Thom. I enjoyed reading your opinions but your prescriptions point readers in ambiguous directions. You must know, when mere opinions are cast as certain truth, an ideological bias always rears its ugly head. Your nonchalant accusations of racism clearly reveal this ugliness. Simple presumption of a contrived definition is repellent. And…
Thom. I enjoyed reading your opinions but your prescriptions point readers in ambiguous directions. You must know, when mere opinions are cast as certain truth, an ideological bias always rears its ugly head. Your nonchalant accusations of racism clearly reveal this ugliness. Simple presumption of a contrived definition is repellent. And worse, this presumption forms the basis for your condemnation. You simply judged the motives and character of another and presumed the veracity presumption. This is a certain appeal to your feelings. As well, it’s used to attack the character of your enemy rather than addressing the real contentions.
If the governors are guilty of wrong doing then certainly you must see that the Administration also fall to the same accusation. The Freedom Ride North in fact has been happening for months. The Administration in fact has bussed and flown countless numbers of migrants all over the country. And if Governor Newsom can make his opinions sound like truth, then I assume I can as well. You see, because I like millions of Americans, have been horrified at the images of a mass migration across the southern border. The Administration has encouraged this kind of mass irresponsibility and now has hastily reacted to the crisis. They chose, without consulting the American people, to bus men, women and children all over the country. I’ve been mortified by how many have been flown to Nebraska, White Plains, and Jacksonville. It’s unconscionable to see the Administration make these unilateral decisions with the full pretense that country should pay for such gross irresponsibility. Clearly, transporting men, women, and children across all these state lines break many laws and presuming cities and states should accommodate such dysfunctional immigration policy is morally reprehensible.
Such blatant disregard of the immigration law is a flagrant infraction of the law. So I would strongly urge the DOJ to investigate possible criminal or civil violations of federal law based on this fraudulent undermining of immigration law. There are millions of migrants that have illegally crossed the border and for whom will never be accounted for. Transporting them across state lines remains an infraction of the Transporting Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization. No one is above the law and therefore RICO statutes must be used against the co-conspirators within the Administration. Such disregard of immigration law and inability to properly care for the millions that have illegally crossed the border reveals a fine-tuned malevolence. Condoning such gross irresponsibility will prove to be the most humiliating and dehumanizing experience for those who are here legally and for all those that have jumped the legal lines of entry.
Anyone condoning such matters should be looking at both serious jail time and/or serious civil fines for engaging in this heartless and coercive infraction of our legal processes.
Like Thom Hartmann and Governor Newsom, I too offer my opinion.
Thom. I enjoyed reading your opinions but your prescriptions point readers in ambiguous directions. You must know, when mere opinions are cast as certain truth, an ideological bias always rears its ugly head. Your nonchalant accusations of racism clearly reveal this ugliness. Simple presumption of a contrived definition is repellent. And worse, this presumption forms the basis for your condemnation. You simply judged the motives and character of another and presumed the veracity presumption. This is a certain appeal to your feelings. As well, it’s used to attack the character of your enemy rather than addressing the real contentions.
If the governors are guilty of wrong doing then certainly you must see that the Administration also fall to the same accusation. The Freedom Ride North in fact has been happening for months. The Administration in fact has bussed and flown countless numbers of migrants all over the country. And if Governor Newsom can make his opinions sound like truth, then I assume I can as well. You see, because I like millions of Americans, have been horrified at the images of a mass migration across the southern border. The Administration has encouraged this kind of mass irresponsibility and now has hastily reacted to the crisis. They chose, without consulting the American people, to bus men, women and children all over the country. I’ve been mortified by how many have been flown to Nebraska, White Plains, and Jacksonville. It’s unconscionable to see the Administration make these unilateral decisions with the full pretense that country should pay for such gross irresponsibility. Clearly, transporting men, women, and children across all these state lines break many laws and presuming cities and states should accommodate such dysfunctional immigration policy is morally reprehensible.
Such blatant disregard of the immigration law is a flagrant infraction of the law. So I would strongly urge the DOJ to investigate possible criminal or civil violations of federal law based on this fraudulent undermining of immigration law. There are millions of migrants that have illegally crossed the border and for whom will never be accounted for. Transporting them across state lines remains an infraction of the Transporting Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization. No one is above the law and therefore RICO statutes must be used against the co-conspirators within the Administration. Such disregard of immigration law and inability to properly care for the millions that have illegally crossed the border reveals a fine-tuned malevolence. Condoning such gross irresponsibility will prove to be the most humiliating and dehumanizing experience for those who are here legally and for all those that have jumped the legal lines of entry.
Anyone condoning such matters should be looking at both serious jail time and/or serious civil fines for engaging in this heartless and coercive infraction of our legal processes.
Like Thom Hartmann and Governor Newsom, I too offer my opinion.