Obviously we have some common experience. The only twist in my story is that my mother was just as big a crank as the rest of her family, even after education all the way to a Master's degree at a prestigious U. Anecdote with (sad) smile: at class reunion featuring more 90-year-olds than commonly gathered, when Obama was running for pres…
Obviously we have some common experience. The only twist in my story is that my mother was just as big a crank as the rest of her family, even after education all the way to a Master's degree at a prestigious U. Anecdote with (sad) smile: at class reunion featuring more 90-year-olds than commonly gathered, when Obama was running for president and Mom was, of course, "Birther" and "Commie" hysterical, one of the other old ladies rared back and said :" (name!) You are Irrational!!!" I saw it, but I heard about it from Mom all the way home. Ugh.
Obviously we have some common experience. The only twist in my story is that my mother was just as big a crank as the rest of her family, even after education all the way to a Master's degree at a prestigious U. Anecdote with (sad) smile: at class reunion featuring more 90-year-olds than commonly gathered, when Obama was running for president and Mom was, of course, "Birther" and "Commie" hysterical, one of the other old ladies rared back and said :" (name!) You are Irrational!!!" I saw it, but I heard about it from Mom all the way home. Ugh.
Education rarely overcomes early conditioning.