Trump and his band of brown-nosers on The Hill, have managed to convince people, citizens who have had their livelihoods and dreams destroyed by a cruel, vicious, and sick plantation economy, that Poor Blacks/Browns are responsible for their shattered lives.
When it's really Koch, Trump, Mercer and their Davos-ian ilk who are the true per…
Trump and his band of brown-nosers on The Hill, have managed to convince people, citizens who have had their livelihoods and dreams destroyed by a cruel, vicious, and sick plantation economy, that Poor Blacks/Browns are responsible for their shattered lives.
When it's really Koch, Trump, Mercer and their Davos-ian ilk who are the true perps.
This misdirection depends on poor education (read: No Civics), absolutely no logic, ongoing live-for-today household budgets, financial dependency on others (e.g.: a dead end, at-will corporate job; gov't handouts, et al).
Explains why the "Walking Dead" program checked so many boxes for an immigrant-fearing national audience.
But, no, 2 plus 2 has not been, is not, and will never be 5, Despite what Donald has told you.
DJT is just the brainwashing Pied Piper marching his braindead zombies over a cliff.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is wrest back your grip on reality, resume your mental health, find the plot you've lost, and become sane, again. But . . . if you choose to believe him, you may self-destruct in, as little as 5 seconds.
And they want vote for this looney, who said clearly that he will slash social services from which they depend. Once a moron always a moron. So sorry for them
Liked, except for the 'so sorry for them' part. I'm not sorry. I take satisfaction in knowing those bozos will also be harmed, likely in the first round, since so many of them rely on government monies in one form or another (here's looking at you, you Social Security and Meidicare and VA benefits morons). (p.s., I am a SSA and Medicare recipient, and a spouse of a VA benefits person). Too many of that demographic are ignorant, misinformed, or willfully both. I know. I worked at the VA and too many would call up and complain about government, Obama, etc., when it was their GOP hero McCain who voted AGAINST additional VA benefits. So stupid.
Here's the thing. They LIKED the dark ages. That mindset has not changed in centuries. They don't mind the suffering. The whole point is to make EVERYONE suffer because they have been taught that suffering "gives our life meaning." This belief often held in both right and left wing circles. Ask a hungry, cold and homeless child if their suffering gives their life meaning. Ask a grieving parent of a child shot to death in school, if that loss gives their life meaning. As a woman bleeding out because she can't get medical care in a red state, because it might harm a handful of cells called a fetus, if that suffering gives her life meaning. As people working 2-3 jobs and still not making it if that suffering gives their life meaning. The Buddhists say, "Pain in life is inevitable, but suffering is optional." We have decided on a social system and religious belief that makes both pain AND suffering inevitable.
Trump and his band of brown-nosers on The Hill, have managed to convince people, citizens who have had their livelihoods and dreams destroyed by a cruel, vicious, and sick plantation economy, that Poor Blacks/Browns are responsible for their shattered lives.
When it's really Koch, Trump, Mercer and their Davos-ian ilk who are the true perps.
This misdirection depends on poor education (read: No Civics), absolutely no logic, ongoing live-for-today household budgets, financial dependency on others (e.g.: a dead end, at-will corporate job; gov't handouts, et al).
Explains why the "Walking Dead" program checked so many boxes for an immigrant-fearing national audience.
But, no, 2 plus 2 has not been, is not, and will never be 5, Despite what Donald has told you.
DJT is just the brainwashing Pied Piper marching his braindead zombies over a cliff.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is wrest back your grip on reality, resume your mental health, find the plot you've lost, and become sane, again. But . . . if you choose to believe him, you may self-destruct in, as little as 5 seconds.
And they want vote for this looney, who said clearly that he will slash social services from which they depend. Once a moron always a moron. So sorry for them
Liked, except for the 'so sorry for them' part. I'm not sorry. I take satisfaction in knowing those bozos will also be harmed, likely in the first round, since so many of them rely on government monies in one form or another (here's looking at you, you Social Security and Meidicare and VA benefits morons). (p.s., I am a SSA and Medicare recipient, and a spouse of a VA benefits person). Too many of that demographic are ignorant, misinformed, or willfully both. I know. I worked at the VA and too many would call up and complain about government, Obama, etc., when it was their GOP hero McCain who voted AGAINST additional VA benefits. So stupid.
Here's the thing. They LIKED the dark ages. That mindset has not changed in centuries. They don't mind the suffering. The whole point is to make EVERYONE suffer because they have been taught that suffering "gives our life meaning." This belief often held in both right and left wing circles. Ask a hungry, cold and homeless child if their suffering gives their life meaning. Ask a grieving parent of a child shot to death in school, if that loss gives their life meaning. As a woman bleeding out because she can't get medical care in a red state, because it might harm a handful of cells called a fetus, if that suffering gives her life meaning. As people working 2-3 jobs and still not making it if that suffering gives their life meaning. The Buddhists say, "Pain in life is inevitable, but suffering is optional." We have decided on a social system and religious belief that makes both pain AND suffering inevitable.
They don’t think the leopard will bite their faces.