Thanks for once again reminding us of important issues with lessons from the past. So many people tend to forget what has happened even in their own lifetimes. We need to be alert to the potential "monsters" coming down the road toward us as well as hope many will "fall in the ditch" before they get too close. I think of and care about t…
Thanks for once again reminding us of important issues with lessons from the past. So many people tend to forget what has happened even in their own lifetimes. We need to be alert to the potential "monsters" coming down the road toward us as well as hope many will "fall in the ditch" before they get too close. I think of and care about those of the world who are now battling for survival against real monsters who are already upon them. We who live in America have never experienced the horrors some live with daily. Many of us lack the good sense and imagination for those possibilities that could come upon us, here at home. If "t" and his thugs of destruction seize power here at home, we will all learn the hard way. They will not allow free and fair elections. Beware! Ruthie B.
Agreed, but what effect does staying alert have when we take no action to fight the very dangers we see? This fascist movement has been developing since the GOP failed to put Nixon on a throne. Scholars & historians have been warning us about what’s going on since that time & before, but today even legitimate MSM can’t say the word fascism! That, to me, feels much more like denial than staying alert!
Thanks for once again reminding us of important issues with lessons from the past. So many people tend to forget what has happened even in their own lifetimes. We need to be alert to the potential "monsters" coming down the road toward us as well as hope many will "fall in the ditch" before they get too close. I think of and care about those of the world who are now battling for survival against real monsters who are already upon them. We who live in America have never experienced the horrors some live with daily. Many of us lack the good sense and imagination for those possibilities that could come upon us, here at home. If "t" and his thugs of destruction seize power here at home, we will all learn the hard way. They will not allow free and fair elections. Beware! Ruthie B.
Agreed, but what effect does staying alert have when we take no action to fight the very dangers we see? This fascist movement has been developing since the GOP failed to put Nixon on a throne. Scholars & historians have been warning us about what’s going on since that time & before, but today even legitimate MSM can’t say the word fascism! That, to me, feels much more like denial than staying alert!