You filled me with the American Spirit this morning ☕ Thom. Your article reminds me of when I taught my daughter how to Vote for the first time. I explained to her how one Vote can make a huge difference in the outcome of a political person being elected or on any single issue you're passionate about. The one piece of advice that put a Sparkle in her eyes,was when I said" today your vote is as important as the President of the United States is" she liked that, and has been Voting ever since. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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I sent 200 postcards to registered Dems in NV. I listed Kamala's accomplishments on them. All my friends and family are voting straight blue ticket, except for 2, and I have sent them info which they will probably call fake news.

As good as Harris' speeches are. her messaging is incomplete -- she needs to hammer away at Covid and Big Corp/Ag causing inflation, that 45's tariffs will worsen inflation, and at 45's misinformation about immigration. Those are top issues for swing voters and interviews show most undecideds still don't hear where she stands on these. A little late now.

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Send to your Republican friends and relatives,


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1. Uncle Sam needs you! https://www.mobilize.us/ (And me.)

2. Please repeatedly post "not suckers or losers" comments in social media. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans and active duty members on Facebook, as well as 12.5 million family members and 242 million friends with veterans or active duty members. Military sites, veterans; organizations, historical sites.

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The Democratic Party has databases that track who is registered and who has voted, so calling and canvassing should be limited to registered voters in most states.

In some states. NC, MI, WI, MT, NV registrations remain open and FT 6 is still registering new Democrats. BYOP, free, is texting into MI, NC, NV, WI as I type...https://www.fieldteam6.org/free-byop-textbanks

Tomorrow FT 6 TextArcades will be texting 1400 for each $25 contribution. The recipients are not in voter databases so they don't get many political texts. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ft6arcade24

FT 6 also has mass texting on Saturday. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/

It also has a ballot curing website. https://www.fieldteam6.org/ballot-curing

Besides FT 6 I also text and call in other venues. E.G. I am texting into Pa today with Vorteriders via mobilize. https://www.mobilize.us/voteriders/

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Mr. Solomon, My two best friends are vets. One of them has three purple hearts and the silver star and the bronze star from his self sacrifice in Vietnam. Both of these men volunteered. I received infantry ROTC training in college and dropped out, refusing to sign up. It was my opinion then and still is my belief that millions of American boys were lied to about what was at stake in Viet Nam and what was going on there.

Many Viet Nam vets have told me they made a mistake, going there to fight. But at the time, they sincerely believed they were doing the right thing. My friend with the awards for service in combat suffered from serious health problems for the rest of his life, still does. Yet he had to beg the Veteran's Administration for decades to pay for health care for him. They refused.

He found it necessary to hire a lawyer and bring a suit to get a response from the government. He won the suit and the government finally awarded a payout to him, plus medical care. This disgraceful treatment of my friend by the government is a double whammy. Not only did the government lie to get him to go to war half way around the world; but it refused to take care of this brave, self sacrificing citizen, this excellent soldier, this hero, until he forced the issue in court four decades after his service was over.

It is beyond my imagination that Americans support a man for president who calls vets "suckers" and "losers." I advise all American citizens to read the heroic Ron Kovic's book BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY lest we forget these men.

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Today's SCOTUS-authorized purging of North Carolina voters is another reason to be sure to vote.

And if you help create a Blue Wave that takes both the Presidency and all of Congress, IMHO then renovating SCOTUS Immediately is top priority: Term Limits, Court Expansion, Enforced Ethics all must be passed Immediately. Because it's clear that this SCOTUS will continue to work to put Republicans in power while keeping Democrats out or making it difficult for Democrats to govern. Any actions and reforms that delay or merely gradually make changes allows the Republican SCOTUS time to sabotage attempts to reform the court.

BTW, directly linking the "messaging" and congress' actions for restoring abortion rights & voting rights to reforming SCOTUS will make it easier for The People to both support and demand SCOTUS Reform: "Without reform, this SCOTUS will swiftly again take away these very rights we have worked so hard to restore."

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The Supreme Court needs to be locked up that's probably why they didn't sign their name to it so we wouldn't know which ones to lock up, probably the usual six who side with Satan. Not only Purge North Carolina's voting roles but all the other states as well at the last moment. It is past time to round them all up!

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It was Virginia. I sponsor poll workers through Common Cause and work with groups like FT 6, Waveriders that cure the problem, which are inconsistencies between drivers' and voters' registrations.

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The difference in FL in 2000 was 537. I think all that needs to be said are in those numbers. False overvotes which had never been used before is the reason a lot more than that is the number but the idea is clear enough. Focus on TX because the GOP lost there last time and will again. The only question is how the GOP will steal that state again. I think Houston will deliver TX for the Dems once again. Go blue TX! And FL too!

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Too little, too late. Immigration may cost her the election. I wish I felt differently

The real story of immigration. ONLY CONGRESS CAN FIX THE PROBLEM BY CHANGING THE LAW. Congress HAD A CHANCE AND 45 TOLD THEM NOT TO PASS BIDEN-HARRIS IMMIGRATION BILL SO HE COULD WIN THE ELECTION. WHY WHY WHY didn't Harris team shout this from the rooftops?????? Biden and Harris did what they could. But voters don't know.


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This was the slogan for the 2008 election of Barack Obama, and after working for his campaign what I got was the precise opposite of everything he promised, starting on day one with his expansion of our illegal occupation of Afghanistan. Now faux progressives and neoliberals turned neocons are urging me to vote for a presidential candidate who was anointed by the Democratic Party under the most dubious of circumstances without any challenge, primary or debate. We were told how "joyous" this anointment was until it wasn't, as Harris shows she is incompetent and unable to offer a direct answer to the most straightforward of questions. There is a reason she polled below Dick Cheney in two NBC vice-presidential polls. Ironically, she now embraces him and the other monsters of the George W Bush cabal who only 10 years ago liberals (including you Thom) were comparing to Hitler or Mussolini or whatever dictator of the day served your purpose. Now you tell Americans they must vote for one self-serving genocidal inhumane incompetent because the other is so dangerous. Some of us refuse to continue to enable this right-wing militaristic party that practices its own special brand of fascism. https://barryjkaufmando.substack.com/p/the-election-is-so-close-because

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Boris. You claim to have campaigned for Obama. Well this is the internet and you can claim anything you want and be anybody you want.

But I know this for a solid. The logical consequence of your constant dissembling , is a Trump presidency and that makes Putin orgasm, doesn't it Boris.?

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Oh William, you’ve just made my day with that highly intelligent unequivocal response. Thank you.

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You could be credible if it weren’t for Trump who obviously passes your test. He’s lowered the bar into a world of fascism and incivility that no decent parent could tolerate so even if everything you said was true, she’s still better.

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That's why I've voted in every election since I turned 18 in 1979. I always tell people if you don't vote you can't bitch.

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The process of voting in a close race could be summarized like this: every vote for Candidate A has a corresponding "match" for Candidate B. The winner becomes the candidate with no matches.

Your vote is needed to either match one vote for the opponent, or to become among the unmatched votes giving your candidate a stronger lead.

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I don't recall Kamala ever mentioning that Biden has created more jobs than all of the Republican presidents since Ronald Reagan once? I haven't heard the Democratic party blame the GOP for voodoo economics courtesy of Reagan and the deep state New World order globalists, free trade, the trickle down, tax cuts for the wealthiest, immigration once either? I haven't heard Kamala mention once that 10-inch thick top secret book that came up missing after Trump left with all of our top secrets? Haven't heard Kamala mention one time the spy that was outed by Trump right after the election?

All these and more could have been mentioned in about a 3 minute spiel at every campaign rally!

If the Democratic party wins this it will be no thanks to Joe Biden and Merrick Garland! I think it is the 14th amendment that the corrupt Supreme Court of the United States broke the law today by allowing Republicans to kick people off the voting roles within 90 days of the election! Biden needs to round up the Supreme Court and have them all arrested and all their gerrymandering accomplices as well. Letting Garland give the GOP the Congress was unforgivable! Not prosecuting about 147 insurrectionist planners was also incompetent!

The truth has been muzzled and the lies have been pushed by the robber barons this election!

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How much did Al Franken win in his election?

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Trump, Musk & Putin: What are they up to?

Highlighted here are recent disclosures that would seem to warrant further investigation by both journalists and federal law enforcement.

It has recently been reported by Bob Woodward and the Wall St. Journal that Donald Trump and Elon Musk have been in regular communication with Vladimir Putin over the past few years. However, there has been little subsequent reporting on these contacts, though they pose considerable cause for speculation. The fundamental question, considering their outsize wealth and power, is what are these three men up to together? Obviously, the immediate answer is getting Trump elected as the next US president. All three stand to gain economically and politically from that achievement – Putin in Ukraine, Trump by becoming a virtual dictator and Musk by wielding power within that dictatorship to benefit his far-flung enterprises.

But I think something else might be afoot, more in keeping with the narcissistic grandiosity of all three men. It has long been Putin’s aim to weaken the West, most especially the US, as a global adversary. Trump is his latest tool for achieving that goal, sowing chaos and discord in American politics. Trump has been a willing pawn in that game. But what’s in it for Musk? Being already the world’s richest man, perhaps Putin’s equal on the score, what does Musk hope to gain at any scale significant enough to warrant playing the game?

One answer in plain view would seem to be Trump’s announced economic plans – namely high universal tariffs, lower taxes on high earners and corporations, and expulsion of a significant portion of the American labor force. Bloomberg Economics projects that the ensuing chaos of these and other announced measures - such as curtailing the independence of the Federal Reserve, repudiating the national debt, and sharply reducing government investment in civil society - would shrink US GDP by 8.9%, twice the impact of the 2008 financial meltdown. Trump recently starting a bit-coin company with his sons would seem to anticipate such an outcome, as the value of the US dollar will plummet. More to the point, Musk is quoted recently in the New Republic agreeing that crashing the economy is part of their plan.

Should something of this sort be engineered, sectors of the US economy would be for sale at pennies on the dollar – the final act of “disaster capitalism”, to borrow Naomi Klein’s term. Musk, in partnership with the Russian central bank, would be first in line at this fire sale. You can bet his fellow billionaires would not be far behind. Meanwhile, the American public, locked down under a militarized dictatorship would have no political recourse, despite widespread poverty and anguish. Putin would have won the final battle of the cold war between Russia and the US, his crowning achievement, as the economies and politics of both countries assumed striking similarities under oligarchic authoritarianism.

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