No she didn't Linda, she came across as insincere and cold, but in fact she was a typical politician, self serving she had great ambition when she married Bill,and like a politician tried to be all things to all people.
I remember her response to being tagged as cold.,was to try and soften her image in a TV spectacle.
No she didn't Linda, she came across as insincere and cold, but in fact she was a typical politician, self serving she had great ambition when she married Bill,and like a politician tried to be all things to all people.
I remember her response to being tagged as cold.,was to try and soften her image in a TV spectacle.
As a president she would have served the masters who funded her and the Democratic party.
There is a reason that so many Representatives and Senators are lawyers, that so many lawyers are found in politics.
The reason is that lawyers, per se, and their are exceptions have no moral center or principles.
A defense lawyer this year, a prosecutor the next.
No she didn't Linda, she came across as insincere and cold, but in fact she was a typical politician, self serving she had great ambition when she married Bill,and like a politician tried to be all things to all people.
I remember her response to being tagged as cold.,was to try and soften her image in a TV spectacle.
As a president she would have served the masters who funded her and the Democratic party.
There is a reason that so many Representatives and Senators are lawyers, that so many lawyers are found in politics.
The reason is that lawyers, per se, and their are exceptions have no moral center or principles.
A defense lawyer this year, a prosecutor the next.