Education on deprogramming is always needed. We all need to do are part. However, the rich advantaged have a responsibility that their own do not take community resources to deny them to successful community radio and tv stations. These existed in the past but the advantaged actively got rid of them to the point that liberal cities have …
Education on deprogramming is always needed. We all need to do are part. However, the rich advantaged have a responsibility that their own do not take community resources to deny them to successful community radio and tv stations. These existed in the past but the advantaged actively got rid of them to the point that liberal cities have no liberal or diverse community participation. These resources require that intentional action be done to rebuild these diverse community resources in order to make it plain the valid political chooses society has in changing society into a tolerant society without violent factions that harm society. The Dems must understand that their messaging of choice cannot be done properly without a viable community of news and programming. Making campaigning for economic choices and repeating that message sufficiently is essential.
We all know what needs to be done. And not a one of those things are actually going to happen, because of the entrenched power that now overrides out entire nation. I fear that only blood and violence in a revolt similar to the civil war is going to bring the needed change. And we might not be the victor this time.
The wet dream of the maga is a war. They will not get it or one they think. If the confederacy were to arm up again the liberals have a governor in CA that has an army and guard that is sufficient to send to any location and end their 2nd war in one battle. He is not afraid or wait until it is too late. He will act and that will be that. Period. That sock will put an end to any more wet dreams of that bunch of losers and their supporters which will go into hiding never to be seen again.
That is an excellent idea. Thank you for taking the time, and having the patience to read the idiotic replies from too many ignorant people. It exhausts me. I try to pass along the MEIDASTOUCH network info to as many as I can. This is a new network, founded by 3 brothers, who want truth instead of smoke and bullshit that is the lock and stock from the lame 'legacy' media. they have a massive failure over the past decades. They now have a number of other podcast and news casts associated with them. Legal AF, Burn the Boats, FP Wellman, Political Beatdown (with Michael Cohen), some former trump campaign workers (Like LightsOn with jessica Denson), MAGA Uncovered, to name just a few now associated with the network). For those of you from the midwest, i highly recommend two podcasters (one who currently writes for Crooks and Liars) titled ProleftPodcast - from the cornfield resistence of Springfield, IL with Driftglass and Bluegal. There are sources of info out there, We need to spread the truth as far and as wide as we can, while we still can.
Education on deprogramming is always needed. We all need to do are part. However, the rich advantaged have a responsibility that their own do not take community resources to deny them to successful community radio and tv stations. These existed in the past but the advantaged actively got rid of them to the point that liberal cities have no liberal or diverse community participation. These resources require that intentional action be done to rebuild these diverse community resources in order to make it plain the valid political chooses society has in changing society into a tolerant society without violent factions that harm society. The Dems must understand that their messaging of choice cannot be done properly without a viable community of news and programming. Making campaigning for economic choices and repeating that message sufficiently is essential.
We all know what needs to be done. And not a one of those things are actually going to happen, because of the entrenched power that now overrides out entire nation. I fear that only blood and violence in a revolt similar to the civil war is going to bring the needed change. And we might not be the victor this time.
The wet dream of the maga is a war. They will not get it or one they think. If the confederacy were to arm up again the liberals have a governor in CA that has an army and guard that is sufficient to send to any location and end their 2nd war in one battle. He is not afraid or wait until it is too late. He will act and that will be that. Period. That sock will put an end to any more wet dreams of that bunch of losers and their supporters which will go into hiding never to be seen again.
Yes I agree and I would love nothing more than the annhilation of US hegemony BUT you have to work for this.
GO on your MSM papers and refer people to substack.
It works.
That is an excellent idea. Thank you for taking the time, and having the patience to read the idiotic replies from too many ignorant people. It exhausts me. I try to pass along the MEIDASTOUCH network info to as many as I can. This is a new network, founded by 3 brothers, who want truth instead of smoke and bullshit that is the lock and stock from the lame 'legacy' media. they have a massive failure over the past decades. They now have a number of other podcast and news casts associated with them. Legal AF, Burn the Boats, FP Wellman, Political Beatdown (with Michael Cohen), some former trump campaign workers (Like LightsOn with jessica Denson), MAGA Uncovered, to name just a few now associated with the network). For those of you from the midwest, i highly recommend two podcasters (one who currently writes for Crooks and Liars) titled ProleftPodcast - from the cornfield resistence of Springfield, IL with Driftglass and Bluegal. There are sources of info out there, We need to spread the truth as far and as wide as we can, while we still can.
Yes. Refer every person to substack.
They have a choice what to read.
It's the ONLY way forward in my opinion.