
I've written for months now on Michelangelo Signorelli's page, documenting Red States, and hence Republicans, are clear Failures. The Tax Foundation, the Pew Trust and now the Rockefeller Institute, all clearly show the Failure of the Republicans. All I've been doing, in most cases, is simply relaying the rather distressing data put out by these organizations, all of which show the chronic failure of Red States, states run by Republicans, over the last 40 plus years.

What we are seeing from the Republicans now, as Harris climbs in the polls, is their increasingly desperate lashing out at anything they can think of to try and convince themselves that their problems are not staring back at them in the mirror every morning. It's not us! It can't be us! We're white people! We can't be failures! But the data shows it very clearly. These states can't get out of their own way! They're disasters even without hurricanes or tornados or floods, or whatever.

As I've also mentioned on Michelangelo's page, the one time successful state of Ohio has, as of 2015, turned into a raging failure. Ohio is now a bad Welfare State. What happened to Ohio? Apparently something that all the good Christian White people in Ohio couldn't figure out. Opioids perhaps? May be part of the problem, sure, but is the entire state burdened with an opioid problem? I doubt it. The now very much in the news ton of Springfield, as I understand it, Did have a major opioid problem. That was one of the reasons Haitians were asked to move to the Springfield area, to do the work a bunch of whacked out Ohioans couldn't possibly do. Now we have Don and JB wreaking havoc with Springfield. What happens to Springfield if the Haitians leave? I would guess that we in the Successful Blue States, the ones typically with the more diverse populations, will have to send even more money each year to subsidize Ohio. Thank you very much Ohio, Don, JB and the House of Representatives. I've been looking for opportunities to give away even MORE of my money.

Let's start calling the Red Sates what they are, FAILURES. They've been failures for decades! Let's start talking about the billions of dollars we send to Failed Red Sates each year. Based on the rhetoric coming out of the mouths of Donny and JB, I see nothing wrong with this. After all, its true and very well documented. You want to save billions in Federal Tax money? Stop paying Red States. The Democrats could become the party of lowering everybody's taxes! How about that! Stop paying Red States. Our National Debt after all, is ALL paying the excess money beyond what the Blue States contribute in Federal Taxes. As I think I mentioned a few weeks back, the 13 Donor States in 2022 kicked in $364.5 billion. I selected 13 Red States, Texas, Florida and so on, and quickly got to somewhere around $445.6 billion. $80 plus billion in debt right there, and there are still 24 states to subsidize! The true economy of the United States. We'd all be better of if these states were not part of the U.S! At least my state, California, would be, as would New York, New Jersey and so on.

If Republicans are going to amp up the rhetoric, lets amp up their FAILURE.

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