Yes, two months before the mid-terms, there is reason for optimism. I will be doing voter outreach until November 8th.

It was good to hear Biden finally tell it like it is on September 1st. I remember in late 2020, even before Jan 6, 2021 happened, wondering whether Biden would speak that way at his inauguration.

He didn't.

Supposedly he was briefed recently by some historians about FDR and the things you just mentioned, and that awoke him to the futility of still seeing the MAGA Republicans as good faith brokers, and that is why his speech finally called them out.

Over Labor Day, another reason for optimism emerged -Ukraine has turned the corner in their war against Russia.

I salute Daily Kos for reporting on this: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/9/4/2120770/-Ukraine-Update-Russia-culminates-Ukraine-advances-on-all-fronts , https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/9/5/2120992/-Ukraine-Update-Russia-wants-to-talk-peace-again-but-no-one-is-taking-it-seriously .

This matters to our domestic politics before the midterms because it keeps the embrace of Russia and Putin and dictators like Orban in Turkey by Trump and the MAGA Republicans in the spotlight. It reminds voters that the strong support of Ukraine by Biden and the Democrats had a lot to do with this "culmination" in Ukraine. And it reminds them that if Republicans rather than Democrats were in control in 2022, that support would not have happened. The MAGA Republicans might even have backed Russia when it invaded on February 24th.

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Thank you for reminding anyone listening of the history that has brought us to today, and clarifying the distortions that pervade our nation/world today.

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Thank you for this positive view. It can be hard to maintain hope when so many systems have been gamed to keep the *majority* of us effectively locked out of political power. Your reminder of our history is an important contextualization to keep us from collapsing into the gloom.

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I've been seeing this coming for years. The minority who really would prefer to be landless serfs owned by nobility so they don't have to make decisions or accept responsibility for their actions have gotten ever more strident, loud, and frankly, laughable in their fantasies as more and more people awoke to the realization that our freedom is being destroyed and our democracy ended.

The gullible low knowledge minority normally stay under their rocks, because they KNOW that the rest of us don't want to be owned by rich people. In recent years, however, the NaziRepublican Party has noticed that only a tiny, truly ignorant, but constantly shrinking minority are still buying the grift.

In response, the NaziRepublican Party has cranked up the propaganda to full volume and is DELUGING these people, in a desperate attempt to overthrow our democracy and install their monarchy. They are losing badly and beginning to panic. The grift is working fine on the gullible fools, but gullible fools aren't much use as soldiers. Thousands of them armed themselves heavily and attempted violent overthrow of our government, with only a hundred or so lightly armed cops opposing them, YET THE COPS WON. If the NaziRepublican brownshirts can't win with 40 times the people and 150 times the weapons, it sure doesn't bode well for future success, particularly since Biden won't hesitate to protect America and Americans from the NaziRepublican monarchists.

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It's so easy to fear the statistics about who owns the lion's share of the guns. Yet there is the detail, that the Jan.6 Plan also turned on the National Guard being held off. Just that one factor would have stifled the whole show quickly. But there has to be a Commander-in-Chief that wants to discourage violent white supremicists, not egg them on.

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Thom, you've been in the media business for a long time. I'd like to get your take on something - we're all aware that mass media is owned by some large corporations. But why, when it's common knowledge that Trump's rhetoric is "fanning the flames" of violence, do we see over and over articles featuring the same story magnifying such rhetoric? Again and again I'm seeing articles - the Guardian is a good example, since they keep repeating the same articles for weeks - where Trump is lambasting Biden for being an enemy of the state. This is no longer news, so why keep them as news stories? Especially considering their toxic nature? Can the media executives really be part of the problem in your nation?

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Having worked in 150 countries, I'd like to add to your well focused query that this isn't unique to the USA. When media expanded from a handful of networks to - I can't even guess how many providers today, the profit vanished from news.

Today, only the 99% of US media owned by outright fascists who use it for propaganda is financially secure, because they don't depend on profits, but most media world wide is struggling because they have to make money.

I see the same stories repeated everywhere, not just on the Guardian and US media. My last trip to Africa, I saw the same story in 6 different countries, always presented by a local, but obviously just reading the script. The USA has no more news people, only actors reading teleprompters. I suspect most countries are similar.

I know quite a few CEOs. None are concerned with anything but the compensation of the CEO.

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Thanks Stabilizer, your last sentence makes me realize they have no conscience, if all they're concerned about is the compensation they'll receive.

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I should modify my statement. In companies where the CEO is fairly compensated, basically only small businesses, executives generally are still company oriented. Overpaying ruins even the best.

Thom has touched on this but perhaps it's worth a deeper dive. Companies that pay executives properly, retain competent executives, but if they overpay, greed sets in and priorities change.

One company I worked for hired a Drucker-type of management consultant because their results were terrible every year. We'd just moved buildings, I was lost, and I accidentally walked into the theater instead of the kitchen, one door off. I noticed all the execs sitting in front of the consultant, who was pacing and mumbling. I was sneaking out, then he spoke up so I stayed to eavesdrop. He said "I'll just get right to it. In 15 years of holding these seminars, I've never worked with a group of executives where NOBODY cared at all about the company, just your bonuses. We can't help you because you don't want anything to change."

I ran into him at another company a few years later and we talked. Once comfortable, I asked him if that company was really unusual, because I'd found management performance was ALWAYS inversely proportional to compensation.

He laughed and said "That talk you heard is the closing speech I almost always have to give at large corporations. We never see any improvement when executives are overpaid. The management consulting industry is busier than ever, but these days almost all of our business is small companies that don't overpay their executives."

Wow, I didn't know what to say, rare indeed for me.

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Having worked in 150 countries, I'd like to add to your well focused query that this isn't unique to the USA. When media expanded from a handful of networks to - I can't even guess how many providers today, the profit vanished from news.

Today, only the 99% of US media owned by outright fascists who use it for propaganda is financially secure, because they don't depend on profits, but most media world wide is struggling because they have to make money.

I see the same stories repeated everywhere, not just on the Guardian and US media. My last trip to Africa, I saw the same story in 6 different countries, always presented by a local, but obviously just reading the script. The USA has no more news people, only actors reading teleprompters. I suspect most countries are similar.

I know quite a few CEOs. None are concerned with anything but the compensation of the CEO.

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Practically speaking and specifically, the admonition for democratically minded people of all stripes to set aside their normal differences and contentions (expected in a religiously diverse, multiracial, multicultural nation of immigrants) for the time being means to come out en masse to vote, defying conventional midterm wisdom. It means to rally under one flag to beat a common domestic enemy. In essence, politics is war through peaceful means. The weapons are voices and votes.

At long last, give Democrats enough of a healthy (in every meaning of that word) majority in Congress -- especially focusing on House races! It's imperative to overcome with raw numbers the extremely fascist gerrymandering that defeats the House's original constitutional purpose as the most democratic and responsive governing body on the national scale by virtue of conducting elections every two years. In contrast to the Senate (which is equally vital to hold), the U.S. House of Representatives -- as the name implies -- is the closest to the People and THEIR power.

In theory.

Unfortunately, the reality is not so clean. Like most everything else they touch with their regressive and repulsive ideologies, leave it to self-righteous Republicans to get self-governing so wrong. They've wholly perverted the entire concept of a people's democracy, turning healthy debate -- essential for the success of any functioning democracy -- into a fearful, hateful, angry experience that wounds the soul, destroying democracy at its source: in the mind.

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