Let's string some buts. This stunt has a different political goal, but it's the same stunt as the freedom rides, but times have changed so the only applause is worshippers of DeSatan.
I'm sure this won't help, and may hurt, the real goal, which has nothing to do with political refugees.
Let's string some buts. This stunt has a different political goal, but it's the same stunt as the freedom rides, but times have changed so the only applause is worshippers of DeSatan.
I'm sure this won't help, and may hurt, the real goal, which has nothing to do with political refugees.
Let's string some buts. This stunt has a different political goal, but it's the same stunt as the freedom rides, but times have changed so the only applause is worshippers of DeSatan.
I'm sure this won't help, and may hurt, the real goal, which has nothing to do with political refugees.