Monnina. May I suggest that it is neither raw materials (like petroleum) nor innovations (like IA) which are the root causes that "bode ill" consequences for human life on Earth and the degradation of our planetary environment?
It is instead the notion of private ownership of our world and the inevitable greed that accompanies it which co…
Monnina. May I suggest that it is neither raw materials (like petroleum) nor innovations (like IA) which are the root causes that "bode ill" consequences for human life on Earth and the degradation of our planetary environment?
It is instead the notion of private ownership of our world and the inevitable greed that accompanies it which condemns us to this current hell. Mother Nature (or God) gave it to us all.
Our grandchildren will sing the words of Peter, Paul and Mary:
Agreed It is this lack of heart centred social vision that is so destructive. Fun fact. Peter, Paul and Mary were once our babysitters back in the 1960s whenever we lived in NY’s Perry Street, Greenwich Village. Hearing Puff the Magic 🐉 is one of my earliest memories.
Monnina. How pleasant it is to read people on Mr. Hartman's blog who, like you, have something innovative and revealing to say. I note that your doctorate is in an academic field close to mine, Sociology. I believe the next big intellectual breakthrough in the Social Sciences will be achieved by Anthropologists studying the nature of language.
I still listen to my old 33rpm disc playing Peter Paul and Mary as I walk on my treadmill. My daughter graduated from Columbia and lived a decade in the upper side of the Island. I regret that I rarely got to the lower end of Manhattan when I visited with her. I imagine you miss it.
How we communicate, or not, has so much to do with how and what we remember. I agree that a deeper understanding of the intellectual mechanics and emotional moorings of both language and memory are in reach. Such a development would do much to enlighten our present cultural darkness.
And I miss too many things. A calming sun sprinkled ocean of memories is what keeps me afloat in these stormy times.
Monnina. May I suggest that it is neither raw materials (like petroleum) nor innovations (like IA) which are the root causes that "bode ill" consequences for human life on Earth and the degradation of our planetary environment?
It is instead the notion of private ownership of our world and the inevitable greed that accompanies it which condemns us to this current hell. Mother Nature (or God) gave it to us all.
Our grandchildren will sing the words of Peter, Paul and Mary:
"They didn't know in the old time
The Earth and the sea were to share
They didn't know in the old time
Or care.
Once there were songs
About rights instead of wrongs
Once was the time of Man."
Agreed It is this lack of heart centred social vision that is so destructive. Fun fact. Peter, Paul and Mary were once our babysitters back in the 1960s whenever we lived in NY’s Perry Street, Greenwich Village. Hearing Puff the Magic 🐉 is one of my earliest memories.
Monnina. How pleasant it is to read people on Mr. Hartman's blog who, like you, have something innovative and revealing to say. I note that your doctorate is in an academic field close to mine, Sociology. I believe the next big intellectual breakthrough in the Social Sciences will be achieved by Anthropologists studying the nature of language.
I still listen to my old 33rpm disc playing Peter Paul and Mary as I walk on my treadmill. My daughter graduated from Columbia and lived a decade in the upper side of the Island. I regret that I rarely got to the lower end of Manhattan when I visited with her. I imagine you miss it.
Hello Gerald.
How we communicate, or not, has so much to do with how and what we remember. I agree that a deeper understanding of the intellectual mechanics and emotional moorings of both language and memory are in reach. Such a development would do much to enlighten our present cultural darkness.
And I miss too many things. A calming sun sprinkled ocean of memories is what keeps me afloat in these stormy times.
Enjoy walking with Peter,Paul and Mary 🐈⬛