I think you’ve got it Thom. It all makes sense & fits together. There are a lot of good people who are trying to do the right thing & make a difference.
I think you’ve got it Thom. It all makes sense & fits together. There are a lot of good people who are trying to do the right thing & make a difference.
Mostly. One characteristic is racism. "Eugenics." During my lifetime, groups like America Firsters, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazi, skinheads and Christian Identity support Fascism. Economic efficiency is a rationalization for world domination.
On the other hand there are racist left wing organizations. See Eric Hoffer, The True Believer.
And there are a few people who have deluded themselves to make efficiency their compelling goal. I've discussed the Republican dichotomy from my childhood. Lincolnian vs. Hamiltonians. Consider this: https://lincolnproject.us/ "HELP US subset DEFEAT TRUMP AND TRUMPISM-- November is quickly approaching, and defeating Trump is critical to preserving our democracy. We need supporters like you to help us bring down Trump and his enablers and spread our message to swing voters in key states. Will you join us in the fight?"
Another irony is that there is a small concurrent minority (including a tiny subset of orthodox Jews) who fall for "trickle down" "supply side" Libertarian Fascist BS on religious grounds.
I totally agree Daniel. The True Believer is one of my favorite books, I have a copy.
I don't know if I would call left wing extremists racists, but considering their anti Jewish partisanship (even among secular Jews they are close, though Jew is not a race
The word was coined to describe those English lefties, who supported the Soviets as their tanks rolled in to Hungary.
The 21st Century variant, found in the USA and around the world, are susceptible to any propaganda in which it is alleged imperialism, colonialism, genocide. Key trigger words for these vapid pseudo intellectuals.
I once was a regular donator to Democracy Now and The Intercept, and respected Noam Chomsky and the Magazine the Nation, until they proved to be "Tankies' when it came to Russia, whom I imagine in their mind's eye is still Marxist.
I still consider myself a progressive, albeit not a leftist. Because I still possess critical thinking skills, and form my own opinions, I don't jump on bandwagons, to be popular or spare me the trouble of thinking.
I nibble at pies and pizzas, without eating the whole damn thing.
The Lincoln project and the Bulwark are never trumpers, Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark is now an "anal yst" or contributor to MSNBC. MSNBC is not the liberal media that the right wing says it is, it is center right for deregulation and taxes on corporations and the wealthy , and moderate oh so moderate when it comes to culture war issues. Mostly they talk about politics, the horse race and the doings of Trump. They talk, about Trump a lot, too much, who was it that said there is no such thing as bad publicity. The media made Trump 45 and they are doing it again.
Too many libertarians in the never Trump stable. Libertarians are only libertarian when it comes to money and regulation of business, when it comes to race, gender, sex, the cultural issues, they aren't so libertarian at all
Reason mag was founded by he Koch foundation, The New Republic is supposedly libertarian, but one of its staff, Andrew Sullivan, is a gay, transphobe, a flaming hypocrite. At least from what I saw of him on Bill Maher. I was astonished.
Pati, While I agree a lot of good people are trying to make a difference, I would note the biggest bloc of unmobilized voters (over a million) are poor people and low wage earners. While reports show 22% less participation than other groups on average, I rarely, if ever, hear our representatives address policy that connects specifically to their lives. Imagine the impact at the state and federal levels if ever we could incentivize these mostly nonvoters to vote in 24 and beyond. I understand their list of demands starts with addressing poverty as the 4th leading cause of death and also entails a living wage, full voting rights, ending voter suppression, workers’ rights and labor rights, public education funding, universal healthcare, reproductive care, and policing and criminal justice reform.
Field Team 6 has lists of unregistered females. In 2022 900,000 did not register in Florida, alone. 70% trend Democratic. 70% of renters, Gen Z also trend Democratic. https://www.fieldteam6.org/
I think you’ve got it Thom. It all makes sense & fits together. There are a lot of good people who are trying to do the right thing & make a difference.
God, I hope it’s not too late.
This must be the new world order that George Bush Sr was talking about? The GOP voters hated the globalists before they fell in love with Trump.
Among the right, globalists and Soro are code for Jew.
One needs a translator app to decipher Republican speak.
Mostly. One characteristic is racism. "Eugenics." During my lifetime, groups like America Firsters, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazi, skinheads and Christian Identity support Fascism. Economic efficiency is a rationalization for world domination.
On the other hand there are racist left wing organizations. See Eric Hoffer, The True Believer.
And there are a few people who have deluded themselves to make efficiency their compelling goal. I've discussed the Republican dichotomy from my childhood. Lincolnian vs. Hamiltonians. Consider this: https://lincolnproject.us/ "HELP US subset DEFEAT TRUMP AND TRUMPISM-- November is quickly approaching, and defeating Trump is critical to preserving our democracy. We need supporters like you to help us bring down Trump and his enablers and spread our message to swing voters in key states. Will you join us in the fight?"
Another irony is that there is a small concurrent minority (including a tiny subset of orthodox Jews) who fall for "trickle down" "supply side" Libertarian Fascist BS on religious grounds.
I totally agree Daniel. The True Believer is one of my favorite books, I have a copy.
I don't know if I would call left wing extremists racists, but considering their anti Jewish partisanship (even among secular Jews they are close, though Jew is not a race
The problem is the true believing Marxists, Thom and I call them Tankies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie
The word was coined to describe those English lefties, who supported the Soviets as their tanks rolled in to Hungary.
The 21st Century variant, found in the USA and around the world, are susceptible to any propaganda in which it is alleged imperialism, colonialism, genocide. Key trigger words for these vapid pseudo intellectuals.
I once was a regular donator to Democracy Now and The Intercept, and respected Noam Chomsky and the Magazine the Nation, until they proved to be "Tankies' when it came to Russia, whom I imagine in their mind's eye is still Marxist.
I still consider myself a progressive, albeit not a leftist. Because I still possess critical thinking skills, and form my own opinions, I don't jump on bandwagons, to be popular or spare me the trouble of thinking.
I nibble at pies and pizzas, without eating the whole damn thing.
I also recommend the late Richard Hofstadter’s The Paranoid Style in American Politics. It explains our moment also.
Thanks for the reminder: I just made yet another note to get this!
The Lincoln project and the Bulwark are never trumpers, Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark is now an "anal yst" or contributor to MSNBC. MSNBC is not the liberal media that the right wing says it is, it is center right for deregulation and taxes on corporations and the wealthy , and moderate oh so moderate when it comes to culture war issues. Mostly they talk about politics, the horse race and the doings of Trump. They talk, about Trump a lot, too much, who was it that said there is no such thing as bad publicity. The media made Trump 45 and they are doing it again.
Too many libertarians in the never Trump stable. Libertarians are only libertarian when it comes to money and regulation of business, when it comes to race, gender, sex, the cultural issues, they aren't so libertarian at all
Reason mag was founded by he Koch foundation, The New Republic is supposedly libertarian, but one of its staff, Andrew Sullivan, is a gay, transphobe, a flaming hypocrite. At least from what I saw of him on Bill Maher. I was astonished.
Pati, While I agree a lot of good people are trying to make a difference, I would note the biggest bloc of unmobilized voters (over a million) are poor people and low wage earners. While reports show 22% less participation than other groups on average, I rarely, if ever, hear our representatives address policy that connects specifically to their lives. Imagine the impact at the state and federal levels if ever we could incentivize these mostly nonvoters to vote in 24 and beyond. I understand their list of demands starts with addressing poverty as the 4th leading cause of death and also entails a living wage, full voting rights, ending voter suppression, workers’ rights and labor rights, public education funding, universal healthcare, reproductive care, and policing and criminal justice reform.
Field Team 6 has lists of unregistered females. In 2022 900,000 did not register in Florida, alone. 70% trend Democratic. 70% of renters, Gen Z also trend Democratic. https://www.fieldteam6.org/
Daniel, Thanks for your reply. I would note, that while I write postcards for Field Team 6, this election cycle I plan to do more.
I have signed up now. Thanks!