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I have many friends with different viewpoints than mine, and I relish the conversations we have. But they are not MAGAts. They abhor what has become of "their Father's Republican Party" as much as I do. And they understand that they can no longer identify as a member of the Republican party, and what it has become. Or as I say, what it has deteriorated into. But the key is, we TALK! We have remained friends. And we mourn the loss of those we thought were our friends, but who have "drank the kool-aid", and will never again be our friends.

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I also no longer want to associate with people who support Trump. I see no good coming from trying to talk to them and consider them traitors.

There are elderly family members who most likely wouldn’t be if they didn’t live in a red state and attend a church that has supported Trump. They seem to forget their fathers were immigrant coal miners in SWPA when the miners began to unionize. I give them a wider berth, but not a pass.

Elderly folk who still identify as Republicans are doing so as a knee jerk reaction. That is absolutely not going to change. They are dying off as God intended, more and more senior citizens coming to age are not about to let SSI or Medicare expire.

If Putin plans to use the old, broke down, “How to Start a World War for Dummies” playbook, that we’ve all seen and know it always ends badly for the villains.

I can only hope the contradiction of terms; “Military Intelligence”, is finally used to stop this from escalating instead of creating investment opportunities for the 1%.

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What frightens me are all the younger people who have fallen prey to the cult. We have a number of them within our family ( a very large family ), and it makes for very uncomfortable circumstances. As you said, no good comes from any attempts to talk with them, about just about anything. And facts just fall on deaf ears. I'm not a kid anymore, and my tolerance level has diminished right along with my energy, so I mostly avoid gatherings when I can. I stopped attending church in 2017, as it became obvious, at least to me, that they were becoming an indoctrination center for this insane christo-fascism running rampant across the country. We are in for a rough road ahead, and I have serious doubts of it leveling off before my time is up. But at least I know I'm not alone in this, and that I'm stronger than anything they throw our way!!

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This cult bunch has gripped our nations people is definitely unbelievable. It’s scary, to say the absolute least. It seems that this 🍓🍊💩🤡🤮dictator has crawled into their heads and grabbed their spines.

I have no idea what the remedy is to combat such a cultist grip. Back in the day I’d have an answer, but I’m afraid that response nowadays would be totally illegal.

Trump has his presidential campaign as well as millions upon millions needed for his legal bills, judgements, and the like. Of course, we already know that his female attorneys are being paid by proxy. They apparently are getting their pay through the groping expertise of the 🍓🍊💩🤡🤮! Sickening. Allowing this POS to grope and run around into your private parts just because of who he thinks he is.

And, the male attorneys won’t stay because they never get paid. Too bad Frumpy isn’t into grasping, and playing with, balls. Some of those attorneys would probably stay if he did!

I have said thus before. The Old Republican Party as we once knew it to be, represent, is dead, gone. It needs to be buried. What has taken its place is this form of cult, fascist-Christian cult that has their ‘dictator’, ‘leader’, who’s only way to rule these people is to get into their heads and rule them as Putin rules Russia. One-third, approximately, of the American public has fallen prey to this cult. This is much worse than other cult leaders we have had in the past. The Jim Jones’ so to speak.

One thing is perfectly clear. If we don’t figure out a way to get this man under control, our democracy will become his dictatorship. I’m not living in a country of a dictatorship. I refuse!!!

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Your friends who don’t agree with the “MAGATS” like MTG should contact their representatives and DEMAND they vote AGAINST what Trump wants or they won’t get their vote. They should allow the bipartisan bill to come to the floor for a vote. They also need to call the Speaker and say this as well. They can’t just sit by and allow this to happen and re-elect a person who is doing what an unelected person is controlling (Trump).

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I’m in Ohio, Marlo, arguably the most corrupt state in the union. We are so criminally gerrymandered here as to be less than Russia or Hungary. I’ve called and written my rep, Dave Joyce, almost daily. So do my friends. But he doesn’t have the spine to stand up for Democracy. And I tell him that makes him complicit, and that I will be working to have him voted out in November. And that’s where we are, all of us, waiting for November to vote them all out, and get this mess straightened out.

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Can you contact your attorney general about the gerrymandering? It needs to go to the court. That’s what we did in Michigan (I think).

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I SO wish Ohio was like Michigan!! Our AG here is a turd Republican named Dave Yost. There's a prison cell waiting for him, next to the one with our governor's name on it, and across the cellblock from the one reserved for the SoS, Frank LaRose. Those 3 are some of the most corrupt Republicans in the nation. Oh, and one of the so-called justices on the state supreme court is the son of the governor. Only in Ohio.

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All part of the rampant Ohio corruption.

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