The world’s richest and most powerful oligarchs are depending on America’s Republican Party to make the world safe for their 21st century form of autocratic kleptocracy...
My first 2024 resolution will be to dump Facebook and LinkedIn as well as Apple News which supports FOX.
I will also try to boycott products of companies affiliated with Trump and the GOP.
In addition, will do all I can to share your info along with similar by Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Rachel Maddow and Leah McGowan (The Politics Girl).
I’ll also work with Vote Forward and other grassroots organizations to educate voters.
I hope everyone reading has similar plans.
We need to fight the right enemies--billionaire oligarchs and wanna be oligarchs within our country and around the globe.
A minor, but important point: since voters see the word “Republican” when they go to choose their candidates , I believe that the terms “ red and blue” as well as the ridiculous GOP (Grand Old Party!) should be permanently retired, at least by progressive and liberal commentators. Since the term “fascist” is not to be found, name it like it is.
And so it was in Hitler’s Germany. The morbidly wealthy wanted more, propped up a murdering monstrous evil man, and then were all “oops, we thought we could control him.”
Why? They crave power and power corrupts, absolutely.
Trump is a demagogue and his followers see themselves as members of his team, like sheep are oblivious to wolves, oblivious that "the world’s richest and most powerful oligarchs are depending on America’s Republican Party to make the world safe for their 21st century form of autocratic kleptocracy."
I include OPEC/Saudis who are funding the war on Ukraine and maybe Hamas by high energy prices stimulated by restrictions on production that began with Trump.
Your commentary is so frightening! I do not believe that young people understand how dangerous Trump is for our country. We really have to work on that message over the next several months!
Unfortunately President Biden and his Administration are clouding up this horrid situation by introducing another horrid happening. His unlimited supply of weapons to Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinian people is devastating. And in addition to helping Netanyahu in his effort to eliminate Hamas and the people of Gaza, Biden’s unconditional weapon supply is alienating many voters. The callousness of this supply is soul crushing.
What do you suggest Biden do?. Allow the Arabs to genocide the Jews, because that is their intent and agenda. Read the HAMAS Covenant, study Islam, learn something other than Arab and vapid leftist propaganda.
What is the line over which the Israeli government won't cross in order to eradicate Hamas? Is there a line? Or perhaps part of the solution is to leave no Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank,(where settlers are killing Palestinians)? Netanyahu has been an apartheid condoning authoritarian all along. And now as long as the slaughter continues, even if it means waring with neighboring countries, he will probably not be prosecuted and he will hold power.
I will answer your question with a question, and this will go on and on and on.
What should the Jews do? Commit suicide, Lay down and let the Muslims kill them
I do not disagree about Netanyahoo and the rabid orthodox settlers, the Likkud and their right wing coalition. We have the same problem in the States, we have Trump and their religious right supporters aka MAGAts.
The problem started in 1948, when the Arabs tried to ethnic cleanse the newly created and UN approved State of Jews. The Jews did not acquire the land by force, but by buying it from the Arabs.
The 1948 attack failed, and the Jews rightfully claimed the land of those who attacked them, for safety and borders. The Arabs call it the Nakba, the catastrophe, and they brought it on themselves. Not having learned their lesson, and like insane people they kept coming back again and again and again and again and again, each time losing and getting punished, and they have bragged that they are a nation of martyrs, martyrs are celebrated in Islam, not mourned, and yet they brag they the will keep coming back again and again, until there are no Jews in Israel or as the leftist idiots and the Muslims say, "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea".. only possible via genocide.
Israel needs to oust Bibi, and punish the Settlers, but they can't do it while they are under an existential threat. In fact the Arabs are the best friends Bibi and the settlers could have.
I heard a leading voice of the settlers on Chrisitane Amanpour, shameless claim that she has no second thoughts about killing and dispossessing the Arabs because of what HAMAS has done.
Peace and a two state solution are only possible when HAMAS gives up the criminals responsible for and participated in Oct 7th, then Bibi and the right wing have no excuse.
And at that point the decent, secular minded Jews, allied with the West can get rid of Bibi.
FYI I am anti Zionists and according to Zionists I am anti Semite, but I am not. I firmly believe that Jews have a right to their own nation, one that they have built, cleaned up, from the garbage heap of 2,000 or more years of Arab occupation.
Christians have a whole continent called America, and an island, England, an Europe. Orthodox Christians have Greece, Serbia, Russia, Hindu have India, Taoists, etc have east Asia. Muslims have North Africa, Sudan, Ethipia, Somalia and parts of Subshara Africa, the Levant, the Peninsula, Iran, west and central Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia and they begrudge the Jews a sliver of useless desert called Israel, which doesn't even have natural resources?
Friggin world is insane. Ideology, and religion is a deadly ideology, has killed more people and brought more suffering than natural disasters.
Like my friend Curtis from Oakland said at Diogenes Lantern back in 1958, when this world stops I'm getting off.
What "slaughter there is" can be laid in the lap of HAMAS, they started it with the INTENT of slaughtering the Jews, and they did. They (HAMAS and the Arabs who support them) have reaped the world wind. They sowed the seeds, and now bitch because that which they sowed has come back to bite them.
And what about the innocent Jews slaughtered by the mad Muslims. No pain for them?
Being very critical of the deadly policies of the Israeli government is no way is to be seen as belittling the horrors of Hamas. But the callous slaughter of the Palestinians is a great big horror too. Netanyahu and his gang rely upon fear and anger, not reason and humanity, to fuel their policies. There are many Jews who find the continuous punishment of Palestinians immoral and reprehensible.
No peoples, neither Jews nor Palestinians, should be devalued and subjected to terrorism and murder.
And nothing about the callous slaughter of Ukrainians, and the callous slaughter of Jews by the Arabs. Nothing,nothing at all?
I don't have enough blood to bleed for the Gazans, they have brought it on themselves.
Are the Jews suppose to commit suicide? To please you and your fellow travelers.
The slaughter of innocent women, babies, infants, toddlers, children,old and disabled by HAMAS and Islamic jihad, are ignored and brushed under the table by susceptible idiots influenced by Islamic propaganda.
Meanwhile the horrors of Ukraine and the real threat of Putin to the world is being ignored.
Coincidence that Oct 7th was Putin's birthday, Coincidence that there is a Putin-Iran-HAMAS nexus.
What is said about someone who keeps doing the same thing over and again, expecting different results.?
How about Arabs trying to genocide the Jews in 1948,1956, 1967, 1973, 2006, 2023 and failing each time.
There is no evidence that the Jews want to genocide Arabs, the notion is ridiculous, billions of them, impossible, but there is evidence in the HAMAS covenant and in their sacred text that they want to genocide the Jews.
So who is really guilty of genocide here?
Netanyahoo and the Israel right are criminals. The "settlers", Likkud and Israeli right wing, and the triumphalist Muslims should be forced into a cage match. That the liberal, secular Jews of Israel can live in peace.
Israel is, or was,before Netanyahoo a secular democracy were, women, gays and Arab citizens share equal rights, votes and seats in the Knesset.
You can't find one one Muslim country that accepts gays, provides equal rights for women, without treating them as breed cows, nanny's and sexual-domestic servants, and more importantly as far as I am considered allow atheists to even live and breath.
It is only natural for extremely unpopular organizations of extremely unwise intent to seek support from literally anyone - most predictably, other unpopular and unwise organizations or groups.
The Republican party has long scraped our domestic gutter in search of votes - be it racists, hyper-nationalists, cultists, and on and on - for the simple truth that their policy of greed and authoritarianism is and always will be unpopular. They cannot achieve dominance over the many in open support of the few. And it appears that the truly unwell factions within their base are not going to produce enough support at the ballot box moving forward. So they scavenge ever outwards. And the scavenging follows the same path they took with our jobs: off-shoring.
So unpopular, so unwise is the policy of buoying the few at the burden of the many that a weakened and desperate GOP tread further on in zealously treasonous spirit - beyond our borders - to shore up support from other unwell like minds.
The GOP are not as popular or powerful as they portray, which is evident in their secession from democracy into a fiery embrace of our world's most reviled figures: Putin, Xi, MBS, Orban and Trump. All to attain dominion over life itself.
It's still very hard to call this "2023 version" the Republican Party---it's not even a decade old. When it comes to social issues they have always been authoritarian, but getting cozy with Russia? Accepting interference from China, Iran, North Korea, and worshiping a Hungarian dictator? It is sickening.
The Republican Cult is so damn concerned about OUR involvement in the elections not being legit, but they still lie about what was in the Miller Report. From Page1: "The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016."
The majority of Republicans have become true allies to these FOREIGN authoritarian regimes. I guess giving themselves to Trump wasn't enough. These cult members have lost their damn minds!
How long can this violence to democracy go on before enough of the population rejects the party of hate? You would think this would have occurred long ago.
To us there is a party of hate, a party of corruption, a party against democracy, etc. Yet, there is a large part of the population that always finds some way to spin this as the other party's problems.
If you asked people in your community if they have heard of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, I am not sure that it would be very many. People would agree that there is too much money in politics, but they could not explain how. I don't think enough people realize how the Supreme Court's decision in only 2010 really sold us all out. Or, was at least the final "nail in the coffin".
Bret, no one knows much of anything bc 50 years of defunding public education & replacing learning with testing. Also, in the day Teachers were recruited from top 25% of a collage class (by gpa). Today they are recruited from the bottom 25%.
Interesting Jenny, you who complain that you live in an apartment with no hot water, can afford international travel to Ireland, England and France..Verrry interesting.
Please stop writing that "Tokyo Rose" was a traitor; she was not! Her name was Iva Toguri and she was a loyal American citizen who was trapped In Japan after Pearl Harbor. She was forced to broadcast for the Japanese and accused of treason. She was wrongly convicted, had her U S. citizenship revoked and served over six years in prison. Her citizenship was restored when she was fully exonerated by President Gerald Ford. She moved to Chicago and had a lovely little store on the north side of the city where she sold tea, tea sets, origami paper and other art supplies. It was a peaceful spot always fragrant with jasmine. Please stop calling this loyal American a traitor to our country.
You've got a lying, judgment-addled criminal billionaire going up against a lying, judgment-addled, genocidal establishment imperialist as the leader of our country. That's the decision both parties are giving us, with no options on the Democratic Party side and typically awful ones on the Republican side. Is that what you call democracy?
There you go the obligatory soft shoe denunciation of the Republican party, with your real venom for liberals.
The Republican party as a whole is repressive, not so the Democratic party
And Biden is no imperialist,whereas your sponsor Putin is, and you never ever mention him, it is always the opponent of your dear leader, that receives your wrath.
Sorry I'm not foaming at the mouth about Republicans, but "awful" and "lying, judgment-addled, criminal billionaire" are accurate and sufficiently negative in my book.
Yey Barre, but it always leads to Putin, you call Biden an imperialist and accuse him, basically of crimes against humanity, but the real imperialist, the real criminal with genocidal intentions is Vladimir Putin, but you are always on his side, attacking Biden, which means that you are a Putinist. Whether a troll out of St Petersburg, or just an idiot ideologue. Makes no difference.
I am quite aware of Biden's and the Democrat's faults and deficits, but in this dangerous and crazed world, constantly lambasting him and them, alone, without
doing the same and more to the real threats to humanity is to take sides with evil manifest.
And that includes HAMAS and Islamic triumphalists, which is as bad as as Trump, Netanyahu and Christian triumphalists.
I am inclined to say, that the real problem is ideology, and religion is an ideology,
Ideologies become a foundation of ones Ego and Id, part of their identity and thus the enemy of humanity.
The real problem though is humans, needy, greedy, humans. We haven't changed since we beat each other with sticks, and grabbed women to carry off by their hair.
I've been listening to and reading Thom for about two decades now. He is one of the rare truth-tellers in a wilderness of deception; but more than that, in my humble opinion, he is a meticulously accurate historian who can bring key events from the past into the proper focus and explain in plain English how they affect the present-day world in which we struggle mightily to survive and thrive — someone who inspires people to work hard for change for the better in so many positive directions.
But difficult truths must be told. The shockingly detrimental effect of private, outside big money in politics has been a major recurring theme of Thom's work throughout the decades, as it should have been, since money influences nearly every moving part of our governments, our politics, and our daily lives, for good or ill. It's a recurring theme because greed's corrupting influence is at the core of so much life-threatening danger our society and the world face, which is now reaching critical stages on most fronts, such as climate destruction, wars of aggression, the nuclear menace, the scourge of terrorism and endless violence everywhere home and abroad, the lethal threats to democracies coming from all directions, the widening disparity of wealth with millions upon millions living in crushing poverty, dying from starvation and disease the world over.
Truly, people need to wake up fast and come together to address the dire circumstances facing us all before it's too late. Maybe it already is. It's hard to stay positive with so much needless misery, so many impactful lies leading to so much carnage with no magic cure and no end in sight. No other choice, though, but to soldier on in the never-ending search for truth and justice. Get through it all somehow someday, the sooner the better.
Nature is a harsh mistress but our greatest teacher and truth-teller. (Haha, besides Thom) Really, people, we need to pay attention to what's going on, nowadays more than ever before! All life is connected. And nature ultimately seeks the proper balance to allow as many living things as possible to experience the mystery of life in their myriad physical forms. It's all about surviving turmoil and hardship to live life fully, and helping others to do the same. We depend on each other and everything depends on everything else in this magnificently intricate and elegant reality we find ourselves in.
You don't need to die to go to paradise; you're already here. Just realizing that fact alone — a seemingly miraculous haven of life in the unforgiving vacuum of space in an impossibly vast universe we know so little about — makes one want to do the right thing in the spit of time we live and die to protect the planet upon which life, liberty, and happiness also exist. To expand consciousness, to truly understand even an inkling, even for an instant. Each individual has their own responsibility. But certain concepts spread naturally and can quickly add up to a collective whole, elevating the entire consciousness of the species. Evolving...
My first 2024 resolution will be to dump Facebook and LinkedIn as well as Apple News which supports FOX.
I will also try to boycott products of companies affiliated with Trump and the GOP.
In addition, will do all I can to share your info along with similar by Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Rachel Maddow and Leah McGowan (The Politics Girl).
I’ll also work with Vote Forward and other grassroots organizations to educate voters.
I hope everyone reading has similar plans.
We need to fight the right enemies--billionaire oligarchs and wanna be oligarchs within our country and around the globe.
A minor, but important point: since voters see the word “Republican” when they go to choose their candidates , I believe that the terms “ red and blue” as well as the ridiculous GOP (Grand Old Party!) should be permanently retired, at least by progressive and liberal commentators. Since the term “fascist” is not to be found, name it like it is.
PS: this makes even more sense when u remember that every gop Prez since Eisenhower was a traitor:
Reagan/Ayatolla’s & Nicaragua
Bush I/see Reagan
Bush II/SCOTUS gave him the job
And so it was in Hitler’s Germany. The morbidly wealthy wanted more, propped up a murdering monstrous evil man, and then were all “oops, we thought we could control him.”
Why? They crave power and power corrupts, absolutely.
Trump is a demagogue and his followers see themselves as members of his team, like sheep are oblivious to wolves, oblivious that "the world’s richest and most powerful oligarchs are depending on America’s Republican Party to make the world safe for their 21st century form of autocratic kleptocracy."
I include OPEC/Saudis who are funding the war on Ukraine and maybe Hamas by high energy prices stimulated by restrictions on production that began with Trump.
Your commentary is so frightening! I do not believe that young people understand how dangerous Trump is for our country. We really have to work on that message over the next several months!
Unfortunately President Biden and his Administration are clouding up this horrid situation by introducing another horrid happening. His unlimited supply of weapons to Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinian people is devastating. And in addition to helping Netanyahu in his effort to eliminate Hamas and the people of Gaza, Biden’s unconditional weapon supply is alienating many voters. The callousness of this supply is soul crushing.
What do you suggest Biden do?. Allow the Arabs to genocide the Jews, because that is their intent and agenda. Read the HAMAS Covenant, study Islam, learn something other than Arab and vapid leftist propaganda.
The HAMAS Covenant:,
Netanyahoo is Trump from another mother, the Israeli right are brothers and sisters of the MAGAts. most of Israel are secular liberal democrats.
Islam is ultra religious conservative, and misogynistic, homophobic and patriarchal to extreme.
You would not survive in Islam, nor would any liberal or progressive, especially women, unless they converted and adopted Islamic culture.
What is the line over which the Israeli government won't cross in order to eradicate Hamas? Is there a line? Or perhaps part of the solution is to leave no Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank,(where settlers are killing Palestinians)? Netanyahu has been an apartheid condoning authoritarian all along. And now as long as the slaughter continues, even if it means waring with neighboring countries, he will probably not be prosecuted and he will hold power.
I will answer your question with a question, and this will go on and on and on.
What should the Jews do? Commit suicide, Lay down and let the Muslims kill them
I do not disagree about Netanyahoo and the rabid orthodox settlers, the Likkud and their right wing coalition. We have the same problem in the States, we have Trump and their religious right supporters aka MAGAts.
The problem started in 1948, when the Arabs tried to ethnic cleanse the newly created and UN approved State of Jews. The Jews did not acquire the land by force, but by buying it from the Arabs.
The 1948 attack failed, and the Jews rightfully claimed the land of those who attacked them, for safety and borders. The Arabs call it the Nakba, the catastrophe, and they brought it on themselves. Not having learned their lesson, and like insane people they kept coming back again and again and again and again and again, each time losing and getting punished, and they have bragged that they are a nation of martyrs, martyrs are celebrated in Islam, not mourned, and yet they brag they the will keep coming back again and again, until there are no Jews in Israel or as the leftist idiots and the Muslims say, "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea".. only possible via genocide.
Israel needs to oust Bibi, and punish the Settlers, but they can't do it while they are under an existential threat. In fact the Arabs are the best friends Bibi and the settlers could have.
I heard a leading voice of the settlers on Chrisitane Amanpour, shameless claim that she has no second thoughts about killing and dispossessing the Arabs because of what HAMAS has done.
Peace and a two state solution are only possible when HAMAS gives up the criminals responsible for and participated in Oct 7th, then Bibi and the right wing have no excuse.
And at that point the decent, secular minded Jews, allied with the West can get rid of Bibi.
FYI I am anti Zionists and according to Zionists I am anti Semite, but I am not. I firmly believe that Jews have a right to their own nation, one that they have built, cleaned up, from the garbage heap of 2,000 or more years of Arab occupation.
Christians have a whole continent called America, and an island, England, an Europe. Orthodox Christians have Greece, Serbia, Russia, Hindu have India, Taoists, etc have east Asia. Muslims have North Africa, Sudan, Ethipia, Somalia and parts of Subshara Africa, the Levant, the Peninsula, Iran, west and central Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia and they begrudge the Jews a sliver of useless desert called Israel, which doesn't even have natural resources?
Friggin world is insane. Ideology, and religion is a deadly ideology, has killed more people and brought more suffering than natural disasters.
Like my friend Curtis from Oakland said at Diogenes Lantern back in 1958, when this world stops I'm getting off.
What "slaughter there is" can be laid in the lap of HAMAS, they started it with the INTENT of slaughtering the Jews, and they did. They (HAMAS and the Arabs who support them) have reaped the world wind. They sowed the seeds, and now bitch because that which they sowed has come back to bite them.
And what about the innocent Jews slaughtered by the mad Muslims. No pain for them?
Being very critical of the deadly policies of the Israeli government is no way is to be seen as belittling the horrors of Hamas. But the callous slaughter of the Palestinians is a great big horror too. Netanyahu and his gang rely upon fear and anger, not reason and humanity, to fuel their policies. There are many Jews who find the continuous punishment of Palestinians immoral and reprehensible.
No peoples, neither Jews nor Palestinians, should be devalued and subjected to terrorism and murder.
And nothing about the callous slaughter of Ukrainians, and the callous slaughter of Jews by the Arabs. Nothing,nothing at all?
I don't have enough blood to bleed for the Gazans, they have brought it on themselves.
Are the Jews suppose to commit suicide? To please you and your fellow travelers.
The slaughter of innocent women, babies, infants, toddlers, children,old and disabled by HAMAS and Islamic jihad, are ignored and brushed under the table by susceptible idiots influenced by Islamic propaganda.
Meanwhile the horrors of Ukraine and the real threat of Putin to the world is being ignored.
Coincidence that Oct 7th was Putin's birthday, Coincidence that there is a Putin-Iran-HAMAS nexus.
What is said about someone who keeps doing the same thing over and again, expecting different results.?
How about Arabs trying to genocide the Jews in 1948,1956, 1967, 1973, 2006, 2023 and failing each time.
There is no evidence that the Jews want to genocide Arabs, the notion is ridiculous, billions of them, impossible, but there is evidence in the HAMAS covenant and in their sacred text that they want to genocide the Jews.
So who is really guilty of genocide here?
Netanyahoo and the Israel right are criminals. The "settlers", Likkud and Israeli right wing, and the triumphalist Muslims should be forced into a cage match. That the liberal, secular Jews of Israel can live in peace.
Israel is, or was,before Netanyahoo a secular democracy were, women, gays and Arab citizens share equal rights, votes and seats in the Knesset.
You can't find one one Muslim country that accepts gays, provides equal rights for women, without treating them as breed cows, nanny's and sexual-domestic servants, and more importantly as far as I am considered allow atheists to even live and breath.
It is only natural for extremely unpopular organizations of extremely unwise intent to seek support from literally anyone - most predictably, other unpopular and unwise organizations or groups.
The Republican party has long scraped our domestic gutter in search of votes - be it racists, hyper-nationalists, cultists, and on and on - for the simple truth that their policy of greed and authoritarianism is and always will be unpopular. They cannot achieve dominance over the many in open support of the few. And it appears that the truly unwell factions within their base are not going to produce enough support at the ballot box moving forward. So they scavenge ever outwards. And the scavenging follows the same path they took with our jobs: off-shoring.
So unpopular, so unwise is the policy of buoying the few at the burden of the many that a weakened and desperate GOP tread further on in zealously treasonous spirit - beyond our borders - to shore up support from other unwell like minds.
The GOP are not as popular or powerful as they portray, which is evident in their secession from democracy into a fiery embrace of our world's most reviled figures: Putin, Xi, MBS, Orban and Trump. All to attain dominion over life itself.
It's still very hard to call this "2023 version" the Republican Party---it's not even a decade old. When it comes to social issues they have always been authoritarian, but getting cozy with Russia? Accepting interference from China, Iran, North Korea, and worshiping a Hungarian dictator? It is sickening.
The Republican Cult is so damn concerned about OUR involvement in the elections not being legit, but they still lie about what was in the Miller Report. From Page1: "The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016."
The majority of Republicans have become true allies to these FOREIGN authoritarian regimes. I guess giving themselves to Trump wasn't enough. These cult members have lost their damn minds!
How long can this violence to democracy go on before enough of the population rejects the party of hate? You would think this would have occurred long ago.
To us there is a party of hate, a party of corruption, a party against democracy, etc. Yet, there is a large part of the population that always finds some way to spin this as the other party's problems.
This is because BOTH Party's are owned by BIG money.
W here are the other party's in the US.
Where are the socialists/communists/middle partys?
I agree. The moment Citizen's United took hold it was a walk away .... turn of the back from the
constitution. Money not law speaks. So why have a Supreme Court? They will have nothing to do once the country slips toward their goal.
If you asked people in your community if they have heard of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, I am not sure that it would be very many. People would agree that there is too much money in politics, but they could not explain how. I don't think enough people realize how the Supreme Court's decision in only 2010 really sold us all out. Or, was at least the final "nail in the coffin".
Bret, no one knows much of anything bc 50 years of defunding public education & replacing learning with testing. Also, in the day Teachers were recruited from top 25% of a collage class (by gpa). Today they are recruited from the bottom 25%.
Hello Susan.
Yes. My daughter was in the LA school district and she learned nothing. All the time she was doing tests. Teachers who were good hated this.
Interesting Jenny, you who complain that you live in an apartment with no hot water, can afford international travel to Ireland, England and France..Verrry interesting.
I am glad you find it fascinating.
Never been to Ireland in my life!
And then there is the corporate media. Even the "liberal" MSNBC, has taboo subjects
Please stop writing that "Tokyo Rose" was a traitor; she was not! Her name was Iva Toguri and she was a loyal American citizen who was trapped In Japan after Pearl Harbor. She was forced to broadcast for the Japanese and accused of treason. She was wrongly convicted, had her U S. citizenship revoked and served over six years in prison. Her citizenship was restored when she was fully exonerated by President Gerald Ford. She moved to Chicago and had a lovely little store on the north side of the city where she sold tea, tea sets, origami paper and other art supplies. It was a peaceful spot always fragrant with jasmine. Please stop calling this loyal American a traitor to our country.
You've got a lying, judgment-addled criminal billionaire going up against a lying, judgment-addled, genocidal establishment imperialist as the leader of our country. That's the decision both parties are giving us, with no options on the Democratic Party side and typically awful ones on the Republican side. Is that what you call democracy?
There you go the obligatory soft shoe denunciation of the Republican party, with your real venom for liberals.
The Republican party as a whole is repressive, not so the Democratic party
And Biden is no imperialist,whereas your sponsor Putin is, and you never ever mention him, it is always the opponent of your dear leader, that receives your wrath.
Sorry I'm not foaming at the mouth about Republicans, but "awful" and "lying, judgment-addled, criminal billionaire" are accurate and sufficiently negative in my book.
Yey Barre, but it always leads to Putin, you call Biden an imperialist and accuse him, basically of crimes against humanity, but the real imperialist, the real criminal with genocidal intentions is Vladimir Putin, but you are always on his side, attacking Biden, which means that you are a Putinist. Whether a troll out of St Petersburg, or just an idiot ideologue. Makes no difference.
I am quite aware of Biden's and the Democrat's faults and deficits, but in this dangerous and crazed world, constantly lambasting him and them, alone, without
doing the same and more to the real threats to humanity is to take sides with evil manifest.
And that includes HAMAS and Islamic triumphalists, which is as bad as as Trump, Netanyahu and Christian triumphalists.
I am inclined to say, that the real problem is ideology, and religion is an ideology,
Ideologies become a foundation of ones Ego and Id, part of their identity and thus the enemy of humanity.
The real problem though is humans, needy, greedy, humans. We haven't changed since we beat each other with sticks, and grabbed women to carry off by their hair.
Billionaires for fascism and citizens united. Billionaires love SCOTUS and Trump.
Billionaires for Putin
As Joy Reid says, "scaring is caring."
I've been listening to and reading Thom for about two decades now. He is one of the rare truth-tellers in a wilderness of deception; but more than that, in my humble opinion, he is a meticulously accurate historian who can bring key events from the past into the proper focus and explain in plain English how they affect the present-day world in which we struggle mightily to survive and thrive — someone who inspires people to work hard for change for the better in so many positive directions.
But difficult truths must be told. The shockingly detrimental effect of private, outside big money in politics has been a major recurring theme of Thom's work throughout the decades, as it should have been, since money influences nearly every moving part of our governments, our politics, and our daily lives, for good or ill. It's a recurring theme because greed's corrupting influence is at the core of so much life-threatening danger our society and the world face, which is now reaching critical stages on most fronts, such as climate destruction, wars of aggression, the nuclear menace, the scourge of terrorism and endless violence everywhere home and abroad, the lethal threats to democracies coming from all directions, the widening disparity of wealth with millions upon millions living in crushing poverty, dying from starvation and disease the world over.
Truly, people need to wake up fast and come together to address the dire circumstances facing us all before it's too late. Maybe it already is. It's hard to stay positive with so much needless misery, so many impactful lies leading to so much carnage with no magic cure and no end in sight. No other choice, though, but to soldier on in the never-ending search for truth and justice. Get through it all somehow someday, the sooner the better.
Nature is a harsh mistress but our greatest teacher and truth-teller. (Haha, besides Thom) Really, people, we need to pay attention to what's going on, nowadays more than ever before! All life is connected. And nature ultimately seeks the proper balance to allow as many living things as possible to experience the mystery of life in their myriad physical forms. It's all about surviving turmoil and hardship to live life fully, and helping others to do the same. We depend on each other and everything depends on everything else in this magnificently intricate and elegant reality we find ourselves in.
You don't need to die to go to paradise; you're already here. Just realizing that fact alone — a seemingly miraculous haven of life in the unforgiving vacuum of space in an impossibly vast universe we know so little about — makes one want to do the right thing in the spit of time we live and die to protect the planet upon which life, liberty, and happiness also exist. To expand consciousness, to truly understand even an inkling, even for an instant. Each individual has their own responsibility. But certain concepts spread naturally and can quickly add up to a collective whole, elevating the entire consciousness of the species. Evolving...