There will be the increased price of the gallon. Is gop the only responsible for these october surprises? Then they are the big rotten and corrupt traitors to the constitution and its founders. Scoundrels like these must be dealt with harshly. No mercy. No remorse. Fake christians still know that you reap what you sow.
There will be the increased price of the gallon. Is gop the only responsible for these october surprises? Then they are the big rotten and corrupt traitors to the constitution and its founders. Scoundrels like these must be dealt with harshly. No mercy. No remorse. Fake christians still know that you reap what you sow.
There will be the increased price of the gallon. Is gop the only responsible for these october surprises? Then they are the big rotten and corrupt traitors to the constitution and its founders. Scoundrels like these must be dealt with harshly. No mercy. No remorse. Fake christians still know that you reap what you sow.
The GOP is the only party who consistently NEEDS an Oct surprise.