I sent the following letter to Shai Davidai: sd3311@columbia.edu

I recommend that others write to him as well for attacking our First Amendment rights.

Dear Professor Davidai,

Having learned of your research interests, I am struck by how off-kilter your own assessments of self and others are. As a Jew, I understand your concerns for Israel's well-being. But I do not understand your active interest in silencing a peaceful, mediation-oriented man who disagrees, nonviolently, with your views on Israeli actions in Gaza and the West Bank. Mahmoud Khalil, a permanent U.S. resident, has been arrested without legal grounds and sent, in essence, to a gulag in Louisiana.

In my judgment as a professor (emeritus), you can redeem yourself with insight into your own judgment of self and others. This is your field of interest as an academician. You owe an apology to Khalil and to the students who may have looked up to you prior to your anti-democratic behaviors. Although you have broken no laws, the authoritarian-supporting role model you present is irresponsible - you have acted on your authoritarian beliefs to damage the life of a law-abiding permanent resident of this country who was striving to mediate between campus factions.


Judith Green, Ph.D.

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Thank you . . . well said!

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This is just the beginning of what they might do. Mobilize to stop it now!

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March Friday, noon, DC. March 14.

Pressure Congressional Republicans.

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Trump is in the employ of other dictators, mainly Putin and Netanyahu, because he wants to impress them, just as Republicans want to impress Trump. That's the chain of command. Thus Mahmoud Khalil is disappeared to please Netanyahu, who plays the antisemitism card like a whip to a race horse, to attack criticism of his genocidal policies.

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Putin's Manchurian Candidate.

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No You've got that wrong Mr. Solomon. He is Netanyahu's "Manchurian candidate." There is no Russian equivalent to AIPAC. It is Netanyahu's ass Trump is kissing.

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No Gerald, Putin is worse, far worse, There is no equivalent to that imperialistic genocidal maniac, He makes Netanyahu look liberal. And are you blind. Trump is kissing Putins ass so much, his lips are glued.

I never took you for a Putin apologist.

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Mr. Farrar, simple minds make simple distinctions. Simply because I claim Trump is Netanyahu's "Manchurian Candidate" does not mean I am a "Putin apologist." Incidentally, Trump just threatened to cut off billions in funding to 60 American colleges because students on those campuses utilized their constitutionally given right to speak out against Israeli Zionists for their slaughter of Palestinians. He is also threatening to imprison more students if they exercise their right to criticize Netanyahu.

"Imperialistic genocidal maniac" is a good description for Biden and his ghoulish cronies like Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken. Not to mention former secretary of defense Lloyd Austin lll, who made millions of dollars as a member of the board of directors of a weapons manufacturer.

Here's a bonus for you:

Calm down, try to get 7 or 9 hours of sleep per night, measure your blood pressure each morning, stop eating so many carbohydrates, loose 30 pounds of flab, walk 2 miles every day, and clean your furnace filter. You will feel much better and be healthier.

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PS as regards Biden, who gives a fucking shit, he aint' president, are you living on Boris planet Earth 2, sounds like it. Your the sidekick I was talking about.

Imperialistic genocidal maniac, an apt description for Putin, not a doddering old man who couldn't remember what he last said.

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You got it Gerald I am a simple mind, I am also a crotchety old man yelling at kids to get off my lawn, and a thousand other things that you said I was.

As regards being a Putin apologist mr gerald f dobbertin, if it walks like one, talks like one, then it is.

The greatest threat to western civiliazation at this moment is Vladmir Putin, and you go on about Netanyahu as if he is the threat we should be woriied about, well mr gerald f dobbertin we can walk and chew bubble gum.

And as for your advice, shove it where the sun don't shine you arrogant sob.

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Mr. Farrar, I should like to revise my advice. Perhaps you might want to measure your blood pressure now. Then walk around your tiny island universe breathing the fresh air. Slip on some walking shoes, dress warm and tell your wife before you leave the house.

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Don't you get tired of giving me advice and telling me about myself?

Tend to thyself physician.

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While I know the courts have stepped in and stopped many of the felons actions, it still feels like we are doomed. The bastard just keeps going with crazy, insane stuff .. and we all know it’s not “him” specifically as project 2025 has the heritage foundation behind it as well as most of the pubs in congress and the senate. Who has the ability to stop this madness? I guess we all do in a collective sigh .. but then WTF

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Why are more people not talking about the fact that with the Trump/Bondi/Patel/Bongino chain of command at our Department of Justice we are dangerously close to becoming what is, in essence, a police state, or, perhaps more accurately, a mafia state, with Trump as the godfather?

For a glimpse of where this can quickly take us, please check out the situation in El Salvador under the Nayib Bukele regime, where citizens can be arrested and imprisoned at the whim of the regime: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inside-el-salvador-notorious-cecot-mega-prison/ . This CBS News video footage looks like something ripped from a dystopian science fiction film.

Exactly what or who is separating us from this fate, and for how long?

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Trump is too stupid, and low attention span, to think this up.

It' that NAZI Stephen Miller's hand in this nonsense.

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I think that we are waiting for the straw that breaks the camel's back. Where and when it happens is anybody's guess but when it does all hell will break loose. All the pressure that Krasnov and Muskovite are applying will soon bring things to a head.

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Follow the money, people and politics behind the detention of Mahmoud Khalil with this map


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Of 18 deported to Git-mo, "a Miami Herald review of 18 cases found that six of the migrants appear to have no previous record, and an additional five were only charged with illegal entry into the U.S. and sentenced to time served. Several were detained during scheduled appointments with border authorities for those seeking asylum or legal entry, relatives of detainees said, or never spent time in the U.S. outside of detention. Only two were convicted of felonies – one for illegal reentry into the U.S. and the other for conspiracy to transport undocumented immigrants. Another faced felony charges for driving undocumented passengers and evading arrest but wasn’t convicted...

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article300729484.html#storylink=cpy

Not the first. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article299489989.html

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This behavior by Trump's people, and my thoughts are that Stephen Miller is behind this, racist NAZI that he is, and more is to come.

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Very useful map!

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Once again Thom I have to ask "where have you been?" Biden calls anti-war protestors "antisemitic" and demonizes them while thousands are arrested, Schumer calls them "lawless," Pelosi says they are funded by Russia, and Hakeem Jeffries pushes through The Antisemitism Awareness Act to stifle political speech critical of Israel. These students are beaten, tazed, met with flash bombs and tear gas, professors have their ribs and arms broken, Democratic Mayor Eric Adams blames "outside influences" for the protests while slandering the students who are speaking out against war. And where were you? Not a peep. Democrats have voted in favor of more legislation giving Trump power to shut down non-profits and/or freeze their funding (and the Laken-Riley Act to help him deport more immigrants). So when it's Trump and the Republicans, you'll speak out. When it's the Democrats massacring innocent Muslims and suppressing free speech, no big deal. In case you haven't realized, it is Israel controlling our country not Russia, even to the point that the major Democratic Party consulting firm SKDK has registered as a foreign agent to represent Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Facing reality in lieu of providing cover for the Democratic Party would have gone a long way to protecting our free speech rights Thom. https://barryjkaufmando.substack.com/p/the-empire-strikes-backat-itself

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What Earth do you live on Boris. Biden, Schumer, Pelosi are no longer relevant.

Trump, Musk, Putin are the problem.. our problem, civilizations problem, Europe's problem

Israel is a side show, Israel can disappear and we still have the Putin problem.

You and your sidekick are trying hard to turn the question.

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Mr. Hartmann, I too was active with SDS and other protesters against that gruesome, unnecessary war against the Vietnamese people. As a consequence I was placed on the lists of more than one intelligence agency as a dangerous person. This tarnished my career for many years after. And, I am a native-born citizen. At one point, years later, I was fired from my faculty position with no reason given. It was only through the efforts of a union that the president of the university was forced to hire me back.

My wife was also on those intelligence agency lists and she too was fired with no reason given. The union represented her also, and the president was forced to hire her back as well, with one year of back pay for the time she was unemployed. She was subsequently, twice, elected president of our local NEA-MEA chapter. And she was three times the chief negotiator representing the faculty at collective bargaining for contracts.

If we come through this current political-economic crisis still standing on our feet, it will likely be because of union resistance. Student protests cannot hurt the effort. But there is no power in student protests. The only power ordinary people have is through refusal to submit. To with-hold their labor. What the U.S. needs is a genuine general strike. That will make a real difference.

As a final note, I would like to add that the main reason America's attack on Vietnam was stopped was because of all the brave, naive, misled American boys who died at the hands of brave Vietnamese boys, men, and women who were defending their country. Thousands of American mothers finally woke up after their beloved sons came home in plastic bags Those mothers stood up and listened to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King when he spoke out against that war. He was the only influential American to do so with any effect. Eugene McCarthy failed, thanks to the Democratic Party's cowardice, unfortunately.

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“This is the first arrest of many to come.” Proof positive that even that inbred megalomaniacal psychopath ("Smitty") is capable of telling the truth; at least once. This is not nearly as terrible as it is going to get.

Pertinent to your conclusory queries the answers, in order are: No, Yes, No.

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As #45 he was working on suspending habeus corpus to jail Floyd protesters. https://repository.law.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1128&context=umrsjlr

At the time, my governor wanted to stiffen penalties for crimes committed during a riot or violent protest. "It allows authorities to detain arrested protesters until a first court appearance and establishes new felonies for organizing or participating in a violent demonstration.

"It also makes it a second-degree felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, to destroy or demolish a memorial, plaque, flag, painting, structure or other object that commemorates historical people or events."


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What remains of the free press is next, and Drop Site News, the only source seriously standing up to Netanyahu with primary investigative reporting, will be one of their first targets. Zuckerberg's Meta has already targeted them and those of us who share their work.

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Isn’t ICE a federal agency? Receiving FEDERAL aid? 😜

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Federal agencies don't recieve Aid. They are directly funded by congress. The State Department, the FBI,, the NLRB, the FEC, FCC, Parks Department don't receive aid either.

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If only we could raise 5 million to buy Khalil a Gold Card citizenship; his wife and baby could be in the arms of their loving husband and father.

Hey Director Homan---I thought you were not going to separate families!

Trumplicans will twist the law and the reasons that they can use to revoke his green card. AND they will laugh about it---such sadism.

It's going to be a long four years for all us protestors, but it is going to be horrible for the Khalil family.

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It's incumbent on all of us to ask the Democratic Party "leadership" (sadly ossified with ineffective leaders) what is the offense planed to counter the ongoing coup and the rising tide of fascism? One of the major factors in Germany's democratic constitutional Weimar Republic being replaced with a fascist regime was a weak and ineffective opposition to the NSDAP. The Democratic Party really needs to take a closer look at history!

From Salon.com

"quit reading polls and feverishly adjusting the message to them. Trump tells people what he thinks and aims to change the way we think, while the Democrats wait for polling results and tell people what they think they want to hear. Consequently, Trump seems like a real leader and armed with that reputation, he has literally bent the arc of history toward injustice. The Democrats look like anxious, reactive petitioners and panderers who need polls to tell them how to define justice. Seize the flag and hammer at Trump’s betrayal of our allies, national interests, security, and devotion to Putin."

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