.

News with the opinion that it wants you to have. Where is the Biden gets us out of war that Bush started and ran for 7 years?

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I'm repeating what I said before. Two things went way too smoothly during the Afghanistan withdrawal: President Ghani left with a ton of money, and the Afghan forces simply "melted" back into Kabul or their home turf. Trump and Pompeo cut them out of the negotiations with the Taliban. This Trump authoritarian backstabbing sealed their fate, and it's likely that Ghani and his army made a deal with the Taliban too.

President Biden got this right, despite not figuring out the Afghan Army would let the people of Kabul face the Taliban now rather than later. And one has to ask, didn't the Afghan Army get it right also? Why turn Kabul into a city-state? That would mean endless war with the Taliban. It would also mean endless deaths for them and civilians caught in the cross-fire. I removed my "rose-colored democracy glasses" and decided to try to understand.

Any work on saving the literally scorched and salted earth (note the salt water incursion in FL and around the planet) is four years behind, thanks to Trump and his wrecking crew. A woman with a rock won't cut it these days, but one with evidence might. Bless them and godspeed!

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