In general, Mr. Biden's administration has been a pragmatic return to 'what's doable for all Americans.' However, it's tiresome to listen to the Black-and-White descriptors of the voters who have brought us the Republican Party and have ignored the deception that they stand for anyone other than corporations and Super Rich People. They d…
In general, Mr. Biden's administration has been a pragmatic return to 'what's doable for all Americans.' However, it's tiresome to listen to the Black-and-White descriptors of the voters who have brought us the Republican Party and have ignored the deception that they stand for anyone other than corporations and Super Rich People. They didn't have much of a choice after the Democratic Party abandoned the South and the Rural.
The idea that all the voters who had to chose between the life styles of voters in Mega-Urban areas, i.e The Democratic party, and the only other choice, i.e. the Republican Party, are mean, vicious and mostly not too smart is not very respectful. Nor is it a successful debating theme to take to neighbors and relatives.
During the 2020-22 our world and America was successfully manipulated by one of the most effective Fear Propaganda Campaigns the civilized world has ever experienced: The Covid Police went to work through all the international health organizations, WHO in partnership with Mr. Gates, and CDC in partnership with all the major pharmaceutical corporations with Dr. Faucie conducting and threatening all of us with loss of work and loss of travel freedom unless we all submitted to a series of unproven medical experiments that had no verifiable data. Researchers and doctors were threatened and blackballed if they presented data and possible alternatives that might be cheaper and safer.
We can do better than name calling; we can talk with each other. And, we can AGREE TO DISAGREE AND FOCUS ON IMPLEMENTING AND SUPPORTING COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS.
Voters who are streaming into the national action organization are paying $12 to put Blue and Red voters together to find courteous and pragmatic solutions to the challenges our country is faced with. This seems like a better All-American Way than name calling.
Mr. Hartman's citations:
These are the two primary strategies we all use to motivate ourselves and others every day. We use them in our internal self-talk, we use them with our children, and politicians use them every time they run for election or re-election.
To compare them with elemental forces of nature, fear- and pain-based motivation strategies are like the electromagnetic force. Powerful. Instantaneous. Violent. You can’t look away. When lighting is striking all around you, your one and only thought is to get away from it to avoid being struck.
The weakness of pain-based strategies is that they exhaust people and thus eventually lose their power. If somebody shouts, “Be afraid!” too often over too long a period of time, people stop paying attention. It’s like the story of the little boy who cried wolf.
Republicans, for example, have been hysterically warning us about communism and socialism for so long and with such over-the-top rhetoric that few people (outside of true believers) pay attention anymore. Ditto for their warnings about the evils of unions or racially integrated public schools.
In 2020 when Joe Biden was asked by ABC’s Robin Roberts what his campaign slogan was, he replied:
“Make America moral again. Make America return to the essence of who we are, the dignity of the country, the dignity of people, treating our people with dignity. End this God-awful deliberate division that is being taken in order to separate people to aggrandize his own power.”
And Biden has largely kept to that. The first two years of his presidency have been characterized by a return of decency and compassion, along with respect for the rule of law. He’s a genuinely decent human being.
And he has taken an aggressive stand on behalf of democracies around the world, including Ukraine. This is noble and honorable work.
The fact that Senator Bernie Sanders and President Joe Biden agree on most issues these days tells us an awful lot about the forward-looking state of the Democratic Party and the hopes Americans have for it.
The Democratic party did not abandon the south and rural. I am 83 and have lived through all of this. On the other hand you can say, with some justification, that the Democratic Party did abandon the south and rural when it, via LBJ, authored the Civil Rights Act, Medicaid and the Great Society Program.
In reality it was the south and rural America than fled the Democratic party to the Republican party.
Rural America, and that includes virtually all of the south, is led by its nose by it's shepherds, the press and the pulpit. Both of which are intrinsically conservative, self serving , and rule by fear.
The press and the pulpit, especially in rural America and the south, are dependent for their power and wealth or income, on stoking fear, fear of hell, fear of the other. if it bleeds it leads, in the press and from the pulpit. Priests and pastors don't gather and keep a flock by constantly preaching Matthew, no it is hell fire, damnation, sin and they deign to speak for the god they create in their own image and then use as a ventriloquist dummy to espouse policies and actions that assuage their fears and fulfill their needs.
It is axiomatic that the most virulent anti immigration and racist sentiments are found in those areas where there is a dearth of immigrants and people of color It is the cosmopolitan areas where there is diversity of demographics that is the most liberal, and it is those areas which are the most homogeneous that are the most fearful and angered.
Familiarity doesn't breed contempt it breeds comfort.
As a child and a teen I lived in the south, as an in between I lived in the north. I've seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears, how the southern mind is manipulated and guided by the pulpit and the press. Especially the pulpit, for there are only two acceptable resources for families to socialize. The grange and the church, mostly the church and it is there that the pulpit has sway over the people, telling them what to do, what to fear while they empty their pockets into the collection plate.
In general, Mr. Biden's administration has been a pragmatic return to 'what's doable for all Americans.' However, it's tiresome to listen to the Black-and-White descriptors of the voters who have brought us the Republican Party and have ignored the deception that they stand for anyone other than corporations and Super Rich People. They didn't have much of a choice after the Democratic Party abandoned the South and the Rural.
The idea that all the voters who had to chose between the life styles of voters in Mega-Urban areas, i.e The Democratic party, and the only other choice, i.e. the Republican Party, are mean, vicious and mostly not too smart is not very respectful. Nor is it a successful debating theme to take to neighbors and relatives.
During the 2020-22 our world and America was successfully manipulated by one of the most effective Fear Propaganda Campaigns the civilized world has ever experienced: The Covid Police went to work through all the international health organizations, WHO in partnership with Mr. Gates, and CDC in partnership with all the major pharmaceutical corporations with Dr. Faucie conducting and threatening all of us with loss of work and loss of travel freedom unless we all submitted to a series of unproven medical experiments that had no verifiable data. Researchers and doctors were threatened and blackballed if they presented data and possible alternatives that might be cheaper and safer.
The Biden administration and the Democratic party backed this approach and have been culpable for putting all parents with young children into deep fear because their children were labeled as 'spreaders' and a risk for all the people older than 65, and they have allowed the pharmaceuticals to move forward towards their ultimate G0-Home-Free-Legal card to put a Covid vaccine mandate on all our young children who were never at risk The Biden Administration and Democratic Senators Durbin from Illinois and many other Democratic legislators have been using the FEAR weapon to try to get the FDA to put common herbs and vitamins on the Pharmaceutical List of Sick Care Prescriptions and Their approach offended a cohort of voters tallied at 50-100 million voters who prefer using Alternative Health Care solutions rather than the Mainstream Sick Care approach
We can do better than name calling; we can talk with each other. And, we can AGREE TO DISAGREE AND FOCUS ON IMPLEMENTING AND SUPPORTING COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS.
The Two party system has been co-opted by the Rich and corporations; the recent mega Pentagon budget was securely supported by corporate Democratic legislators
Voters who are streaming into the national action organization are paying $12 to put Blue and Red voters together to find courteous and pragmatic solutions to the challenges our country is faced with. This seems like a better All-American Way than name calling.
Mr. Hartman's citations:
These are the two primary strategies we all use to motivate ourselves and others every day. We use them in our internal self-talk, we use them with our children, and politicians use them every time they run for election or re-election.
To compare them with elemental forces of nature, fear- and pain-based motivation strategies are like the electromagnetic force. Powerful. Instantaneous. Violent. You can’t look away. When lighting is striking all around you, your one and only thought is to get away from it to avoid being struck.
The weakness of pain-based strategies is that they exhaust people and thus eventually lose their power. If somebody shouts, “Be afraid!” too often over too long a period of time, people stop paying attention. It’s like the story of the little boy who cried wolf.
Republicans, for example, have been hysterically warning us about communism and socialism for so long and with such over-the-top rhetoric that few people (outside of true believers) pay attention anymore. Ditto for their warnings about the evils of unions or racially integrated public schools.
In 2020 when Joe Biden was asked by ABC’s Robin Roberts what his campaign slogan was, he replied:
“Make America moral again. Make America return to the essence of who we are, the dignity of the country, the dignity of people, treating our people with dignity. End this God-awful deliberate division that is being taken in order to separate people to aggrandize his own power.”
And Biden has largely kept to that. The first two years of his presidency have been characterized by a return of decency and compassion, along with respect for the rule of law. He’s a genuinely decent human being.
And he has taken an aggressive stand on behalf of democracies around the world, including Ukraine. This is noble and honorable work.
The fact that Senator Bernie Sanders and President Joe Biden agree on most issues these days tells us an awful lot about the forward-looking state of the Democratic Party and the hopes Americans have for it.
The Democratic party did not abandon the south and rural. I am 83 and have lived through all of this. On the other hand you can say, with some justification, that the Democratic Party did abandon the south and rural when it, via LBJ, authored the Civil Rights Act, Medicaid and the Great Society Program.
In reality it was the south and rural America than fled the Democratic party to the Republican party.
Rural America, and that includes virtually all of the south, is led by its nose by it's shepherds, the press and the pulpit. Both of which are intrinsically conservative, self serving , and rule by fear.
The press and the pulpit, especially in rural America and the south, are dependent for their power and wealth or income, on stoking fear, fear of hell, fear of the other. if it bleeds it leads, in the press and from the pulpit. Priests and pastors don't gather and keep a flock by constantly preaching Matthew, no it is hell fire, damnation, sin and they deign to speak for the god they create in their own image and then use as a ventriloquist dummy to espouse policies and actions that assuage their fears and fulfill their needs.
It is axiomatic that the most virulent anti immigration and racist sentiments are found in those areas where there is a dearth of immigrants and people of color It is the cosmopolitan areas where there is diversity of demographics that is the most liberal, and it is those areas which are the most homogeneous that are the most fearful and angered.
Familiarity doesn't breed contempt it breeds comfort.
As a child and a teen I lived in the south, as an in between I lived in the north. I've seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears, how the southern mind is manipulated and guided by the pulpit and the press. Especially the pulpit, for there are only two acceptable resources for families to socialize. The grange and the church, mostly the church and it is there that the pulpit has sway over the people, telling them what to do, what to fear while they empty their pockets into the collection plate.