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Thom, run Healthcare like a Business. I think not. The only people who think this is a good idea are the people who don’t care in the first place. CEO killed by someone who thought their greed was enough. You don’t take the law into your own hands. I get how people feel but hunt someone down and blame them for your healthcare problems is not the answer. Thom, the answer is to open up and keep open the talk on how these people bankrupt you and laugh at the same time. The time is now to speak on this long overlooked problem in the healthcare industry. Something has got to give. I thought democracy never stops or sleeps but here in America, I don’t know. This really is a dangerous road ahead for our country and the people living in the country. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great mind’s for these increasingly dangerous times. Batman we are here now. The billionaire villains are winning Batman. What to do, what to do. Thom Trump will have the nuclear codes, scary. No more governance, say it ain’t so Batman. I , told you we needed your help, Batman! I, do know you have a full schedule and understand. A man such as you has many things up in the air. Democracy, still thinking about that. I want it back.Glad to have you though.Value your voice, Thom.

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