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The snarky thought that pops up is that this is a signal for the current POTUS to order a drone strike on Mar-A-Lago — perhaps on the pretext that there is a HAMAS leader there?-with the full assurance that there will be no legal accountability……..

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If SCOTUS rules that Trump has presidential immunity, then Biden can do just that Docliz.

if SCOTUS rules that Trump has immunity for whatever he did while in office, then Biden can do whatever he wants as well. It is a two edged sword.

If Trump can use the office to create a dictatorship, then Biden can as well.

I don't like the idea of dictatorship, but would rather live under a secular dictatorship than a theocratic dictatorship.

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Biden has strong moral grounding that would prevent him from doing away with anyone. However, were he to do such a thing, SCOTUS would turn on a dime! Precedent, as we've seen, means nothing to the Trump Six, unless it's to be used for their own ends.

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Correct on both accounts Judith.

Moral grounding gives way to force and dictatorship.

The Weimar Republic was morally grounded too.

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Yes, force. It's too bad that the institution created to embody the greatest moral grounding is in a silk-lined gutter. Even a general strike, if such could be mounted, would be unlikely to move them -or the Putin wing of congress - to take appropriate actions.

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"Precedent" so out the window! With these people who raised their right hands, and swore on the Bible, etc. Ari Melber's show today detailed actual precedent for timely SCOTUS action.

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How about if we avoid dictatorships completely. Wouldn't that be a better idea?

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The GOP is the one's pushing the issue. With Putin pushing over in the Ukraine threatening a nuclear war, and the GOP pushing here, threatening a dictatorship, we might as well end the human experiment in my opinion rather than prolong it into years of suffering from thugs who seek power and fame and fortune. But be my guest and keep on having babies, I'm old and checking out soon.

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