The regressive Republicans are making war on everyone who is not white and male. Women are being treated worse than cattle. No farmer or veterinarian would allow a cow to go into sepsis or allow a dead or dying calf to remain in the uterus. These people are beyond horrible. I don’t have adequate words to describe what pond scum Phyllis Schlafley was.

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Thank you Thom again for laying out the crazy but terrifying misogyny and policies of conservatives. Based on ignorance of how a woman’s reproductive system works and Christian mythology (pick your myth about women’s sexuality that right wing nuts put out there) the Conservative idiots are terrorizing Americans. I am fighting mad about the creeping fascism right in front of us and Americans should be angry and terrified of right wing policies. Even though I was fortunate that I personally didn’t need an abortion, I support women’s right to self management of her reproductive health. I also am disgusted that contraceptives are threatened by the conservative ignorant morons. Did I say “ignorant morons “? Certain contraceptive medications are prescribed, such as in my case , to regulate excessive menstrual bleeding due to fibroids and other hormonal conditions. So are they proposing to eliminate the BC pills that help women through these conditions? How about taking away men’s access to the “little blue pill”? Oh right-it’s also used not only for ED but certain heart conditions. You would think that American men would want to move into the future with equal partners but obviously a lot of men are threatened by that idea.

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What went into the decision took decades of manipulation, but the repercussions are happening in the blink of an eye. Real women and children being forced to suffer in real time, their health compromised and their providers cowed. There is no defense for Republicans' votes-NONE!

As the right tries to paint themselves the party of the aggrieved, they are creating very grievous situations where only the affluent can get the health care they need. How many docs and nurses will we lose because of them when we can't afford to lose any?

Here is another repercussion, perhaps a good one, and this subject was on the nightly news as well. From Google: "June 30, 2022 – After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last week, requests for vasectomies began spiking. Urologists told The Washington Post that more men are seeking the procedure to prevent pregnancies and avoid abortion-related concerns."

I guess that's one answer to what will you do. The men involved are mostly young. It is reversible, but the repair doesn't always work.

Republicans have become experts at creating a sick, hot, and miserable America.

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In 1959 my wife (yeah, we've been married a long time) miscarried her pregnancy for our second child. She required a "D&C," a now-outdated treatment for miscarriage. It was technically an abortion--now Unconstitutional. I can't express my outrage at today's Republcan Party without resorting to language I learned in the enlisted Navy. Thom has done a noble job, so my beef need not be elaborated.

Way OT: A couple of weeks ago I asked Thom for an advance copy of his forthcoming book on democracy. He said he'd covered a lot of the material in an earlier book, "What Would Jefferson Do?" I replied I'd read it years ago, and would retrieve it from my library. Well, I couldn't find it, so I ordered a new copy.....and then my old one turned up after all. Of course. I have no need for the new one, so if anyone would like to read it, please text me at 541-829-0237 with your mailing address and I'll ship it along. Great Hartmann stuff.

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Thom, your rhetorical appeal directly points to the fallacy of fear. More egregious perhaps is that you’ve done exactly what you’ve accused opponents of doing forever. Your argument simply relies on threats and make your enemies to be both treacherous and deadly. The Hill’s Jeffrey McCall best explains your approach. “Civilized societies disintegrate under fearful conditions. Fear and paranoia are tools of manipulation, as Mussolini and Stalin well knew, generating compliance and leading to polarization as people look for bogeymen. Americans now too often fear fellow citizens, demonizing people who don’t vote like they do or have the same mask-wearing practices. It is hard to generate identification with fellow citizens when they are viewed as awful and crazy.”

With McCall's thoughts in mind, your argument certainly ignores an alternative understanding of the recent court decision. Looking back to the 1970s, it can be rightfully said that several white men socially constructed an interpretation of the law. Given this experiment in social construction our current justices judged that abortion laws are out of their constitutional purview. They decided that the previous decision of Roe can be better adjudicated within a different context (i.e. the legislature.)

These statements come without any misogynist or religious undertones. The court made the judgement that this moral issue should be made by elected representatives and not by the court. You’ve made your opinions clear and seem to demand that the justices’ duty is to make the moral judgment and to impose that judgement onto the country. But such a conclusion concerning Roe can be seen as a complete and utter faith-based assertion.

Certainly the law comes with many moral judgements. However, to have our representatives decide how this life and death matter should be legislated is in fact the most democratic thing we can do. Had this approach been taken some 50 years ago we would've avoided all this moral imposition and subsequent polemical partisan divides.

Until both sides realize that the right to an abortion is a social construct, we will undoubtedly be subject to the use of “fear and paranoia as tools of manipulation." But perhaps by placing this issue into the hands that it originally should have been placed, the states referenda might usher in the most democratic solution to this very contentious problem.

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I'll say something perhaps unpopular. Citing a case here and another case there doesn't make a valid argument. I tell my daughter all the time that an illiterate while pig in a rural small Mississippi town shooting a black honors student for no discernible reason is horrible, but doesn't mean every pig on earth is shooting innocent kids.

As we Engineers know, you cannot draw ANY curve BASED ON ONE SINGLE DATA POINT.

Now, having said that, when behavior is uncivilized, like an illiterate while pig in a rural small Mississippi town shooting a black honors student for no discernible reason, we must act. However, what we must do is fix that small Mississippi town, or maybe the county, or the state, or maybe just that one pig, absolutely, and on public TV to send a message.

What we do, however, is stupid. After some pigs murder a child, we see politicians and pundits call for new NATIONAL laws to prevent the problem. Really? How can that work? I can pass thousands of laws making it illegal for pigs to shoot children, but we already have those laws. What I NEED to do is TAKE ACTION, not pass laws or march or call Thom's show and complain.

What Thom does here can't hurt, but we'd get a lot more done if we could make Thom the Emperor of the USA for 2 hours.

Or if we want to put down the hash pipe and get practical, ONLY DONATE DIRECTLY TO PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATES AND VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

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