Again Thom has highlighted the Grievances On Parade Party’s greatest hits- evil stupidity reigns supreme with the current crop of Republican legislators. Here are the important issues facing Americans according to these idiots. Investigations of Hunter Biden just because “something something” “he got rich off his father’s influence “!!. Going after AG Garland because GASP! The DOJ is actually investigating a criminal ex-president and his criminal cabal. How unfair! How dare a twice impeached scam artist conman be held accountable! Investigating Dr. Fauci because “something something Chinese lab bio-weapons evil scientist payments”! Oh and let’s not forget the “russher”investigation investigating the investigators by Barr/Durham because “we all know tRump is innocent and he was framed by Hillary “ narrative that ended with embarrassing acquittals. And secession? America already tried that and it was a disaster for the south in which many still idolize the traitors to this day. Part of me says let them secede- don’t let the door hit you in the A where the good lord split ya! However, I am adult enough to worry about those who would suffer from divorce from our federal government system- the POC who have a hard enough struggle and the poor and elderly dependent on programs. Of course MTG and her ilk have no viable solutions for America’s problems- they are locked in on power at all costs with hate at the core of their ideology.

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Your last paragraph Thom: "And as long as we ignore that hand and fight their phony “culture war” instead of raising taxes on billionaires and extending an absolute right to vote to all Americans, we’re just helping them stuff another trillion dollars taken from working people into their money bins."

The culture war is not phony to those on the losing side, like gays, trans, blacks, women.

I think I know what you mean. The culture war is a distraction while they pick our pockets and cement control over our lives.Distraction is a tool, but the culture war is merely a battle not a war, a battle looks like a war for those in the midst fighting for their lives

Unreconstructed confederates will tell you that the civil war was unnecessary because the south would have eventually freed the slaves, glossing over the fact that millions would have lived as chattel until that happened, but that was not the reason the war was fought.

South Carolina seceded because the Federal Government would not enshrine slavery as the law of the land

The Civil War was but one manifestation of the culture war The Culture War predates, even the founding of America, we are dealing with it its current manifestation. The Hundred Years war was a culture war. The puritan Anglians were involved in a culture war. The Brownists who hired the Mayflower to leave Leiden, Holland were culture warriors. Their sons who burned witches were culture warriors, Roger Williams who was expelled from Massachusetts and founded what became Rhode Island was a culture warrior, so was Benjamin Franklin who fled Massachusetts for the same reason.

I am a cultural warrior as is MTG, Just like the boys in blue and gray were civil warriors.

The bottom line of culture wars is dominance, power, control, subjugation/elimination of the competition. Which is exactly what is happening in the world, in America, in Ukraine, in politics.

Politics is actually culture war, by another name. Its ultimate goal is zero sum, win lose, total domination and to get there compromise and conciliation are merely tactical tools, part of a strategic plan to obtain a desired result. The complete, but invisible, control of resources, which includes the ultimate resource,, humans,and when technology makes their labor no longer necessary, they too can be dispensed with, except for those that are absolutely necessary to keep the machine serviced.

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This was a passionate message and a motivating message. Beautifully written, Thom.

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Green and others need to identified as TRAITORS of the state and removed from Congress!!!!! From them is NOT free speech because it is malicious/malevolent to others. Why do we have a Constitution..

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We have a Constitution that doesn't say we get to use the word "TRAITOR" so loosely and throw people out of Congress for saying stupid things. The day a person's words become treason is the day we'll be living in an authoritarian state. Greene should be censured, made to pay a hefty fine and stripped of her committee assignments.

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If you are under oath you have an obligation to uphold the oath. If Greene wants free speech she should resign her office. Maybe Biden would give her a pardon if she asks nicely.

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Not my point at all. Why the hell do we see a week of press coverage over this crap? I don't give a shit about her. She's just another loudmouth moron in Congress, like many others who don't get nearly as much attention. I guess because she's a woman and stories about her seem to attract people who also enjoy looking at car accidents.

A pardon for what? Has she been charged with a crime?

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I can't understand why Marjorie Greene and others haven't been charged with treason. This belief that if we have equal rights that whites (especially white men) will suffer runs deep. I've heard from a descendent of southern slave owners (whose ancestors owned a cotton plantation) that their ancestors hated the north because they felt their farm was bankrupted as a result of freeing the slaves. And they hated African Americans because they now had to do "their" work. What a disgusting, selfish, inhumane, greedy legacy. Since childhood treating all peoples (and animals) with dignity just made common sense to me. When you see someone with their inner racist and sexist on full display the hate and fear makes them completely insane and delusional.

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History is always relevant, and no one does the broad sweeps and significant details better than Thom!

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Unfortunately our Main Problem since Ronnie Raygun..Usurped the 1980 election (Iran Contra) is we lost the Fairness Doctrine,he conspired with GE,and other Oligarchs to allow Fascist Sociopath Murdoch. to take over the Airwaves.Valium and such meds becoming popular in US.. Americans overloaded with Economic Anxiery.Ronnie had dementia and Marie Antoinette (Nancy)and the astrologer were running things.But higher education still affordable.Titanic started sinking and Herbert Walker . Prescott 's son...accelerated it👿

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If MAGA enthusiasts Actually Made America Great Again they would reverse the trickle down tax schemes started by Reagan and undo Citizens United to allow campaign finance reform. Natural People come first, not corporations and artificial entities.

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The Red States could split off without a fight. First, as a group they refuse to send their Congressional Delegations to Congress. Congress wouldn't be able to do any business without a quorum. Next, don't send Electors after a Presidential election. The election goes to the House where there is no quorum. No President, no Congress, no Federal government. The Red States then form a confederacy. This venture would eventually fail because they'd struggle to come up with the money to continue agricultural subsidies, Social Security, and Medicare. I describe how the Dobbs decision brought this about https://politicsofthelastage.blogspot.com/2022/08/dobbs-conservatisms-watershed-moment.html

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"He then openly argued that American fascists should be sufficiently well-armed to take on the US Marines. Finishing that sentence, Massey — who tweeted a Christmas picture of his family (including his young children) each cradling an assault weapon "

Meanwhile liberals, Democrats, the virtuous left have disarmed themselves, while the right has been building up stock piles of arms and ammunition.

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I wouldn’t be too sure about disarmament on the left. I just got my first license at 56 & am as liberal as they come. I am also lgbtq and will not be without a weapon any longer. Too many uncertainties ahead. And I know I am not the only one. ✌🏽

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Oh I know there are plenty of exceptions, but by and large "liberals" are "allergic" to guns, if you have ever listened to or watched Stephanie Miller, she is no guns avatar.

I am a spec ops officer of 26 years retired. I am not allergic to guns, but don't own one, except a a pistol, but by the time I got to it if my home was invaded it would be too late.

I've considered buying a 12 gauge for the same reason (home defense) and cutting it down,though that is illegal, to make it handier, but at my age and condition and the safeguards I have, by the time I needed it, it would be too late.

But I am worried about the uncertainties ahead, but I have had my day, and would be useless in any troubles ahead.

I don't know one liberal that has a mini arsenal in their home, but lots of right wingers do. And long guns are useful only for hunting, in that case a 30.06 or 30.30 (thirty thirty for wild boars)

Assault weapons like the AR-15, semi automatic version of the M16 and the likes have no place in the hands of civilians, they were designed to do one thing only, and that is to destroy the human body. They make the .58 caliber minnie ball look like a video game.

I'm 83, cancer survivor with deficits and don't trust myself with a gun anymore, so I gave my 30.06 to my son, a college professor and I don't know if he still has it. I doubt he ever went hunting. I didn't. I have had my fill of carnage.

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What would Florida be like without Federal annual subsidies over two times the size of their annual budget and growing? For starters, they would have to change their taxation system from regressive to progressive, and start their own insurance industry at double or triple the existing rates but only covering a third or less of their inhabitants.


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The tools (i.e., Constitution of UNITED states) WAS/were provided to help us KEEP the union. Why aren't we using?

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Forgot to add MAIN STEAM ..MASS MEDIA WAS then OLIGARCH controlled too..And that set the course for The Hate Division to flow again...Hate is big MONEY 🤑🤑🤑🤑

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Hi Thom, do you ever feel like the proverbial voice crying on the wilderness? I certainly do when I talk about these issues, and I'm surrounded by Democrats. You nailed it with the real reason for the Civil War and it's just as likely to bring on another one which won't be won with a rallying cry about freedom. My belief is always follow the money and you will find the smoking gun. It won't literally be in the hands of the Oligarchs, but they will be the ones who fueled the fire that led to it.

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“ “The lords of the lash are not only absolute masters of the blacks, but they are also the oracle and arbiters of non-slaveholding whites, whose freedom is merely nominal, and whose unparalleled illiteracy and degradation is purposely and fiendishly perpetuated.”

Written in 1857 and nothing has changed since then especially those who control the rural areas in the red states, evidence their refusal to expand Medicaid in those states!

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I lived in GA for 5 years and as far as the MTG et al. Cabal goes, all I can say is, 'Paddle faster, I hear banjos!'

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It falls to the Executive Branch to enforce the laws. When will the DOJ hold leaders of the insurrection accountable?

“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of 76 did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;…let it be taught in schools, …let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And let it become the political religion of the nation.”

Abraham Lincoln


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"When will he DOJ hold leaders of the insurrection accountable?" You ask. Why ask questions o which you know the answer Which is never. The Attorney General is a right wing hack vetted by the most virulent right wing Senator Orrin Hatch, and who was a moderator (10 times) for the Federalist Society, and most of the attorney's in DOJ are Trump appointees, now embedded as protect civil servants thanks to EO 13957, which Biden revoked and which he could have used to fire the Trump humpers.

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Just following the premise of Thom’s article that MTG’s actions are unacceptable. If the DOJ and Biden are to blame for accepting those actions then shame on them.

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I totally agree. I am conflicted when it comes to Biden, not Garland though. With Biden I assume good faith, and that his problem is his 30+ years in the senate. Senators do not make good presidents, but they all carry a "Marshall's Baton" as Napoleon said of his troops. Senators are taught, or learn, to be compromisors, facilitators, they don't lead, they don't command.

Governors on the other hand are executives, at least those with experience (I discount Bill Clinton as he was a corrupt horn dog and compromised, IMO he had no morals, scruples, values other than self aggrandizement On the other hand FDR was a governor who knew how to lead and execute the office of President.Carter was the same, except he was not as astute, and skilled at FDR at the political game., and basically, was surrounded by Beltway Insiders, having gone to Washington as an inexperienced hick from Georgia, who did not know the real power players, but he tried, at least he tried and was a man of good will.

Trump is not an executive, any more than a head of a mafia family is, and in my opinion he was the head of a mafia family,with familial connections to the "Russian" mob,via his son in law and Giuliani who made his bones eliminating the competition of the"Russian" mob by prosecuting the Italian mob. Who would expect an Italian Quisling. working with the "Russian mob"?

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Just another typical, routine, ho-hum, everyday example of analytical clarity and brilliant historical writing. Got to be making a difference. Thanks, Thom.

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... Constitution needs to be adhered to- not as a suggestion.

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