"Stop the steal!"

Republicans are right that you can't trust U.S. elections. And if it wasn't for massive election fraud by Republicans, the world could have been so much better off today. They stole every one of their corrupt elections since Eisenhower, arguably the last decent conservative. Tit for tat, Democrats should demand audits in every swing state they "lost" going back five decades!

Putting the shoe on the other foot as a thought experiment, consider: Hubert Humphry beat Richard Nixon in 1968; George McGovern beat Richard Nixon in 1972; Jimmy Carter beat Ronald Reagan in 1980; Walter Mondale beat Ronald Reagan in 1984; Michael Dukakis beat George H. W. Bush in 1988; Al Gore beat George W. Bush in 2000; John Kerry beat George W. Bush in 2004; Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in 2016.

Shouldn't publically professing those humiliating losses as "landslide wins" be a litmus test for any Democrat running nowadays, just as Republican candidates are expected to swear fealty to Trump the Liar? Isn't it obvious that the only way Democrats could lose is if Republicans lie, cheat, and steal?

That is, obvious in the same way that Trump "won" -- when winger logic doesn't depend on any evidence whatsoever. In the numerous cases when Democrats supposedly lost, however, there IS evidence aplenty they were targets of Republican false narratives and voter suppression.

So how much do the "Cyber Nimrods" charge for a "fraudit" anyway? Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Compiling the Truth: A Resource to Refute Trump’s “Stolen Election” Lies: https://campaignlegal.org/update/compiling-truth-resource-refute-trumps-stolen-election-lies

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I can still remember listening to Ronald Reagan, then president, proclaim over the airwaves that "If you are not already (list of psychopathic symptoms), then you'd better start. That is the future of this country." I have since then referred to the GOP as the party of psychopaths - the entire party. It is so incredibly reaffirming to have someone with the voice that Thom has proclaim it as well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Somehow the Republicans, especially under the griftsmanship of Reagan, Dubya and Trump, each predecessor reinforcing his successor, have convinced a large segment of the American people (who have not been paying attention,) that Republicans have introduced, sponsored and passed most legislation helpful to average citizens, and at the same time, blaming the Democrats for opposing these measures. As you have mentioned, this is complete projection, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Dumbing down the American public has certainly paid off for the Republicans.

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Absolutely one of Thom's most brilliant teachings. And I love the teeth; honed so precisely as to crush the core, yet avoid the petty trappings of vengeance and its distracting injuries. Masterful.

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Not an hour goes by that someone or some corporation tries to reach into your pocket. It's refreshing when you run across a product or service that is actually useful. They can take their algorithms and shove them up their.....

Anyway, there is no escaping the fact that we doubled our population in a short space of time. This means if 1 to 3 percent of society is without a conscience and the rest of us are on a sliding scale when it comes to empathy, we are awash with folks that sleep just fine after they screwed someone (literally and figuratively). Enter the Republican Party who actually sanctions this behavior and codifies it in law. Adding insult to injury, their legislators are too lazy to even write the laws. They have their grifter-lobbyists and ALEC do it for them, then they sit back and rake it in.

We MUST educate the young and those new to politics. Thanks to Thom and those doing this work, we have a chance in 2022.👏

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What a tour de force! Where to start? Well, I've been re-viewing old VHS tapes of MSNBC (It's a long story about that.) and I have only cold water to dump. 2009: Two Democratic Senators killing the Obama (Hope and Change). 2011: This was awesome Rachel M., but I can't date it bec. it was VHS. Sorry: Repub. nationwide kill abortion rights drive, incl. Ohio 5-week "heartbeat" law. Connie Schultz reports that R. extremists are "losing their base" and "losing moderates!!!!!" Yeah. Right. That happened. Sorry.

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