Libertarianism is used because fascism evokes Hitler and Mussolini. I believe libertarianism is a fast track to full blown fascism.

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They certainly have undermined our economy and national security. The Libertarian Party is the third-largest political party. The definition is someone who wants to screw, smoke dope without government interference and not pay taxes. Historically the party opposed all of the FDR reforms, was isolationist and supported open borders.

Many of the libertarian heroes, like Ayn Rand, after condemning "altruism" and public benefits, wound up receiving governmental benefits like Medicare and Social Security.

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Fascism goes way back before Hitler, about 7,000 years at least. It has existed under many names, like monarchy, feudalism, pharaohs... Anytime a few have controlled any government, you have privatized the government and you have fascism!

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The problem with Libertarianism is that it's is stuck with idea of evolution being just determined by Darwinian Individual Selection's concept of "survival of the fittest," which applies to both plants and animals when it comes to an ecosystem. A libertine thus has no conception of V.C. Wynne-Edward's concept of Group Selection that applies only to animals. "Wynne-Edwards was best known for espousing a form of group selection that operates at the level of the species, most notably in his 1962 book, Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behavior. In it, he argued that many behaviors evolved for the good of the species as a whole, rather than at a lower level of organization. For example, he argued that species have adaptive population-regulatory mechanisms." In the postscript to his book Wynne-Edwards mentions that he'd just learned of Alexander Carr-Saunders magnum opus The Population Problem summarizing his earlier work on human population dynamics. Thus such reasoning is the source of society's obligation to put Altruistic Constraints On Individual Self-Interest!

Novelist Ayn Rand. born in totalitarian Russia and an avowed atheist, is the Godmother of the Libertarian movement. A Fascist in a Dialectical Hegelian sense as being Against Marxism, which arose in Russia and China because of Boundary Constraints that needed Collective Control of Industries to Compete with Western Capitalism!!! Her endless waxing on the merits of "makers" as the greatest value of a society and the frivolousness of altruism (the common good)-- stood in stark contrast to the fact that she ultimately lived out her years on the public dole for her support. In a word, Rand was proven a hypocrite, with her "objectivist" theories, pure bunk; useful for entertainment only. The most telling aspect of her existence to me was her most ardent acolyte, a man named Alan Greenspan. Think about it.

All these people did (neo-liberals and conservatives, since the 1970's) was destroy the American Experiment and its successfully regulated capitalist economy -- as the engine of the world, with their "greed is good" (me me me) modus operandi. Deregulating banking, telecom, the environment, etc-- would have made Rand smile, as the billionaires have taken over and plundered our planet.

The statistics of how the end of "the common good" and the beginning of "greed is good" era culminating in a reality-TV show host playing our president, and how it destroyed the greatest economic engine of the world (the American middle class) are in:


I will give you a direct answer. Things in quotes are hers. She was a refugee from early Russian totalitarianism, and she had formed an absolute obsession and rigid admiration for the opposite, i.e. extreme "unfettered capitalism". Her heroes were the strong, dominant, "self made man". For her 'philosophy of "objectivism", she meant the vast competitive struggle for dominance by the better people as proved by the results of power. They deserved to rule. Others deserved their lot because they were "losers" who had failed to act or try harder. Social tools to increase equity, opportunity or basic security were things she defined as "Evil". Social security and Medicare were "evil". She only became known because she was an unknown writer, and approached Cecil B. DeMille (film producer) in the parking lot at his studio, and gave him a copy of her manuscript "the Fountainhead" a lame adulation of an alpha male architect. But he liked it and helped her by introducing her to the "big guys" in publishing. So, she became the promoted mascot of the reactionary right wing who always opposed FDR's "New Deal". And her acolytes became the core of the right flank of the Republican Party; John Birch Society, and it's founders sons the Koch brothers, Goldwater, most of Richard Nixon's staff (after his resignation, he actually was not a follower). Her influence broadened steadily until finally Ronald REagan was elected, and established her philosophy as gospel of the Republican party. In turn, Reagan gave a special short fused citizenship to an Australian immigrant named Rupert Murdoch who was a true blue rand acolyte and had been successful in crating a divisive core ideological fracture lines in media coverage in both Australia and Britain. He did the same here. And, whether she is referenced or not she was the philosophical inspiration for the devolution of American politics into ideological warfare, and eventually..the travesty known as Trump..someone who regarded himself as epitomizing her ideal strongman. It's worth noting that when she died from smoking, she died receiving social security and Medicare.

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You are so right. Libertarianism is based on an insane lie. Show me one Libertarian that raises his family and household with no regulations? It is absurd. It would only produce chaos, human suffering and destruction. In the micro and the macro. If they actually believe their other absurd lie, that corporations are people, then why don't they want these "people" to adhere to the laws which they gladly want enforced on actual people? What they really want is no regulations against themselves, and lots of regulation against anyone that would threaten their wealth.

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And if corporations are “people”, then they should be subjected to the death penalty when they do egregious harm. Just like real people.

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Ah but there is the reason that they are not people, because real people die and they don't, David.

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Beware of the zombies?

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Eating your brain is definitely a corporate concept. Thanks for my chuckle of the day, Daniel.

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Our Country originally limited the lifespan of a Corporation to 70 years after which it was to be broken up. That obviously didn't last. But there was still a death penalty available for criminal enterprises. FDR planned to break up some of the big Nazi Corporations like IG Farber and Krupps. Unfortunately he died before he could take action and Truman didn't have a clue about his plans.

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Appreciate your argument of never worked and never will concerning Libertarian-ism.

One of the favorite things I have read was an excerpt from a woman's diary that lived on the prairie circa 1900. She spoke about how much she loathed a few of the men that were part of her county.

This woman and these men were the actual "rugged individuals" Libertarians talk about. They were eking out a living from farming. The point she made in her writing was about how she had to take them in from time to time. The storms were brutal and life-threatening. Providing food, a fire, and a place to sleep to someone traveling to get supplies or do some business in town was a GIVEN.

They simply had to put-up with each other to survive. Thankfully, the good people in Florida are basically doing the same as I write this. They aren't asking you at the shelter if you are Republican, Democrat, or a Libertarian.

No one on this planet will escape the devastation of our climate crisis. Libertarian ideas got us into to this mess, but they sure as hell won't help us survive it!

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Off this specific topic but in the ballpark---did you see the Dems in the House trying to censure Rep. Clay Higgins yesterday? He posted some vile racist rhetoric about the Haitian refugees on X-itter.

You can find info at rollingstone.com-"GOP Rep. Bashes ‘Vudu’-Practicing ‘Thug’ Haitians in Wildly Racist Rant".

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There is no such thing as a free market. Markets are human creations, put together by those who own and control capital. Libertarians talk about free markets as if they grow naturally in the wild like a rare animal. They say we mustn’t frighten or startle the free market with taxes and regulations lest it run away and hide. It’s ridiculous. Libertarian thinking is sociopathic thinking. Their use of the term “free market” is like a magician misdirecting the audience. Amassing such obscene levels of wealth, as has Zuckerberg, comes out of a hoarding disorder where he will never have enough. The amount of wealth Zuckerberg, or any billionaire, controls is light-years beyond the amount of innovation, hard work, and productivity that they have, or will ever, contribute to our society. It isn’t earned. It is simply cornered cash flow. We have every right to moderate their business activity through strong regulation (which makes us safe and protects our environment), and to cull any distorted accumulation of wealth through taxation. FDR’s new deal tax policy is the proper steady-state tax policy for a stable, humane, capitalistic economy.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Thom Hartmann


Great comment!


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The problem with Libertarianism is that it's is stuck with idea of evolution being just determined by Darwinian Individual Selection's concept of "survival of the fittest," which applies to both plants and animals when it comes to an ecosystem. A libertine thus has no conception of V.C. Wynne-Edward's concept of Group Selection that applies only to animals. "Wynne-Edwards was best known for espousing a form of group selection that operates at the level of the species, most notably in his 1962 book, Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behavior. In it, he argued that many behaviors evolved for the good of the species as a whole, rather than at a lower level of organization. For example, he argued that species have adaptive population-regulatory mechanisms." In the postscript to his book Wynne-Edwards mentions that he'd just learned of Alexander Carr-Saunders magnum opus The Population Problem summarizing his earlier work on human population dynamics. Thus such reasoning is the source of society's obligation to put Altruistic Constraints On Individual Self-Interest!

Novelist Ayn Rand. born in totalitarian Russia and an avowed atheist, is the Godmother of the Libertarian movement. A Fascist in a Dialectical Hegelian sense as being Against Marxism, which arose in Russia and China because of Boundary Constraints that needed Collective Control of Industries to Compete with Western Capitalism!!! Her endless waxing on the merits of "makers" as the greatest value of a society and the frivolousness of altruism (the common good)-- stood in stark contrast to the fact that she ultimately lived out her years on the public dole for her support. In a word, Rand was proven a hypocrite, with her "objectivist" theories, pure bunk; useful for entertainment only. The most telling aspect of her existence to me was her most ardent acolyte, a man named Alan Greenspan. Think about it.

All these people did (neo-liberals and conservatives, since the 1970's) was destroy the American Experiment and its successfully regulated capitalist economy -- as the engine of the world, with their "greed is good" (me me me) modus operandi. Deregulating banking, telecom, the environment, etc-- would have made Rand smile, as the billionaires have taken over and plundered our planet.

The statistics of how the end of "the common good" and the beginning of "greed is good" era culminating in a reality-TV show host playing our president, and how it destroyed the greatest economic engine of the world (the American middle class) are in:


I will give you a direct answer. Things in quotes are hers. She was a refugee from early Russian totalitarianism, and she had formed an absolute obsession and rigid admiration for the opposite, i.e. extreme "unfettered capitalism". Her heroes were the strong, dominant, "self made man". For her 'philosophy of "objectivism", she meant the vast competitive struggle for dominance by the better people as proved by the results of power. They deserved to rule. Others deserved their lot because they were "losers" who had failed to act or try harder. Social tools to increase equity, opportunity or basic security were things she defined as "Evil". Social security and Medicare were "evil". She only became known because she was an unknown writer, and approached Cecil B. DeMille (film producer) in the parking lot at his studio, and gave him a copy of her manuscript "the Fountainhead" a lame adulation of an alpha male architect. But he liked it and helped her by introducing her to the "big guys" in publishing. So, she became the promoted mascot of the reactionary right wing who always opposed FDR's "New Deal". And her acolytes became the core of the right flank of the Republican Party; John Birch Society, and it's founders sons the Koch brothers, Goldwater, most of Richard Nixon's staff (after his resignation, he actually was not a follower). Her influence broadened steadily until finally Ronald Reagan was elected, and established her philosophy as gospel of the Republican party. In turn, Reagan gave a special short fused citizenship to an Australian immigrant named Rupert Murdoch who was a true blue rand acolyte and had been successful in crating a divisive core ideological fracture lines in media coverage in both Australia and Britain. He did the same here. And, whether she is referenced or not she was the philosophical inspiration for the devolution of American politics into ideological warfare, and eventually..the travesty known as Trump..someone who regarded himself as epitomizing her ideal strongman. It's worth noting that when she died from smoking, she died receiving social security and Medicare.

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There has not been one capitalist Nation without any socialism in the last 7,000 years that has provided for its people, that was not a third world living hell on Earth!

Only the sadistic maga cult members are stupid enough to believe the billionaires propaganda being spewed on all of our airwaves!

Religion has been used to mentally cripple the populations for thousands of years and keep them right wingers!

A test needs to be given those who vote. Just ask two questions. 1. Is the fate of man up to himself or is it up to God? A follow-up question needs to be. If f God does not want man to think, why did God give man a brain?

The right must blame God for all of their problems then, as well as the gays, the woke, the communists, other races, other religions and non-religions... The right hates good and wallows in evil, and are bat ship crazy, and are unfit to vote or own guns.

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“Please name one country, anywhere in the world, any time in the last 7000 years, where libertarianism has succeeded and produced general peace and prosperity?”

The question is so absurd on its face, one is led to answers equally absurd. I vote for the Duchy of Grand Fenwick.

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Had to look it up. Clever!

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I take it you can't name one?

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Neither I nor any one else.

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Your libertarian paradise is a fiction.

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Rather like the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, eh?

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Pinot Grand Fenwick 🍷😋

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From wiki Not Libertarian.

The Duchy of Grand Fenwick is a monarchy led by the Duchess Gloriana XII. In the novel The Mouse That Roared, she is a young woman of twenty-two, and marries Tully Bascomb. In The Mouse on the Moon and The Mouse on Wall Street, she is in her mid-thirties. In The Mouse That Saved the West, she is forty-two, and Tully has been dead for some time. In the 1959 film version, she is a parody of Queen Victoria who is still wearing mourning for her husband, Prince Louis of Bosnia-Herzegovina, who has been "missing" from a tiger hunt for 27 years. In the film, she thinks the President of the United States is Calvin Coolidge, and she owns the only motorcar in the Duchy–a 1920s' hand-cranked model. This is not so in the original books. It is not known whether she has any children.

The lower House of the Duchy's Parliament, The Council of Freemen, is democratically elected. In The Mouse on Wall Street an upper House of Parliament, akin to the House of Lords in the United Kingdom, is mentioned to exist.

The nation has two political parties, the Dilutionists (or Her Grace's Loyal Opposition), led by David Bentner, and the Anti-Dilutionists, led by Count Mountjoy, the Prime Minister. The names of the parties reflect their positions on whether to dilute the wine exports of the Duchy. The positions of leadership are hereditary. In The Mouse on Wall Street, the Dilutionists are also referred to as the Labor Party.

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Maybe better, Fredonia. True Marxian (Groucho, Harpo, etc.)

Hail Fredonia. Groucho portrays the newly installed president of the fictional country of Freedonia. Zeppo is his secretary, while Chico and Harpo are spies for the neighboring country of Sylvania. Relations between Groucho and the Sylvanian ambassador deteriorate during the film, eventually leading to war.

Apparently Fredonia fit the definition of "anarchy" which is similar to if not congruent to "libertarian."

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Hail, hail, Fredonia...!

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That's a excellent series of Books. I love how Grand Fenwick declared war on the USA, because California copied their Wine Label and ruined their economy. Unfortunately they unexpectedly won the war by accident. Best satire of the USA fighting the Soviet Union ever. Did you read Feast of Freedom also? Leonard Wibberley was hysterical. Just for a side note: William Hartman was the aid to Peter Sellers' Tully Bascom and after the film became the first Doctor Who.

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David Koch ran for President on the Libertarian Party in 1980. I attended a meeting then in Tacoma, WA where they were trying to recruit members. Quite the sales pitch, the then represented themselves a economic and social libertarians. They almost had me until, their advocacy of a gold standard came up. I knew that such was not only a Fraudulent Standard https://www.amazon.com/Fraudulent-Standard-Arthur-Kitson/dp/1016342489, but because the USSR had adopted a 100% gold standard, that it had opted out for perpetual depression (a shortage of money)

Since then the Libertarian Party and Libertarians have dropped the social libertarian pretense, and are all out economic pirates, for that is what Libertarianism is piracy and libertarians are fascist brigands.

I will add that Article 12,of the 1936 Soviet Constitution is pure libertarian "if you don't work you don't eat".

Fred Koch, David and Charles Father, made his fortune building oil wells and refineries for Stalin in the 1930's, and the USSR was on a 100% gold standard, so what do you think the model for Libertarianism is based on? Bolshevism/communism of course, it did not create a classless society, but eliminated the middle class, what Marx called the bourgeoisie, and created a New Class https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+new+class+djilas&i=stripbooks&crid=X7QRIVD0VU35&sprefix=the+new+class+djila%2Cstripbooks%2C282&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

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The problem with Libertarianism is that it's is stuck with idea of evolution being just determined by Darwinian Individual Selection's concept of "survival of the fittest," which applies to both plants and animals when it comes to an ecosystem. A libertine thus has no conception of V.C. Wynne-Edward's concept of Group Selection that applies only to animals. "Wynne-Edwards was best known for espousing a form of group selection that operates at the level of the species, most notably in his 1962 book, Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behavior. In it, he argued that many behaviors evolved for the good of the species as a whole, rather than at a lower level of organization. For example, he argued that species have adaptive population-regulatory mechanisms." In the postscript to his book Wynne-Edwards mentions that he'd just learned of Alexander Carr-Saunders magnum opus The Population Problem summarizing his earlier work on human population dynamics. Thus such reasoning is the source of society's obligation to put Altruistic Constraints On Individual Self-Interest!

Novelist Ayn Rand. born in totalitarian Russia and an avowed atheist, is the Godmother of the Libertarian movement. A Fascist in a Dialectical Hegelian sense as being Against Marxism, which arose in Russia and China because of Boundary Constraints that needed Collective Control of Industries to Compete with Western Capitalism!!! Her endless waxing on the merits of "makers" as the greatest value of a society and the frivolousness of altruism (the common good)-- stood in stark contrast to the fact that she ultimately lived out her years on the public dole for her support. In a word, Rand was proven a hypocrite, with her "objectivist" theories, pure bunk; useful for entertainment only. The most telling aspect of her existence to me was her most ardent acolyte, a man named Alan Greenspan. Think about it.

All these people did (neo-liberals and conservatives, since the 1970's) was destroy the American Experiment and its successfully regulated capitalist economy -- as the engine of the world, with their "greed is good" (me me me) modus operandi. Deregulating banking, telecom, the environment, etc-- would have made Rand smile, as the billionaires have taken over and plundered our planet.

The statistics of how the end of "the common good" and the beginning of "greed is good" era culminating in a reality-TV show host playing our president, and how it destroyed the greatest economic engine of the world (the American middle class) are in:


I will give you a direct answer. Things in quotes are hers. She was a refugee from early Russian totalitarianism, and she had formed an absolute obsession and rigid admiration for the opposite, i.e. extreme "unfettered capitalism". Her heroes were the strong, dominant, "self made man". For her 'philosophy of "objectivism", she meant the vast competitive struggle for dominance by the better people as proved by the results of power. They deserved to rule. Others deserved their lot because they were "losers" who had failed to act or try harder. Social tools to increase equity, opportunity or basic security were things she defined as "Evil". Social security and Medicare were "evil". She only became known because she was an unknown writer, and approached Cecil B. DeMille (film producer) in the parking lot at his studio, and gave him a copy of her manuscript "the Fountainhead" a lame adulation of an alpha male architect. But he liked it and helped her by introducing her to the "big guys" in publishing. So, she became the promoted mascot of the reactionary right wing who always opposed FDR's "New Deal". And her acolytes became the core of the right flank of the Republican Party; John Birch Society, and it's founders sons the Koch brothers, Goldwater, most of Richard Nixon's staff (after his resignation, he actually was not a follower). Her influence broadened steadily until finally Ronald Reagan was elected, and established her philosophy as gospel of the Republican party. In turn, Reagan gave a special short fused citizenship to an Australian immigrant named Rupert Murdoch who was a true blue rand acolyte and had been successful in crating a divisive core ideological fracture lines in media coverage in both Australia and Britain. He did the same here. And, whether she is referenced or not she was the philosophical inspiration for the devolution of American politics into ideological warfare, and eventually..the travesty known as Trump..someone who regarded himself as epitomizing her ideal strongman. It's worth noting that when she died from smoking, she died receiving social security and Medicare.

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I appreciate the exposition, and you added to my knowledge base (I didn't know it was Cecil B DeMille, that was responsible for her rise to fame. DeMille made a movie The Fountainhead, there was tilogy on Atlas Shrugged, besides being a hypocrite she based her hero's on a pscyhopatic killer William Edward Hickman namely Danny Renahan, the protagonist of her unfinished first novel, The Little Street, Hickman shows up again as Roarke and Galt.

What did Rand admire so much about Hickman? His sociopathic qualities: "Other people do not exist for him, and he does not see why they should," she wrote, gushing that Hickman had "no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel 'other people.'"

This echoes almost word for word Rand's later description of her character Howard Roark, the hero of her novel The Fountainhead: "He was born without the ability to consider others." (The Fountainhead is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' favorite book -- he even requires his clerks to read it.) https://www.learnreligions.com/ayn-rand-sociopath-who-admired-serial-killer-3975225

One question for you though. What has the fact that she was atheist have to do with anything, except religious people always throw that fact front and center.

You know Hitler was a good Catholic boy, and had an excellent relationship with Pope Pius XII, Cardinals, Bishops and even the Lutheran church. It was the Catholic church that sustained the Rat Lines that NAZI's used to flee to Argentina.

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Thomas Paine On Religions Keeping Mankind Ignorant Of The Creator

As Governments Keep Man Ignorant Of His Rights

So let us briefly update and address the two central themes in Thomas Paine's precocious quote: "It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support." 

So let's talk about the relation between religion and polytrix in the US government. We have a Supreme Court with six Catholics, steering religion and politics to the far right, away from the Creator. We'll comeback to the original conclusion after this read about the last act taken by the Supreme Court on the first of July. TruthBeTold's post from Jim Hightower's daily news letter on 7-2:

Today the US Supreme Court overturned the centuries long conviction of Pontius Pilate, absolving him of any responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

In a 6-3 decision along party lines, Chief Justice John Roberts found in error the long standing verdict of history that the Governor of Judea had acted out of personal motivation. Quite the contrary, Roberts wrote, it was strictly within Pilate’s official capacity that he ordered the crucifixion.

In support of his conclusion that Pilate was not acting out of personal motives, Roberts noted a heretofore unrecognized fact. Pilate actually admired Christ and had for a time considered making him court jester after being told of Christ’s whimsical parables. However, after Christ fed the multitude on three fishes and five loaves, Pilate sought to have him elevated to high priest, a plan denounced by Joseph ben Caiaphas, the incumbent. To mollify Caiaphas, but primarily to remove a threat to his regime, Pilate reluctantly ordered the crucifixion, an act well within the governor’s official duties. The first duty of every official, Roberts wrote, is to preserve and perpetuate his rule, be he governor, satrap or inspector of hides and brands.

In his concurring opinion, Justice Kavanaugh noted that crucifixion was not a death sentence, merely a punishment. Unfortunately, he wrote, some individuals perversely elected to die on the cross just to embarrass a government toward which they were ill disposed. Likewise in the case of time honored punishments such as keel-hauling and flogging there were the occasional fatalities, regrettable but hardly of consequence.

Justice Gorsuch noted in his concurrence that in olden times, measures which today are deemed cruel and unusual were in fact a necessity. Trial by water and trial by fire, he observed, were the only ways to get at the facts before the advent of the polygraph and Fox News.

Remarking the perspective she had gained occupying the Tomas de Torquemada Chair of Jurisprudence at Notre Dame, Justice Barrett stated with apodictic certainty that had prosecutors been deprived of the rack, the thumbscrew and the iron maiden, many great truths would have gone unrevealed.

Despite having been challenged to recuse himself when it was learned that Harlan Crow had given him Pilate’s solid gold death mask, Justice Thomas wrote a concurring opinion, the gist being: redemption. Romans, he observed, had long since become good Catholics and were thereby redeemed by Christ himself; they had hardly bothered anyone since their conversion, with the exception of Al Capone in Chicago, Lucky Luciano in New York, and Sam Alito in Washington, DC.

Justice Alito declared that no way could Pilate have gotten a fair trial, with the populace spreading the word that Christ was the only begotten son of God. The scriptures, Alito emphatically stated, say that we all are the children of God, and scriptures take precedence over man’s laws. “We here in this very court,” he continued, “we six justices are a testament to that divinity. If we don’t sitteth at the right hand of God, I don’t know who does.”

Justices Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson, knowing their six confreres better than anyone, dissented.

The first thing of importance is Robert's conclusion that Pilate (Trump) was not acting out of personal motives for any of his actions leading to 1-6-21. The second thing of importance is "the first duty of every official, Roberts wrote, is to preserve and perpetuate his rule," embracing the Big Lie that Trump won the electoral vote. Then we have Alito's blasphemous conclusion “We here in this very court,” he continued, “we six justices are a testament to that divinity. If we don’t sitteth at the right hand of God, I don’t know who does.” Jesus Christ Alone Sits At The Right Hand Of GOD!!!!

We have a new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president. Who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025, as outlined at the end of Thom Hartmann's historical analysis of what led up to The Shocking GOP Plan to Dismantle the American Government. And all the while you've watched the Republican Party champion the idea of "freedom" while you have also watched the same party openly assault various freedoms, like the freedom to vote, freedom to choose, freedom to marry who you want, freedom for your children's teachers and librarians to have them read what they want, freedom to form unions and so on. If this has been a source of confusion, then your assessments of what Republicans mean by freedom were likely too generous. Here is what they mean: 1. The freedom to tell people what to do. 2. Freedom from being told what to do.


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Hmmm. I know that the High Unholy Supreme 6 believe in the Jesus myth and use it as an excuse to resurrect a Christian theocracy, and given that the High Unholy 6 are rad trad Catholics, I can only imagine that is what they have in mind. If so then there will be another war between them and the Dominionists/NAR factions.

Please clarify something for me. Do you believe in a creator?

The idea is appealing and has been the source of much mischief, but it leads to more and more strife and suffering, because men actually create a creator in their own imagine. Know the man, know their god. The creator is a sock puppet.

We might argue over that.

Let's go to the last paragraph,

then your assessments of what Republicans mean by freedom were likely too generous. Here is what they mean: 1. The freedom to tell people what to do. 2. Freedom from being told what to do.

We really don't know what others really think. We know what we think. We really don't know the motives of others either. You seem to advocate torture as a means of getting to the truth. That doesn't work either, as people will say anything to stop the pain. How many thousands of people, especially women, have died because someone under pain blurted tout their names as witches. Just one example.

As regards the freedom of telling other people what to do. We have that already, as regards the freedom from being told what to do. That doesn't make sense. If you can stop a person from being told what to do, they you have imposed your will on them, and that is not freedom.

We are being told what to do all of the time, and we have the ability (the freedom) to ignore them, often at cost., sometimes not, some would tell me to subsidize them and their lifestyle by giving them money, especially in collection plates. I chose not to, but they infer that there is a cost to my ignorance and disobedience.

There is always "something" telling us what to do, or not do. Laws, society (social traditions, culture, family, friends, parents, "authority".

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TruthBeTold's remarks about torture were obviously sarcasm but fit with Trump's remarks about murdering "leftist vermin" with respect to Powell's assertion Trump/Pilate had every right to stay in power even if it involves killing his enemies.

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In early 2000, after corresponding with my late partner A.J. Meyer for 12 years he told me he came up with his model of the universe after praying to God for a solution and soon had a vision that it would come from Revelation 21. Whereby on 10-11-00 the Monolith Number answered the #1 question posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference. In late 2020 I discovered Revelation 21:6, the centerpiece of the last three of 4 Proofs Of GOD as the Theological Proof that we live in an Anti de Sitter cosmos, as shown in 2 space-time dimensions on the cover of my first 1981 book (pages 2 and 3 of Chapter 11's Biography of A.J. Meyer and Sean Sheeter).

This is a Preface to both the extended 17 chapters of The Unified 11 Dimensional Explanation Of Everything meant for physics libraries, physicists and others who want a deeper exploration of these paradigm shifting breakthroughs and the abbreviated 11 chapters of God's Unified 11 Dimensional Universe meant for physics/religion libraries and everybody in the general public with an interest in a Cosmological Unification Of Physics That Unites All Religions Under One God!!!!!!!!!!! The first two chapters are summarized in Proofs 2 and 3.

"It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support."  Thomas Paine


1. HISTORICAL/LOGICAL: Google the proofs and writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He had at least 5 proofs for God. Here are two of them. The Second Way: Efficient Cause

1. Nothing is the efficient cause of itself.

2. If A is the efficient cause of B, then if A is absent, so is B.

3. Efficient causes are ordered from first cause, through intermediate cause(s), to ultimate effect.

4. By (2) and (3), if there is no first cause, there cannot be any ultimate effect.

5. But there are effects.

6. Therefore there must be a first cause for all of them: God.

The Third Way: Possibility and Necessity

1. "We find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be:" contingent beings.

2. Everything is either necessary or contingent.

3. Assume that everything is contingent.

4. "It is impossible for [contingent beings] always to exist, for that which can not-be at some time is not."

5. Therefore, by (3) and (4), at one time there was nothing.

6. "That which does not exist begins to exist only through something already existing."

7. Therefore, by (5) and (6), there is nothing now.

8. But there is something now!

9. Therefore (3) is false.

10. Therefore, by (2), there is a necessary being: God.

2. COSMOLOGICAL/DEFINITIONAL/PROPHETIC: Quantum Entanglement employs a Non-Local Instantaneous Quantum Mechanical Connection Across SPACE in a 5-Dimensional Anti de Sitter Space-Time.

The Anti de Sitter cosmos has a 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space which is Carried through the 4th Dimension of Time by a Primordial Gravitational Wave that was originally Emitted in the Big Bang. At the Big Bang the Totality of Space was a Cosmological White Hole with an Inflation Termination Radius of 7.18 meters whose Exterior Spatial Horizon proceeds to Expand outward at Light Speed before becoming the Interior Spatial Horizon of a Cosmological Black Hole with a Radius of 44.044 Billion Light Years. Which thereafter begins Contracting, finally Ending Time in the Big Gravitational Crunch after the Full AdS Cycle of 88.088 Billion Light Years.

The 5th Dimension of the Anti de Sitter Cosmology consists of a Non-Local Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanical Connection between Future and Past that can only be Humanly Witnessed via Precognition and Prophesy. The difference between Theoretical Speculation and Reality is the very DEFINITION OF GOD as the NONLOCAL FIVE DIMENSIONAL TOTALITY of an ANTI DE SITTER SPACE-TIME whose CYCLE ENDS after 88.088 Billion Light Years, thus FULFILLING Revelation 21:6: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.”

3. GEOMETRICAL/MATHEMATICAL MAPPING Of CREATION/INFLATION: Here's the Answer to Albert Einstein's question "Did God have a choice in creating the universe" in terms of Fulfilling Revelation 21:6 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end:" Omega and Alpha Meet in one Timeless 11 Dimensional Point called the Motz/Planck Primaton, whose Mass is Derived by multiplying the Combined Proton and Electron Mass by 2 to the 63.5 power. God's Alpha Act of Creation is a Quantum Gravitational Jump to the Effective Planck Mass, whose mass is derived by multiplying Mp+e by 2 to 63.5-1/241. This Initiates Inflation by Doubly-Looped String Unravelings whose First Stage Creates 18 Superposed 6D Strings and Planck Masses from the One initial Planck mass, as represented in the three Figures of Diagram I in The Sixth Class of String Theory. The String Unravelings Cease when space has Inflated to the Heavy Higgs Scale, which is defined by dividing the Monolith Number 203+1/241 = Nu by 4, whereby the Universal Mass is Restored as Calculated by multiplying the Planck mass by 2^Nu. [There's a Second de Sitter Inflationary Era which Ends when the 4D Space is Reduced to a 3D Space at Nu/3, whereby the Spin 6 Planck masses break into 4 Primordial Spin 3/2 Gravitinos in a Third Anti de Sitter Inflationary Era that Terminates at the Big Bang's White Hole Radius of 7Nu/12 = 7.18 meters, which continues to Expand with the Emission of a 4D Primordial Gravitational Wave that was Generated by 2^5Nu/4 = 2.442996015 x 10^76 Heavy Higgs bosons.]

4. GOD'S PROOF Of GOD Via GOD'S PROOF Of WHO I AM: Yesterday 7-27-23 produced the following most amazing, incredible event of my life! I was posting replies to a fellow's query on Neil deGrasse Tyson's Facebook page about the Big Bang with The Sixth Class of String Theory. I then got to the following post:

Travis Boothe 4: The 11-21-22 date I posted this on my Facebook homepage is the Culmination of Three Revelations that define my Destiny in life and as such are the ultimate example of God's Cosmically Coordinated Coincidence Control that was Meant to be Fulfilled on that day. My late partner A.J. Meyer and I are the Two "Witnesses" of Revelation 11. A.J.'s model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, while God's Definition of God in Revelation 21:6 refers to the Beginning and End of the Anti de Sitter Universe so Fulfills that Revelation in the 21st Century. And finally my Prophesy of Jesus revealing Himself as Christ the Messiah on His 12-25-2122 22nd birthday, hence Fulfilling the last book of the Bible, Revelation 22.

5: It took me 11 days to collate, write and edit the final above copy, only adding the 5D to 4D solution to wave-function collapse in the first days after the 11-21-22 post. I answered the top two questions posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference so am 22 years ahead of every physicist on this planet. Most of the papers I wrote over the first 20 years are available on the Summary page at my 241mumbers.com website and the papers on the cosmology I wrote over the last two years are available in serial order on my Facebook page, culminating in the 11-21-22 paper

In a nutshell, the above is from the concluding sections of the preceding chapter 1 - God's Unified Five Dimensional Universe as - I DID NOT POST THE ABOVE, GOD DID!!!!!!!!!!!


On Friday 3-22-24 I posted the 4 PROOFS OF GOD on the following site:

Michio Kaku post: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planck

Quantum physics says there exists a universal energy that has the attributes of God. This energy has consciousness and creativity.

3-23: Kev Coffey I was an atheist until the day after I had a vision of the 9/11 attacks. That was in 1971. I knew the vision was important although I was still an atheist. I was spoken to by God when wondering what it meant, so that was my atheism out the window. I had to wait 30 years, though, to know what the vision meant.

Good luck with your work but this is very much the age of atheism and contempt for philosophy. We must wait for history to unfold.

This comment preceded my reply to Kevin: Wow, right before I posted a summary of my book to you below, I realized we've just got GOD'S FIFTH PROOF that took 53 years in the making!!!!!

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9-11-2001 Revisited'

On 8-11 I did a followup mass mailing to all the progressive media (Cc'd to editors at Princeton Press) with the subject line Why Isn't Progressive Media Reporting On Trump's Growing Dementia? On 8-14 I addressed the email to the editors at In These Times when the subject was Breaking News Versus Just Reporting It. The next day an Australian fellow named Ted Irwin responded to a now 3 week old post on Nassim Haramein's Facebook physics site where I posted Proofs Of God 2 through 5 with the following three posts:

Ted Irwin

Sean Sheeter I'll have to read & reread this several times before I grasp it. I had to read Dr Judy Woods book twice to understand what happened to WTC 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 on 9/11. But finally I did get it.

Sean Sheeter Re: 9/11 did you know that as an involuntary medium - telepathically it was communicated to me: Carlton Bartels murdered 9/11 WTC 1. I ignored this first night but second night I got up and Googled. Guess what he was killed for his $60 Trillion patents & software for the Global Climate Change & war game. So YES there is something out there. Same happened re: Extortion 17 - Remember Our Brothers. Michael Strange communicated to me about 2 weeks after - they had been murdered by their own NOT the Taliban. etc. Science can NOT explain this and much much more.

Ted Irwin


So the first thing I did when I saw this the next day after the site wouldn't print Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron was give him the last line ending in Daughter of Two University Professors. I then asked: Can you explain in more detail how you fit into those two murders referred to in RE: 9-11? I have no idea who those guys are. To which the next day he responded: Timeline on the Murder of Carlton Bartels on 9/11 to steal his software & patents as explained - https://www.facebook.com/notes/10221478333102163/

My first response the following day: Don't know how I missed this on first read Ted but when you say "telepathically it was communicated to me”: Carlton Bartels murdered 9/11 WTC" - you actually got Carlton Bartels Name 'Telepathically' then Googled it the next day?!!! Explain 'telepathically', in a dream, on an acid trip or just popped into your mind? What year did this happen? You have got to give me your e-address mate.

First post the next day the 19th: And it's funny that I can't see my reply to you after you gave me that You Tube lecture on 'Essence' in Gurdjieff work after referring to this from My religious history: When one dies your Soul enters GOD'S Heavenly Kingdom in the 5th Dimension, removed from the 4D world. Thereafter you are Nonlocally Reborn with the 'Essence' of your old 'Body of Intuitive Habits' to Guide your new individual destiny as you progressively relearn everything one needs to know as you confront this new 4D world. I've got to tell my friend fellow Gudjieffian Robert DeFord this whole amazing story as he's also a world authority on covert history.

Second post: Just copied your 15 page paper Carlton Bartel’s Stolen Patents 9/11 Timeline but couldn't save it with that title for some reason so saved it as 9-11 Revisited. On 9-9 I want Princeton Press to hold a news conference beginning with a read of PREFACE: FIVE PROOFS OF GOD, the next day A Comparison of Standard Cosmology and Physics with reference to chapters and sections in The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution and finally on 9-11 beginning with On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia followed by Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron As The ANTICHRIST On 9-11-24! I wanted In These Times to publish On Media, Exposing The Fascist As A Moron and Thomas Paine On Religions Keeping Mankind Ignorant Of The Creator As Governments Keep Man Ignorant Of His Rights on the 21st but as they are coordinating reporting with another news service for the Democratic National Convention this week I don't think that's going to happen. But I want them and the Daily Kos to print this series of articles on all three days of press conferences breaking the biggest stories the the 21st century after 9-11-01, I think the addition of your article might grab their attention though it's a lot longer and more revolutionary than the same ol' political news.

First 3 lines in Carlton Bartel’s Stolen Patents 9/11 Timeline: On June 4, 2001 a conference was held with Carlton Bartels, Philip Ginsberg, William J. "Bud" Flanagan, Rajendra K Pachauri and Thomas Barnett . Of these 5 men, only Carlton Bartels died on 9/11. All others did not go in to work that day. Carlton Bartels was Chief Executive Officer of CO2e.com (ESPEED), which was formed by Cantor Fitzgerald and PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2001 to serve as the pre-eminent business-to-business online resource for corporations to understand, mitigate, and manage the transition and impact of greenhouse gas emission constraints on corporations globally. Carlton Bartels invented and held the patent on the computer-based system for simulated automated carbon trading.

Ted's Instagram response this morning: Re: e address... too soon. I am very private with contact other than here on FB. Yes telepathically that is the words come in to my head - mostly Yes at night in a relaxed state. The Navy Seal murdered by their own.. I was wide awake looking into the bathroom mirror cleaning my teeth. They had said on the news about 10 day or so before that Seals had been killed in a helicopter shot down. As I said it took years for the entire story to unravel but I was the FIRST to say their own govt. did it because I was told. The words came into my brain as if someone is talking to me because they are not my thoughts.

My reply: Thanks for the reply Ted. First I want to give you the line I added at the end of my second reply to your you tube video that was referred to in my first reply that disappeared (GOD does this to me all the time electronically): I've got to tell my friend fellow Gurdjieffian Robert De Ford this whole amazing story as he's also a world authority on covert history. Now with respect to what you can only refer to as 'telepathy,' actually it's the first Confirmed case of 5D RETROCOGNITION and those voices you heard were GOD'S, much like Kevin Coffey when he “threw atheism out the window” the day after his Precognitive 1971 vision of 9-11-01 when GOD SPOKE TO HIM! Kev was meant to meet me on 3-23-24, as you were meant to read my weeks old post of PROOFS OF GOD 2 to 5 on 8-15, effectively then being the SIXTH PROOF OF GOD that will be Revealed when I read this last on 9-11-24!!!!!! I'm sorry I normally would respect your privacy but you might as well give me your e-address as I'm going to be sending this letter with attachments to all concerned tomorrow on 8-21, one month to the day since Joe Biden handed his campaign over to VP Kamala Harris and 21 days before 9-11!

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Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron As The


A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Recently the media focus has been on the 'age issue' and the question of the mental competency of an octogenarian during President Biden's second term. So let's compare his mental competency with Donald Trump's starting with his most recent gaffow followed by a list of what he said and his cabinet members said about him during his first term. (A short list of my faves:)

Did Biden call Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley when recently talking about the 1-6-21 assault on the capital?

Did he claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

I saved the above collection of quotes that was originally posted on a Facebook page dedicated to insuring Joe Biden's second term last year. That was before that Republican special prosecutor in his VP document's case harped on the age issue and Joe's forgetfulness of details when the guy interviewed him. I was going to submit the above to the Daily Kos before reading the two following articles updating Trump's mental problems amidst the failure of a media focus on the orange moron at the president's expense while he's trying to run this country as the GOP is fixed on trying to tear it apart.

I just read their lead article titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia, cataloging his further mental decline. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a new site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison to every response. Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Trump has obviously been both a low IQ moron and a fascist all his life, his first attorney was Roy Cohn Christ's sake. For here's precisely how he became the Perfect GOP Candidate: A supreme Narcissist who first builds Hotels with his last Name plastered all over the top of each with a Will To Power Fixation that drives him to become a TV Star where the whole game was to have the contestants kiss his ass to see who was His most 'competent' Apprentice, Firing all the Losers before finally picking the Winner, Like Me. Which sets him up to run for President, Wrapping Himself In MAGA Flag to Beat all those Loser Politicians in the Primary and Lock Her Up Hillary in the 2016 Electoral College. Rejoice, rejoice an absolute field day for all the fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, plutocrat billionaires, corporatists, corporate media, atheists, evangelical preachers and six Supreme Court Justices all Backing a Moronic and now progressively Demented Fuhrer for the MAGA Masses Who Worship Him Like A God, Further Feeding Its Insatiable Sociopathic Narcissism!!!

Turns out I also hadn't read the whole issue with A.J. Pennyfarthing's 10 stunning moments from Trump's late-night speech to religious broadcasters. You ain't going to be changing any preacher's or MAGA's minds about how unhinged DT is with any raft of articles cause that is the Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron's Lowest Common Denominator Appeal To The Wrap Yourself In MAGA Flag And $60 Bible Masses!

So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?


Four days before I met Kevin Coffey and heard the story about his vision of 9-11-01 in 1971 with GOD Speaking To Him the next day making him “throw atheism out the window” I wrote 9-11-01 -> 9-11-23 -> 9-11-24. As we were on Facebook it didn't matter that GOD Shut Down 241's Abilities to Make and Send Attachments so this was the first paper I gave him. The following is its first paragraph:

The number 11 has special significance to many different things. For example, the square root of 11 is the last Transcendental Number for one thing, an infinite series of identical numbers that repeats itself upon inversion. First thing in my life is the publication of my 1988 Projective Geometry textbook with the 2D Pascal section of 11 Dimensions on its cover. Then after 12 years of corresponding with my late partner A.J. Meyer, he told me his model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, whereby on 10-11-00 the Monolith Number answered the #1 question posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference. Knowing that our Anti de Sitter Universe was 11 Dimensional and that God gave A.J. Rev 21, in early 2001 I found out that he and I were the two “witnesses” of Revelation 11. Then 11 months to the day after the Monolith Number was born, the 9-11-01 hijacked jetliner attack on the NY Trade Center and Pentagon happened, reigniting the Mideast Religious Wars against various Muslim governments and terrorist groups. Fast forward 21 years to “Revelation Day” 11-21-22, the most significant day in my life Confirming My Destiny.

So here are the last paragraphs: So one year later on 9-11-24 I'll read the above, where I will then reveal the following: Now most folks don't know it but 1-6-2021 was the Second Fascist Coup Attempt, this time in Support of a sitting president who'd Lost an election. The 2022 movie Amsterdam featured Robert De Nero as the fictional General which the credits identify as Smedley Butler, who was chosen to lead the 1933 Fascist Coup Attempt against FDR. When I first learned about this story George W. Bush was president so noticed an odd oversight in regard to the absence of reporting even in the progressive media of some well-established facts concerning W's granddad, or George Senior's father, Prescott, who somehow became a U.S. senator after WWII. I say "somehow" in a similar sense that though I was aware of Prescott's seat as a senator, I was unaware of the fact that before that he was the director, together with the politically well-connected Harriman brothers, of New York's Union Banking Corporation. Which had all of its assets seized by the FDR administration in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act - basically because the bank's other board members were Nazis whose business was financing Hitler's national-socialist, or rather, corporate-military, state! That was After his bank funneled the corporate money that financed the 1933 coup attempt! So two days after the 2020 election I found out the sitting GOP president was this guy:


So the first thing I found on 11-5-20 was Benjamin L Corey's 35 pages of Antichrist Prophesies, posted it on my Facebook page, clicked on the link and read them. Which clearly identified that sitting president as Revelation 11:7's “beast whom arises from the bottomless pit” to eventually Kill Rev 11's witnesses! A.J. Meyer died on 12-8-11, while the first two lines of Revelation 11 is the first quote on 241's homepage and thus concludes our Chapter 11 Biography at the last lines of My religious history and intention of uniting God's religions. (Update: Joe Biden met Ben Corey and his dad in mid summer 2020 and am pretty sure he scheduled the second 'debate' for 9-10 as I finally got a hold of two folks running his campaign having the e-address @joebiden.com in the last 11 days of April.) After this press conference read I'll ask for someone to take over 241's book business before I'm murdered by one of the bottomless pit beast's multitude of fascist sociopaths.

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Thom has often said, "Libertarians are Republicans who want to smoke dope and get laid." 😂

I've noticed that people will suddenly switch from Libertarian to socialist when they need something.

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Libertarianism meet Hurricane Helene. Libertarianism meet the people I have lived among. There aren’t enough jail cells for them and if you want someone killed then those for profit prisons offer healthcare to people with life threatening illness. Have to keep the prisoner alive to be paid!! The show “Shameless” depicted this except the guy just punched a cop.

And remember the French Revolution?? All those guns available to Americans and all that money. Who needs to listen to some snot ass mayor when the money is there for the taking. Libertarianism is how war lords come into being - as Thom is pointing out.

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Beware of rich kids who have everything handed to them on a silver platter, they think they are entitled to everything that they haven't earned. Think Trump, Musk, Kock (intentional spelling) bros. Zuckerberg and Gates are a different breed, they owe their success to the work of others. Jobs finally figured out why Gates was hanging around so much in the beginning but it was too late. So it's no surprise that these guys embraced libertarianism, it allows them to be better than anyone else. Who cares if it destroys our society, I got mine. And many of them are preparing their escape bunkers for when libertarianism meets its final conclusion. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Liber-Tyranny, Liber-Terrorism, and Fibber-tarianism are also accurate names for what Thom has presented.

Wordsmith fun aside, there is not a single advocate of their selfish philosophy who takes full "personal responsibility" without government regulations - as they love to call it - for even the basics of life in a civil society. The Romneys, Pences, Bushes, Musks, Zuckerbergs, Rands, and Ryans all rely on society's great connectivity and interdependencies for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, electricity, etc.

Not a single one of them can EVEN take Full Personal Responsibility for their daily bathroom-business! They all make use of the facilities, equipment, systems and materials provided by hundreds of workers, business owners, and government health and safety regulations.

They need to Flush these crackpot 'libertarian" notions back to the conservative's cesspool of lies, cons, and dead-at-birth ideological scams.

...BTW, I think "libertarian" is yet another deceptive con to boost the disproven and failed notion that "low taxes on the wealthy creates jobs." Everyone's most annoying deadbeat billionaire libertarian, Qelon Musk disproved that when he spent $44 Billion of his taxpayer funded wealth to buy Twitter and immediately fired thousands of workers.

ps, their philosophy gained enough mass and momentum to be a destructive force when Reagan declared "government is the problem".

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Because I have 30+ years of serious shamanic work, my perceptions of what is being dissected in this article are beyond the pale. It is very difficult to provide solutions to problems that most people find to be insane because they have no reference points in their mind-body construct to allow them the abilities to digest and understand. However, this doesn't dissuade me. Eventually, the truth will prevail and planting seeds is what people like me do. So...here goes:

The problem with all financial, political, religious and social theories offered up these days is that they all refuse to acknowledge the basic fact that all of them are at war with their environment. All wealth accumulation, under any of the popular labels used today, rise from the extraction from and the war upon a planet upon which they exist. Consequently, none of them will ever adequately meet the real needs of the people because not one of them possess any substantive power. Their power is artificial and manufactured through illicit means that rob the spirits of the people of the necessary nutrition needed. Artificial power only last a short time before it implodes upon itself. The only power that provides real strength and lasting results is birthed from a Co-creation with the Creator and Mother Earth. Go ahead and argue your fascist, libertarian, capitalist, or socialist ideological boondoggles, but they all share one common trait...they never last and bring suffering to the people. Of course, I also realize that any ancient cultures that have actually managed to use a co-creative attitude and approach have also cratered. However, that is another discussion. The reality is that until we learn to embrace real power that doesn't source from ourselves, we will continue to pay the price and pass the bill to the children.

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Some fiat currency is the product of salesmanship. Has no intrinsic value Has no relation to mother earth. IOUs and promissory notes may not even be enforceable.


There's a sucker born every minute.

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What do you get if Chicago Economics marries White Supremacy? Neoliberalism.

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Libertarianism is one of two basic rationales that have served Western imperialism from the conquistadores to the slave traders to the robber barons to today's tech bros. The other, which rears its ugly head in the form of manifest destiny and frequent moral panics, is what we now call Christo-fascism. They come along like El Nino and La Nina, sometimes both at once, often causing massive harm.

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I’d be interested in how The Chicago School of Economics became neoliberalism. What makes neoliberalism anything different than the free market capitalism of Milton Friedman?

“I don’t want to abolish free market capitalism. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.”

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Susan, the truth is that were it not for capitalism, none of us self righteous would be walking the earth, and those who would be, would be living in a 15th Century world.

Capitalism isn't the enemy, human nature is, men slaughter each other in the mad scramble to be the MFWIC.

Sad truth is that altruism, eqalitarianism are rather modern constructs.

When you sit in a sports stadium, watching two teams pummel each other, (or watching it on TV, you are engaging in a sanitized version of the gladiator games.

How does one modify and change human nature?

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...and if it weren't for socialism (like gov handouts, subsidies, bail outs, corp law, tax breaks, etc.) in America, capitalism would have burned itself out in its own flames.

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Point made, and I agree there is socialism for the masters and socialism for the rest.

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Disagree. Capitalism certainly has had a dynamic role to play but its long past time to embrace the regulated capitalism of the social democracies of Scandinavia.

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Disagree with what Susan. I totally agree with you. Yes Capitalism does have a role to play, but it also has to be regulated. I was talking of unregulated, out of control Capitalism of Libertarians, the corporate masters.

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If you say capitalism has to be regulated you are 100% agreeing with me! Thats exactly what I said.

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Actually the Tarzan Myth has turned out to be pretty harmful, humanity has survived and prospered as a group endeavor which includes altruism and caring. Numerous studies in Anthropology and Primate Groups supports this. A different but great book to read is A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solint. She explores the actions people take during a disaster which is quite opposite to what the Elites, Media and Government say will happen. That book gives me hope for the future.

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...or to the size where it doesn't run the government.

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An excellent post. I knew a self proclaimed Libertarian. His business card had 5 points on it. But they could have meant anything up to and including full blown socialism, depending on how you interpreted them

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