A little addendum to my earlier Comment this morning...as I meant to tie my comments about the Universe playing 4-5 dimensional chess with us humans while we think we're just playing checkers....
to your opening statement, Thom: " These hinge points of history are never painless, but they always leave enlightenment and true change in the…
A little addendum to my earlier Comment this morning...as I meant to tie my comments about the Universe playing 4-5 dimensional chess with us humans while we think we're just playing checkers....
to your opening statement, Thom: " These hinge points of history are never painless, but they always leave enlightenment and true change in their wake." I am more & more convinced that "polarity" serves as an essential ingredient in our human experience...and notice that it has manifested clearly in the past 6 "Fourth Turnings" as the struggle between egalitarians and authoritarians...or, in more mundane, simple, & direct terms: love & care for fellow humans vs. love of wealth & power. And according to Strauss & Howe, this struggle has routinely reappeared every 80 years or so since Henry Todor (a "commoner") defeated King Richard III and then proclaimed himself King of England. He broke the spell that only "royalty" could become kings & queens--a huge leap in evolutionary political thought. And wars appear to be the means by which we humans have chosen to settle such differences of opinion...eh? Dominators, dictators, monarchs, tyrants, and such extreme egotists don't give up their power easily. However, this time around--at least for the US and unlike Ukraine's similar yet much more brutal struggle to maintain their fledgling democracy in the face of "Putin's War" on them--perhaps we Americans will win our battle against the racist, fascist authoritarian right without a bloody battle. Let's hope ! And use our political might--via our vote-- to defeat the right on the battlefield of the elections. If we do, perhaps we will have demonstrated that we are now a bit more enlightened and can handle the dilemma handed to us by the universe without the customary bloodshed. No, not painless....but perhaps at least no longer lethal....?? (While we still back President Zelensky and support Ukraine's efforts to throw Putin's forces out of their country.)
A little addendum to my earlier Comment this morning...as I meant to tie my comments about the Universe playing 4-5 dimensional chess with us humans while we think we're just playing checkers....
to your opening statement, Thom: " These hinge points of history are never painless, but they always leave enlightenment and true change in their wake." I am more & more convinced that "polarity" serves as an essential ingredient in our human experience...and notice that it has manifested clearly in the past 6 "Fourth Turnings" as the struggle between egalitarians and authoritarians...or, in more mundane, simple, & direct terms: love & care for fellow humans vs. love of wealth & power. And according to Strauss & Howe, this struggle has routinely reappeared every 80 years or so since Henry Todor (a "commoner") defeated King Richard III and then proclaimed himself King of England. He broke the spell that only "royalty" could become kings & queens--a huge leap in evolutionary political thought. And wars appear to be the means by which we humans have chosen to settle such differences of opinion...eh? Dominators, dictators, monarchs, tyrants, and such extreme egotists don't give up their power easily. However, this time around--at least for the US and unlike Ukraine's similar yet much more brutal struggle to maintain their fledgling democracy in the face of "Putin's War" on them--perhaps we Americans will win our battle against the racist, fascist authoritarian right without a bloody battle. Let's hope ! And use our political might--via our vote-- to defeat the right on the battlefield of the elections. If we do, perhaps we will have demonstrated that we are now a bit more enlightened and can handle the dilemma handed to us by the universe without the customary bloodshed. No, not painless....but perhaps at least no longer lethal....?? (While we still back President Zelensky and support Ukraine's efforts to throw Putin's forces out of their country.)