This has been going on for quite some time. Look at what the Repubs did to the word "liberal." They turned it into a slur. And it doesn't look as if taking the high ground will be effective as so many people have been indoctrinated by their Religions of Hate to respond to any honest effort to change their minds.

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Well, liberals did a number on the word "liberal" in the 1960s, resulting in such songs as Phil Ochs's "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" and Tom Lehrer's "Whatever Became of You, Hubert?" ("Once a fiery liberal spirit / but now when he speaks he must clear it"). Then and to this day, U.S. liberals generally bent over backwards to dissociate themselves from the "taint" of socialism, denying of course that there was anything "socialist" about the New Deal and Great Society programs. So of course conservatives used "socialist!" as an insult: because it worked. Liberals scurried to prove how devoted to capitalism they were.

I like to think that the Reagan administration and what followed has shown us what a disaster unfettered capitalism is, plus a couple of generations have come of age without Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover haunting their dreams. The increasing popularity of "progressive" is encouraging insofar as it acknowledges that economic justice is important and capitalism run amok is not a good thing.

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On Robert Reich's thread a right wing troll tried to use leftist as an insult and a slur, expecting me to go on the defense, but I screwed his game and he was aghast, he didn't know what to say, because I owned the label,proudly, he even said that I was suppose to be intimidated and he was expecting and ready to hit me with arguments and charges, and I ruined his game plan.

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At one time, there was a Liberal Party. Republican senator Jake Javits was actually a member of the Liberal Party of New York. https://www.theloneliberalrepublican.org/jacob-javits

Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. was elected to the United States House of Representatives on the Liberal ballot line in a 1949 special election. Roosevelt later served as the party's gubernatorial nominee in the 1966 election.


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Rudy Giuliani received the party's nomination in the 1989 and 1993 New York City mayoral elections. The New York Times criticized their endorsement as "little more than a political tool" and the "work of one wily politician", Ray Harding. Giuliani won the 1993 election due to the votes he received on the Liberal ballot line. A Liberal was made deputy mayor in Giuliani's administration and 23 Liberals received appointments. Two of Harding's sons also received positions.

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The Republicans used to implement "liberal" as the ultimate insult, but not so much any more. So then they trotted out "socialist" and even "communist" to describe Democrats, in an effort to stop the public from its leftward drift. I'm not sure that even these blows land.

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Trump slings around communist as a slur, but that only has effect with boomers and sadly some Gen X'ers raised by those boomers. Gen Y, and Z simply see them as lame epithets.

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Still highly effective here in Baghdad By the Sea. Batistianos dominate the media. Sunset Rick Scott calls his opponent a socialista. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBDoRRvsVZY

The word on the street is that Kamala is a comunista, daughter of 2 commies.

I was on a zoom the other night with Debbie and other candidates, when we discussed how to combat it. Al Cardenas, former state Republican chair and muchos otros have flipped. Today, more. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2024/10/16/three-new-co-chairs-join-republicans-for-harris-in-florida-one-calls-trump-a-blustering-name-calling-bully/

My suggestion is to send testimonials, en espanol, and comment on sites like El Herald, Telemundo. Miami talk radio.

Here's our ad from 2020. https://www.floridadems.org/2020/04/14/president-trump-is-acting-like-a-caudillo-again/

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The Bastianos, like the Venezuelan asylum seekers, exploited the peasants to live large at their expense, and when the tables turned they cried victim.

Now isn't that a familiar refrain (MAGA)_ The inability to exploit and live large makes one a victim.

Victim hood has become equated with righteousness, and moral superiority.

Like genocide and oppression, when everyone is oppressed, when everyone is a victim when everything is genocide, then nothing is and the word is meaningless.

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Kind of like the right-wing calling themselves the "right to life", only if they like you and you don't have anything they want to steal from you, or you need assistance.

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They speak in code Bob. Thom Hartmann has covered this. Right to Life has nothing to do with Life. It is a euphemism for patriarchal dominance.

If a woman aborts a fetus, she is rejecting the man who planted his sperm in her uterus. and how dare she reject the superior male.

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Trump is not a drunk, but he certainly sounds like one now. His inability to answer questions with anything resembling a reasonable response is now a constant in every forum. His interview with the Chicago Forum was paranoid, narcissistic, and showed that he has no understanding of tariffs, elections, or even reality.

What was just as frightening was that half of the audience applauded his answers. The current bunch of Trump followers have no use for laws, regulations, or democracy. They want to run corrupt businesses with no oversight. They think that they will be included in the oligarchy when our democracy is destroyed. They want to join with Trump, Musk, Thiel, and Vance in taking America private and running it into the ground the way Trump has done with all of his businesses

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We don't have to turn many of them. Here in Florida, Al Cardenas, former state Republican chair and muchos otros have flipped. Today, more. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2024/10/16/three-new-co-chairs-join-republicans-for-harris-in-florida-one-calls-trump-a-blustering-name-calling-bully/

We have the capacity to flip Trump 2020 voters. . https://rvat.org/

Place comments on social media...."Not suckers or losers" to vets groups, military, military dependents, history sites. Vote vets has thousands of testimonials of 2020 Trump voters that flipped. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans or active duty members on Facebook, and 12.5 million family members of veterans or active duty members on Facebook.

Trump hates dogs. Pet/animal charity sites.

Trump stole from kids with cancer.

Don't slit your own throat.

In your gut you know he's nuts.

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Yet another reason to keep Roy Cohen's mentee tRump out of the White House. GOTV and elect Harris.

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This is so enlightening and informative. I'm 81 so I remember those hearings as child and being scared by them. I was a republican until donald trump reared his ugly head. I finally realized what I had believed my whole life was wrong and it has only gotten worse. I pray that he will not be reelected and our county can become rational and united once again. If that doesn't happen my grandchildren will live under a dictatorship and never know the same freedoms I have enjoyed for 81 years.

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Oct 16Liked by Thom Hartmann

Brilliant! Thank you.

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As a retort to the use of “Democrat Party,” what about saying, “Oh, it sounds like you may be from the Republic Can’t Party?”

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What else would you expect from the Republicant party and its incoherent cult leader with his morning cofeve? They degrade and diminish themselves every time they open their mouths. We have a rough five months ahead. In fact, we may only have rough times ahead in this antisocial media, disinformation age.

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To not call a party or person by their right name is a sign of fundamental disrespect, and reflective of an adherence to belief in a social and genetic hierarchy in the human race. In short, haters gonna hate.

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Since our schools became political decades ago, democracy was the victim. Learn about the source of all of this chaos our schools have created which includes paving the way for Trump at WhiteChalkCrime.com. Contact me at that site - click on media for my email - and request a free copy of my ebook that takes you inside our schools. People can’t fix what they don’t know is broken.

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Perhaps the way to counter the intentional mispronunciation of Kamala Harris’s is to refer to Trump as DonOLD Trump. The trouble is that Democrats realize that you can’t wrestle with a pig without getting muddy yourself.

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I always call him DonOLD on FB, because he is. Old. I also call his party the repuglicans, which combines the first part of repugnant, with the posterior end of republican, because their actions and policies are repugnant.

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good suggestion. I have a long sleeve shirt with Kamala on the front and on the sleeve ,la

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The right are very good at finding fault, but they are very lousy at figuring out any solutions and they have no desire to if it will cost them anything.

I can't imagine living in a world governed by a bunch of sociopathic lunatics. Unlimited greed+phony religion=right wing sociopathic lunatics! It is safe to say they are very unevolved. They are also allergic to the truth, reality, good and God! Mother nature will take care of them and all the humans around them unfortunately.

The right are incapable of governing a civilized society. One that takes reason. The right borrows money and doesn't create jobs! Their plan for that is just to get rid of the useless eaters and offer a Dickinsenian world to the workers. Survival of the fittest! Actually the cult deserves it! If they were raised properly, they would be able to change.

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Right on. I have been repeating for years what Fascism historian Robert Paxon has pointed out in his books and essays - fascists want to rule; not govern.

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It's been demonstrated over and over again that the most virulent homophobes often have homosexual tendencies (J. Edgar Hoover, anyone?), just like the self-appointed morality police often have private lives that aren't up to code. I can't even imagine what Joe McCarthy's psyche looked like, and I'm not sure I could handle a biography of the guy.

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Trump loves to stay at the YMCA!

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Do you remember that gay guy who went by Rebel Randy or something, that paraded for Trump while they played YMCA, and then there are Quisling like Bruce, Caitlynn, Jenner.

I respect honest transsexuals, but Bruce is not that,he is an autogynephiliac and Queers for Palestine are either frauds, or stupid fucks, they would not last a day in Palestine or an Islamic country,hung in Iran,. forced into a sex change or behead in Saudi Arabia.

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Consider the possibility that "Queers for Palestine" support Palestinian rights and a Palestinian homeland, not Hamas or Hezbollah. Palestine includes the West Bank (where Palestinians are treated like sh*t by Israel), and many use "Israel-Palestine" to refer to the land called Palestine under the British Mandate, before Israel was founded.

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I have considered that Susanna, that Queers for Palestine are supporting Palestines, but I am here to tell you that those idiot queers would not last 24 hours in Palestine, while they are organized and have gay pride parades, or did, in Israel, Caveat at the political strength of fundamentalistic Jews increase the rights of LGBT decrease, just as in the U.S. of A.

Qyeers for Palestine is akin to chickens for KFC, trite but true.

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That would make a great soundtrack for Trump's dance!

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Thank you. I cringe every time I hear “Democrat Party.” It must take some effort to murder grammar like that.

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I've thought the same thing re: the "Democrat" party and other similar middle finger tactics.

I encourage all who read this column to focus your energies on GOTV efforts. You can sign up for virtual and in person volunteer opportunities here:


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When Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich had a lexicon of negative terms for Democrats which he encouraged all Republicans to use.

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For the press to participate in spreading slurs truly is ass licking. Unfortunately, the Dems do not pick this issue up with the press and kick ass with it. The Dem party seems to think taking the high road is all it needs to do which experience teaches otherwise. I guess heavy fines would be useful for the press to spread slurs.

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I watched a panel on Joy Reid, it included a Republican, he used the words Democrat Party and Joy did not call him out, how disappointing, but a panelist did. Panelists on Bill Maher always say Democrat Party andMaher never calls them out. Maher espouses liberal views except whenit ocmes to trans issues, then he is all right wing, and his right wing guests know that, and always lead with some slam against "men competing with women" they know that this is a winner and the show is theirs from then on.

While I do understand why there would be an objection to Phelps competing with women, he also has an advantage as a male, because height give swimmmers and advantage that they otherwise wouldn't have. And a post operative trans woman, has because of years of hormone therapy lost bone and muscle mass, and with removal of the testes, the male bone and muscle hrmone of testosterone, and their are many,many millions of women who have more testosterone and can beat the shit of men, and therer are millions of biologically effeminate men.

Nature is not one size fits all, and if anyone stopped and thought about it they wouldn't react.

I remember when blacks were though genetically inferior, and racists even measured the heads of Jews for Aryanism.

Ism's tell us nothing about anything other than our innermost self.

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The Nazi went after trans first because they have the fewest numbers. Everybody knows those poor girls that look more like their dad and guys that look much more like their moms. It is not so bad for the guys but the girls are screwed. The fact is the fetus is a female clone which half have both sex organs and the males develop much later. The hormone levels are all over the place and there are no sex gender genes. If you go by genes, then there are 6 sex types. Any doc knows this so the confusion in society is intentional.

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The confusion is Abrahamic in origin. The Abrahamic religions are patriarchal to the extreme, both Christianity and Islam are the product of the duality of Zoroastrianism via Augustine, a Manichean priest who converted to Christianity when he watched Pope Leo the Great throw Manicheans to the lions.

To your point if you ever looked at the Y Chromosone under a microsope you will notice that it really isn't a Y, but a an X with one leg of the X truncated, and not perfectly there are still some segments.

At one time procreation was parthegenetic (virgin birth) proof that is every male walking.. nipples, non functional remnants of their ancestral past, just like the appendix is an archaic reminder when we had two stomachs and lived on grass.

But you are correct, the most vulnerable in our society are trans people, and like lesbians, thrans men do not excite het males, het and gay, as much as transwomen.

Even women get in the act, there are TERF's, Trans Exclusive Radical Feminists who are all bent out of shape by transwomen, even post ops who have a vagina and no penis, probably molested as children, J K Rowing is one, then there are gay men like Andrew Sullivan who are "transphobic", probably because many think that gays are really men who want to be women and that is not in the least true, not even for DRAG Queens.

Some native tribes considered the transgendered to be special, if there was a warror vs squaw problem they would have it mediated by a trans (man or woman), and when the tribe attacked, the transgendered jumped on a horse and became a fierce warrior.

The Spartans were a group of lovers and warriors, as especially the Sacred Band of Thebes.

In Panama I attended an open air canina with my wife, there were what I thought were DRAG queens dancing with macho men. My wife explained, she is an ex and Panamanian American now, that these men, the "straights" were mallante's and that their wives knew about their proclivities and even encouraged them, as the subject of the husbands affectons would not get pregnant, and thus force them to get a divorce, for the sake of honor and social embarrassment. Her mother divorced her father, because he got his mistress pregnant and that was too much for a business woman of Santiago de Veraguas.

I had the good fortune of spending 7 years in Santa Cruz, and circumstances to find myself, then a right winger, in the company of very colorful people, it opened up my whole world., but as a recovering alocholic I never ever indulged in drugs, not even pot.

My wife has fibromyalgia and some other problems, so she smokes medical marijuana, I tried a gummy once and it made my head spin, I felt sick and fell on the couch and slept for four hours, Never again.

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That was very informative. Thank you. I always wonder why so many churches have no problem with simplistic thinking of the conservatives. Just so anti-intellectual and willing to pretend the average is absolute. Is that Manichean good and evil?

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I don't know how Manicheanism fits into what I said. That is a different subject.

The Abrahamic religions are about control. If you can find it I recommend highly John Harland's, Word Controlled Humans

Manicheanism was introduced into Christianity, and subsequently Islam by the Manichean priest whom the Catholic Church deified as St Augustine, the name is actually a descriptor, a title, it means the Great one., he evidently assisted a monk named Jerome when he translated the approved assembled scrolls, into the Latin Vulgate Bible., and introduced the Manichean concept of duality, a good god and a bad god.

Mani was a Greek missionary of the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism., just one of the many religions that Rome adopted with it's conquests. Constantine was a Mithraian and died one as well, but saw monotheism as a useful tool, and one that was sanctioned and controlled by the state.meaning him.

It was such a great idea, that other thugs jumped on board, Charlemagne, Olaf Trygvasson, Harald Bluetooth..

Not at all new, Ahkenaton tried it, the Habiru picked up and refined it.

Ahkenaton failed because he allowed the old Egyptian priesthoods to live, and moved the Capital to get away from them, The Habiru succeeded because the leader they call Moses (Egyptian for Born), had his brother Aaron, cut the throats of half the tribe, because they rejected him, his idea and his leadership.

An example followed by all of the Christianizing Kings, including Constantine and Charlegmagne, Olaf is known as the bloody, for the slaughter he reigned down on the Norse who resisted his new god.

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