Is the US any different to other countries in the western world?

Well, yes, most don't appoint politically biased judges.

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Money equals power. Plain and simple. But that kind of power is less than nothing, and thirsting after it exposes a paucity of spirit that will not -- and cannot ever -- recognize true power, in which all things exist: the power of life itself that is embodied in the human mind and soul, as it is in all living things. There for the taking if one only reaches out. And it's free. Like the sun's energy. So how stupid are we?

Democracy is the best chance for humans, individually and collectively, to reach their potential ...and beyond. Thom mentioned on his broadcast this morning that the Republican Party is plotting and scheming to push a "law and order" campaign theme going into the fall elections -- their tried and (un)true propaganda smokescreen that somehow always "fools" (on purpose) the corporate media and their lazy audiences every time. But the law and order envisioned by Republicans is the unnatural Pax Romana of minority rule at the barrel of of gun ...and a cross.

Great minds think alike. Amanda Marcotte today put it about as succinctly and to the point as anyone can nowadays in the face of such unrelenting brainwash: https://www.salon.com/2022/06/09/after-jan-6-can-we-stop-pretending-are-the-law-and-order-party/

The simple truth is so completely obvious and unavoidable! It is truly shocking that nearly half the citizens of the most powerful and supposedly most technologically advanced country in the world are complete suckers for the blatant lies and self-dealing manipulation by the forces of greed, crime, and disorder on a scale never before seen in the course of human development. Now, our long, strange journey has arrived at another critical turning point, perhaps the most consequential ever imagined.

And it really is up to each one of us to take the time and search our souls, to put aside minor differences and come together as a people, to defeat the "evildoers" gathering power under the banner of Trump. This is war. There is no middle ground.

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Well done essay, Thom. The system has become overwhelmingly corrupt. The only thing that could be added is the revolving door of bribery by offering very lucrative positions within the bribing corporations after the politician leaves office, which is rampant. Government employees in key places often go back and forth between working for government and corporations. The corporations make it sweet for them to take somewhat reduced government pay by giving stock options and promises of coming back to a higher position within the company. Dick Cheney was an example of this. Again, really great essay! SuZett

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Briliant ! and so simply and clearly explained why dont Americans get this and vote only narrowly in the last election for Dems who want change? A whole other column! Many Dems dont or cant honor their commitments.Why has Biden backtracked on his promises and refused to use executive actions when there are so many opportunities to do so?

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Who might be able to organize a letter writing campaign for messages directed to Supreme Court justices? We have their address. Their staff surely screen all correspondence, but with a high enough volume of mail with messages about this bribery and other related issues, one or two justices might begin to question some of their twisted and biased logic and consider a less radical agenda. It's just a thought.

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We have a revolving door with the military and the weapons manufacturers and between the FDA and big pharma and with the USDA and the meat packers. Cheney was instrumental with initiating the invasion and destruction of Iraq while profitiing enormously from his Haliburton stock and this company was awarded non-bid contracts for billions of dollars. And the infamous case of Donald Rumsfeld who was CEO of Searle whose artificial sweetener caused brain tumors and was rejected by the FDA but Rumsfeld raised a great deal of money for Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign and as soon as Reagan took office he appointed a new head of the FDA and aspartame was approved by the agency. Reagan was a grifter long before he became president when he informed against others in the motion picture industry during the Joe McCarthy hearings.

It is not simply a matter of what is illegal but which laws the government enforces and against whom they took action. The feds put Martha Stewart in jail for lying to agents as they wanted to prosecute her over a $40,000 stock trade. Meanwhile GW Bush did a sell off of $800,000 in stock for a company on which he was a board member and knew the stock was about to crash and the SEC chose not to prosecute a senator's son.

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