I am all in with Winkler. So is Robert Reich. It seems we have three weapons to use, our vote, our voice, and our money. But we only vote every two years. We have our voice and our money everyday. Capitalism and the elite only understand money. We need to use our money in this war. We still have lots of it. Do the research about who is supporting Trump, or is anti DEI, and LGTBQ+. I cancelled my LA Times subscription and my Amazon Prime. No longer buying my books on Amazon, or for online purchases. I shop at Ace Hardware much more than Home Depot. Shop local, even if it costs a bit more. Stuff like that. Push back against the skimmers and scammers. Push back against business abuses. Do not let them bully us.

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It is Ben Wikler. I want more info about him, is he progressive is a fighter. I have a politically active friend in Wisconsin, where he is chair of Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

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The problem is that Biden, Harris, and particularly the DNC are NOT saving Democracy NOW when they have power by forcing convincing allowing Harris to call for forensic audit of the election (the easy way to win), Biden staying in power (then handing to Harris for 4 years) not handing the Democracy to Russian-backed criminals who state they will destroy it. Why so much energy on giving up Democracy to criminals then planning how to recapture it, rather than JUST DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN. STOP THE TRANSITION!

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Iagree, at least have Biden issue blanket pardons to all of Trump's enemies, then resign. Harris will immediately become 47th President, then she could use the powers given her by SCOTUS, since Biden is too weak willed to do something audacious

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Yes, that too. If Biden announces that he will stay in power then hands to President Harris, the she doesn't have to deal with making that move which some democrats think is wrong. They want the peaceful transition to Trump. But how about a peaceful transition to Harris (possibly by actual vote counting correctly). Someone needs to press on Biden for this OR help Harris find a way to MAKE her President.

We are in a war, this is a way out. Yes, there may be violence or civil war, but with Trumps criminal team out of the way in prison, it won't last long. Harris can win over the nation, but she HAS to aggressively save us from the upcoming Holocaust. We may NOT recover from it, nor even have any DNC.

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Phucking establishment Democrats, Friends like that who needs enemies. Peaceful transition,bull shit, idiots are self deluded, Project 2025 has it all laid out,

but these clowns think that if they play along, he will forgive them and they will survive. Biden should resign and Harris pardons Biden

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One group of mostly right wing scholars argues that the Declare War Clause assigns to Congress the primary power to initiate military action. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB11232#:~:text=One%20group%20of%20scholars%20argues,to%20combat%20without%20congressional%20authorization.

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IIRC, FDR couldn't initiate military action and declare war and thus our "neutrality" (I know how lend lease circumvented that) but it took the attack on Pearl Harbor, and yet we couldn't declare war on Germany, but Hitler declared war on us. Until 9/11 only congress could authorize military action, but in response it delegated such powers to the Presidency (Bush) that is why we had the WOT. Am I wrong here?

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Yes, that too. If Biden announces that he will stay in power then hands to President Harris, then she doesn't have to deal with making that move which some democrats think is wrong. They want the peaceful transition to Trump. But how about a peaceful transition to Harris (possibly by actual vote counting correctly)? Someone needs to press on Biden for this OR help Harris find a way to MAKE herself President. She is in a tough spot.

We are in a war, one that was imposed on us. Biden could declare war too as a way out of this mess. Yes, there may be violence or civil war, but with Trump’s criminal team out of the way in prison, it won't last long.

After what the public is starting to see will happen, President Harris can win over the nation, but she HAS to aggressively do what she must to save us from the upcoming Holocaust.

We may NOT recover from it, nor even have any real no matter who is the chair.

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You guys are silly dreamers. Have you not been watching what has happened the last 8 or so years? We lost. The evil demons won. Your only appropriate action at this point is to protect yourself and your loved ones.

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I don't know why you responded to me as you did, because I agree with you;. I am afraid that I will have to leave this country, and am making plans. My wife and I have our passports.

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Thanks, my bad.

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"... our vote, our voice, and our money..."

Right. Our vote has been neutered by suppression efforts, the electoral college, and an electorate that prioritizes celebrity over competency and decency. Our voice is completely dampened by a culture that zeroes in on misinformation and ignores the truth. And our money is peanuts compared to the multiple billions available to the oligarchs.

The rest of your message is more current. Maybe we can develop a counter-culture. Otherwise, I contend that what we are experiencing is the death throes of the American experiment in democracy. Throughout history empires, nations, regions, governments, and even cultures experience periods of growth and domination. followed by periods of stagnation, failure, and destruction. I believe that America is in the latter stage.

I don't know what is coming, but I have little hope. I am settling into a mode of taking care of me, and mine. And keeping my head down. And, as a dual American/Canadian citizen, I am getting ready to leave.

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Thanks. My bad.

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I read about him over the weekend and based on what you and your noted authors lay out, this sounds like exactly the right fella and direction for the Party. The alternative is unacceptable in any way. Where can we put the most effective pressure?

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O'Malley sings, plays the guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxMy5Mem-b8

What happened last election in Cheeseland?

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Trump took Wisconsin by 35,000 votes. Wisconsin has a Muslim population of 69.000

Muslims sat out the election or voted for Trump.

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Thanks 3rd party voters! If you add WI Dem and 3rd party votes, they would’ve beaten trump.

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True, but Muslims weren't third party. They were historically Democratic voters, until they got their shorts in a twist over HAMAS, and decided to flip Biden the bird, not helped when Imams endorsed Trump

Trump's pro-Israel Cabinet Picks Upset Muslims Who Voted for Him

'Trump won because of us,' said one of the founders of Muslims for Trump, 'and we're not happy with his Secretary of State pick and others'


Just like American idiots they didn't pay attention to Project 2025, and actually believe that there is a chance for reprieve in 2028, or that they can actually trust Trump.

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I read the Haaretz article a couple of weeks ago. There’s definitely going to be some buyer’s remorse whether Muslim’s voted for trump or 3rd party.

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All I can say is that Muslims are stupid. Loyalty to the Ummah comes before even loyalty to the nation that feeds and sustains them. Trump has warned them that if they don't realize the hostages, especially Americans, before he takes the oath off office, there will be hell to pay.

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"Average working people know they’ve been screwed; they just don’t realize it’s the morbidly rich who did it to them unless there’s an outspoken class warrior like FDR or Harry Truman calling it out."

That's it right there - an absolute - courtesy of Hartmann.

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I would be more than happy to see Ben Wickler in charge of the DNC. Our messaging as Democrats , aided by the far right Press, has been abysmal.

How do we offer support to Ben Wickler?

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Wikler not Wicler. He was Chairman of Moveon.org, before become Chair of the WI Democratic Pa

rty. Move on was founded during the Clinton administration, to move on from the impeachment. Clinton was a disaster for the Democratic Party, because of him and his NAFTA and GATT, once solidly blue states became Swing states, and have since become Red States. Move on has became a bureaucracy providing jobs and political experience

Election results Wisconsinhttps://elections.wi.gov/elections/election-results

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If Ben is as good as you say he is, I’m all for putting him in charge of the dem party. Biden did a wonderful job making things better for the working class (a phrase that implies that the morbidly rich don’t work) but failed terribly at communication. Maybe he thought people were smarter than they were.

Two things that puzzle me, first how easy it is to gaslight people. Are we lazy in thought? Do we not have the time to think things through or are going to casinos, football games or drowning our sorrows at the local bar more important?

Secondly, what is the end game of the billionaires? Is it possible for someone to be so greedy that they would be willing to destroy a civilization just to rule over the ruins? What does that say about us as a species?

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Chris, you asked, "Is it possible for someone to be so greedy that they would be willing to destroy a civilization just to rule over the ruins?"

Of course, it's possible. During earlier times when nearly everyone, including rulers, believed in "everlasting life," there was some reluctance on their part (at least toward the end of their lives) to sin. They didn't want to burn in hell. How many billionaires do you think believe in life after death?

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Some people have foresight and some do not.

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The ascendence of Hakeem Jeffries isn’t at all promising. Nancy Pelosi articulated the problem when she initially resisted restrictions on individual investing by congresspeople. Milquetoast messaging, fractured loyalties, and premature capitulation have been the bane of Democrats for far too long. Yes, we need Winkler - and FDR, and AOC, and Bernie, and Elizabeth - and actual DEMOCRATS.

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Hakeem Jeffries is bought and paid for. Here is his contributors make up your own mind


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I don’t see how the Democratic Party can save us, when it is corrupt at the core and slops at the same trough as the Republican part. I do see a “loyal opposition” Russian/Hungarian style Democratic Party though, the party is led and poplated at the top with apparatchiks, professionals whose income and lifestyle depend on slopping at the trough.

What is needed is new blood, unafraid, uncorrupted that will take the role of the insurgency, start at the lowest level, dog catcher and retake the country one brick at a time.

I predict that the Trump regime has within it, the seeds of its own destruction. A demoralized, persecuted America, can not stand. Without immigrant labor, we will starve, construction will halt, roofing will deteriorate and the rain will do the rest. Prices will rise, we will go into a severe depression, Russia and China will walk all over us, the Yuan will replace the dollar as the worlds reserve currency.

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As usual, Thom is right on! He and Robert Reich are the best at laying out reasons, proof and solutions. Thanks Thom!

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My ex's grandparents lived in Germany at the beginning of the Nazi takeover. There were no stories passed down from them as they were there & the rest of the family were here. I have to wonder how those people viewed Hitler's rise to power? Were they fearful? Were they relieved? Did he "speak to them" with just the right message that they were lulled into thinking everything would be ok? And indeed, for many Germans the years prior to Hitler's invasion of Poland many Germans felt good about their country. They either didn't know or didn't care about the things they may have heard about the camps that at first were used for political prisoners. You know like our camps were used to house Japanese American citizens without due process. Or what about our new camps that will start out housing "only immigrants here illegally?" Will we pay attention to them or will we wait until it's too late?

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The Germans who seig heiled Hitler had nothing to say, They shelved their past life, and hoped everyone else did the same, RTN

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Good read on this subject by Daniel Goldhagen, Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust.

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If it weren't for the Deutsche volk, there would have been no Hitler. If it weren't for the American People there would be no Trump

There were resisters in Germany the Scholl siblings which founded the White Rose Society and they lost their heads.

Itakes bravery and sacrifice to resist Americans are lacking.

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Show us how to support Ben Wikler!!!

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There is a reason why so many people believe we are in a recession. They looked at their budgets and looked around. When you must use credit cards to buy groceries, repair the car, pay utilities, and pay for health care at urgent care, you know that your credit will end at some point. What many do is distract themselves with television, sports, or alcohol and drugs. Winning the lottery seems to be the only way out of debt; so many waste money on the lottery, kidding themselves that they may win and imagining how they will spend it.

I just read the obituary of another young man who died a death of despair by drinking himself to death. He excelled in school and had postgraduate degrees in political science and urban development from Ivy League schools. The obituary said he felt like a failure, and I am guessing he couldn't find work and or he probably had insurmountable student loan debt.

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I believe Ben Meiselas or Ron Filipkoski over at MeidasTouch Network,shared a podcast with Ben Wikler as a guest?! You and Louise are right,he speaks well and he's Young ! Scary times we're living in and it's a lot of pressure to put on the shoulders of a single person, the future of our Democracy. I'll trust your judgement here, Thom, because more often than not you're Right. Thank You for your article this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸

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I agree Biden was doing the right things, but his communication with the people was not getting through. Years ago there was an emphasis on educating " good citizens". An informed populace wanting to support positive projects. This has fallen away. A friend quoted a study that 21% of Americans are illiterate & 54%, including the 21%, are operating at a grade6 level or less for reading & comprehension. Trump is quoted as saying " I like the uneducated". It seems Republican policy is to discourage education & critical thinking. Many authoritarian regimes do this.

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As Thom says here, it took the charismatic, forceful, and deadly correct FDR to get Democrats on the same page. Bernie Sanders said as much in an interview on CBS, declaring that a campaign based on these things we on this page all agree with would win. Period.

I am not familiar with Wikler, but yes, Reich just declared him to be the ticket as well. All the pundits declare the winning ticket for Dems to be Centrist. I, on the other hand, thing we need more of Sean Fein's attitude. Maybe not so acerbic, but on that wavelength, in the chairman's seat, whipping the entire party into a force that would not be beatable. A united force not drunk on power, but positive change that benefits all.

I saw a meme today that states that the average income in this country is $74,500. Remove the top ten earners, the average is $65,000. Remove the top 50, it becomes $48,000, and remove the top 1,000 to arrive at $35,500 as the national average income. I don't automatically accept such stuff without understanding the source, but perhaps someone here knows if that comes close. The point remains the same: The picture of the American economy is skewed insanely by the top 1,000 earners. Democrats campaign on being for the working man, then don't tackle the tax code issue that the top 1,000 would fight viciously....and LOSE if the Dems really wanted them to lose. Meaning that they'd ALL have to give up support from that top 1,000 and their companies.

The reason for Trump support is total and hostile mistrust of both parties as they were before Trump. They believe Trump and they are quite likely to come to realize they were wrong, but most Dems that may appear on this page ALSO mistrust the Democratic Party as it IS, and are impatient with waiting for them to wake up. Kneecapping Sanders tells you everything you need to know, and it happened twice. Money talks, Democrats obey. That has to end, and STAY ended.

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Too many Democrats stayed home on November 5th. It’s time to re-start our party and bring in the next generation. We have to do this. Ben is the right guy, but he’ll need a wrecking ball and time is of the essence.

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"Stayed home." How many intimidated by Russian psy ops? False voter info. Media repeating Russian propaganda?

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I doubt that any Democrats stayed home Rosemary, but I know the Muslims did, as did many Gen Y,Z Gen X largely voted for Trump, at least the Males.

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Terrific column today Robert. There’s an important contradiction in your analysis that needs pointing out.

You call for a return to an aggressive Keynsianism ala FDR & LBJ. In this you are correct.

At the same time you advance the (mistaken) notion that the deficits caused by GOP billionaire tax cuts will have to be paid back sometime in the future. No. No. No.

The idea that the U.S. economy has to have a “balanced budget” or that “deficits are too big” is how neoliberalism sells austerity.

In fact, the U.S. economy, sovereign in its own currency (USD), does not need to balance the budget at all, ever.

The U.S. has a monopoly on the creation of dollars. Dollars are the world’s reserve currency and U.S. Treasury bills are the worlds safest financial assets.

Unlike a household, corporation or local government the US government isn’t going out of business (unless these ItThings wreck it that bad) so deficits never have to be paid back.

To pay off last year’s deficit the Treasury can (and does) issue new Treasury bills. There have been plenty of times in the past 10-15 years when interest on the 30 day & 90 day notes was NEGATIVE! (The world was willing to absorb so much U.S. Treasury debt that the inflation adjusted rate on those Treasuries was less than Zero).

This is the bare bones insight of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and it’s really important for you to understand it. Why? Bc S long as arguments for balanced budgets are taken seriously ***There’s No Room for Aggressive Keynesian economic policy.***

Keynesian demand management requires deficits.

1. If & only if the public sector (government) pumps more demand/income into the economy then is drained out thru private savings + imports that recessions are warded off.

2. IFF deficits are basically ignored then FISCAL policies that build the middle class can be enacted. Otherwise it’s austerity.

3. The function of federal taxes is NOT financing government expenditure. The tax system *should* be working toward massive reductions in Income Inequality. (read Spirit Level, Wilkerson & Pickett)

So basically, if you are advocating for a return to the keynsianism of FDR/LBJ you can’t simultaneously argue that deficits are bad or should be avoided or should be kept to a minimum. Those policy concerns are antithetical.

Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth is a good starting point. And I’ve written a couple of popular pieces on this topic. Happy to share if you are interested.

Thanks Robert for your hard work and excellent insights.


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