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This is an important factor that is rarely given any emphasis in our education system.

The Catholic Church not only burned books, but also, by passive aggression, prohibited the reading and copying of pagan – i.e. Greek – manuscripts so they deteriorated completely. All Greek learning was lost to Europe.

But as Europe went into the dark ages, Islam entered its golden age based on Greek ideas. That age ended also because of domination by the clergy. On one hand, the introduction of the Madrasah schools at which only the Koran was taught because that’s was all the average person needed for their salvation. And then leading influencer, Al-Ghazali, forbade the reading of Greek manuscripts except for specially trained mullahs. So the Greek manuscripts were preserved just kept out of circulation.

Then, after the conquest of Toledo, Western scholars discovered the Greek manuscripts that had been preserved by Islam. These were brought to Florence and Cambridge and were the seeds for the Renaissance.

Curiously, as if the two civilizations were on a seesaw, as Europe rose from throwing off the repression of learning by Christianity (for policies that had nothing to do with the teachings of its founder, it should be noted), Islam sank into its dark age.

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Both religions of faith, not facts. I graduated from public high school without ever having to spell the word agnostic once or what it was or what it meant! I am anagnostic!!!, @$#🤬🤬🤬*#@, I never heard of Plato or Utopia or moderation either 🤬🤬. Phony Christians, you can't live with them but you can live without them!

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Same experience here.

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