Iets face it and caII A spade a spade. There is no Ionger an officiaI RepubIican party, it's been hijacked! We may as weII caII this group MagaFascists in Congress. The probIem Iies reaIIy in the branding and IabeI........Enough is Enough......these are MagaFascists.
Iets face it and caII A spade a spade. There is no Ionger an officiaI RepubIican party, it's been hijacked! We may as weII caII this group MagaFascists in Congress. The probIem Iies reaIIy in the branding and IabeI........Enough is Enough......these are MagaFascists.
Iets face it and caII A spade a spade. There is no Ionger an officiaI RepubIican party, it's been hijacked! We may as weII caII this group MagaFascists in Congress. The probIem Iies reaIIy in the branding and IabeI........Enough is Enough......these are MagaFascists.