I say again: I am so glad that Thom Hartmann is part of my intake. Intelligent and prone to foster constructive thought. Not shrill, not bomb-throwing. Actually optimistic. Geez. Such a relief. That said:
This article illustrates part of what has come to be my assessment of what underlies THE problem in America. I have lived it, have help…
I say again: I am so glad that Thom Hartmann is part of my intake. Intelligent and prone to foster constructive thought. Not shrill, not bomb-throwing. Actually optimistic. Geez. Such a relief. That said:
This article illustrates part of what has come to be my assessment of what underlies THE problem in America. I have lived it, have helped my family apparel business move through the period of 1972 to now, and have experienced the erosion felt by so many over that time. Have watched the insurance businesses of all kinds take control, while pharmaceutical companies have wreaked devastating havoc for sake of profit through opioids. I've watched BIG take over, siphoning trillion from the bottom and the middle to the very top, and becoming the dog that wags the tail of government. I've become aware of the revelations of The Panama and Pandora Papers, AND have noted that money laundering and tax evasion (of trillions) are never on the list of Primary Issues that are presented by blue candidates.
I challenge the optimistic, hopeful tone of this (while appreciating it, believe me) because, as you point out, nobody noticed that one, simple, powerful statement. Including ANYONE from the leadership of the Democratic party. If ever there was a rallying cry at a time it is so badly need, that was it. For me, the sad truth is that the DNC is part of the problem. There IS no unity, no shared, named platform that will stand tall for decades to come, the new definition of the Democratic party.
It could happen. But it would be nice if HOPE had some teeth.
I say again: I am so glad that Thom Hartmann is part of my intake. Intelligent and prone to foster constructive thought. Not shrill, not bomb-throwing. Actually optimistic. Geez. Such a relief. That said:
This article illustrates part of what has come to be my assessment of what underlies THE problem in America. I have lived it, have helped my family apparel business move through the period of 1972 to now, and have experienced the erosion felt by so many over that time. Have watched the insurance businesses of all kinds take control, while pharmaceutical companies have wreaked devastating havoc for sake of profit through opioids. I've watched BIG take over, siphoning trillion from the bottom and the middle to the very top, and becoming the dog that wags the tail of government. I've become aware of the revelations of The Panama and Pandora Papers, AND have noted that money laundering and tax evasion (of trillions) are never on the list of Primary Issues that are presented by blue candidates.
I challenge the optimistic, hopeful tone of this (while appreciating it, believe me) because, as you point out, nobody noticed that one, simple, powerful statement. Including ANYONE from the leadership of the Democratic party. If ever there was a rallying cry at a time it is so badly need, that was it. For me, the sad truth is that the DNC is part of the problem. There IS no unity, no shared, named platform that will stand tall for decades to come, the new definition of the Democratic party.
It could happen. But it would be nice if HOPE had some teeth.