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That speech was kayfabe - intended to sustain the fiction that the Democratic Party is the resistance to the multi-feudal fascism the R Party so publically embraces. Both Parties are paid at the same window by slightly different subsets of the ~1000 B'naires. Now recall that the D Party received the somewhat larger part of the 16+B$ Dark Money invested in the 2022 midterms. I suggest that inActions speak louder than words: The in-yo-face most amazing being the 17th month delay in the 1st public hearing on J6 - tepid and timid with Zero appointees forced to testify, none jailed, Carl Albert spins in his grave.

On a lighter note, Powell still Chairs the Fed (Biden could have removed him long ago) - is now openly bragging that he can bring on a Depression. That's worth a few T$ by itself - as you recently argued in reviewing the depressions of the last 100 years. There are numerous other sins of omission by Senate Committee Chairs. A Lame Duck session that re-defines lameness. Biden supporting the vague Restrict Act attacks on 1A-speech - which will be use against life on Earth by the next President who - after the 6 gods rule next year on the Independent State Legislature Doctrine - will most certainly not be Biden. BTW the ISLD logic simply requires releasing the State Legislator from the Oaths to State & Fed Constitutions they have sworn - exactly as the sick 6 have released themselves from their Oaths. In all these blocked actions, the DNC, D leadership in Congress, and Biden are the Pawl to preclude any backsliding as the R Party ratchets up the fascism.

I recall that you recently estimated that it might require 4 or 5 election cycles to restore some semblance representative democracy. Our intersection with Climate Collapse will be fundamentally different 8 or 10 years out than is possible now. The Biden Party gets kudos (not from me!) for the perhaps 320B$ over 10 years, 32B$/yr, of actual Climate Remediation. PM2.5 is killing 8 to 9 million people/yr; comparable to WWII - but almost unremarked. We spent ~42% of GDP for 5 years. So 8T$/yr for 5 should be considered the ante for staying in the game of life against the far more destructive forces that we are subsidizing so heavily.

We stop subsidizing the monsters by taxing CO2e at $200/ton - that tax being calculated at the source. And every cent of that revenue going to a UBI (~$500/month for every adult in America, $250 for minors - at initial fossil/biomass usage rates). The dirtiest most energy intensive extraction techniques - fracking, tar sands oil, biomass - will be crushed immediately by market forces. The 8T$/yr will go to solar, batteries, HVDC undersea cables, and wind. Our actual peacemakers (not the damn missile) with install and connect these around the world - for free! Hey, we didn't charge them for the bombs in WWII (nor Korea, Vietnam ...)!

Now, other than that 32B$/yr, what has Biden done: Vast drilling leases in the Gulf, Willow, LNG in the Arctic and pipelines. Biomass: Trump EPA defined burning biomass to be carbon neutral. Biden EPA concurs. A clear mind and high school science immediately shows it to be 2+ times as bad as burning coal; though psychopaths argue otherwise. But, but, but, there's big money for carbon capture? That is a government subside for fracking. After we pay $600 or whatever to capture it, it is pressurized and pumped into the ground - which pushed out Methane and/or oil.

So no. Biden is not The One. We all knew (or at least you, me, Trump, and the DNC) who The One was in 2016. And in 2020, though then the DNC had a far more subtle and tastefully presented production.

But the One cannot solve the problem. Deep down we all know that. We all must know that corporate payola, the cancer of legalized bribery created by the Court in '76 and '78 Valeo & Bank of Boston; metastasized by Citizens United, McDonnell, Cruz; has effected that merger of State and Corporate Power that Mussolini called fascism. Ours is a unique fascism in that the corporations are dominant; pretty much as Koch, Federalist Society intended. Each corporate sector gets everything is asks for - and it all comes from us. This is what I referred to above as multi-feudal fascism. We are at the stage where most people have next to nothing - so scapegoating and foreign wars are the tools of choice.

Our tools are disruption by massive strike. The olies, or 'garchs if you prefer, have of course long planned for this. E.g. the Cop City protesters (and anybody nearby) are held without bail on terrorism charges - if still alive. Prisoners in our jails commit suicide when their release is imminent - always waiting till the surveillance cameras fail. And had Ghandi gone on hunger strike in Guantanamo, DeSantis would have force fed him.

I'm told that Irish Grandmothers admonish 'Hell boy! If it was easy assholes would do it.

It won't be easy.

But getting hold of me is easy: Tom@TomWellsForCongress.com - omit 'Tom@' for the website

352-514-5467 FL-CD3 - R won 2022 by 17%. DNC/FDP will not expect a Progressive prob here.

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