Every day there is more evidence that Trump and his Magats are working as agents of Vladimir Putin.

The facts that reveal these liars to include the “two Jimmies” to be the ringleaders of these “lies for Putin “ are clear and frankly obvious. I won’t say shocking because these losers have been at it for some time.

They both pretend to believe “it’s not happening” and act that out in the media , which truly makes them not only agents of Putin , but also ‘morons’.

Sorry , all true .

Now let’s see how the rest of the recruited Republicans react . If they go along with this , they should all be charged as agents of Putin ( Merrick Garland) and it’s time to do something . We cannot continue to allow this to go on .

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As I have said, during Trump's election campaign I would tell my husband and daughter that Melania was a deep cover Russian agent whose mission it was to marry an American of wealth and influence and get him into the White House, so he could sow chaos. Sometimes I would switch and say Trump was the deep cover spy. As it is, this was said tongue-in-cheek, and they would respond that I read too many spy books. Guilty as charged. However, it made me look at the behavior and say, who benefits? Putin! So, before he sent troops into Ukraine in November during Biden's admin, I already could see Trump as positioned to be a Russian asset. However, let us hope that the tables turn on this. Unfortunately, at this point Trump could climb on top of a volcano and throw people's daughters in, including his own children and grandchildren, and his adoring MAGA crowd would say, it is justified. These people were troublemakers anyway, because they are no longer Christians, they have joined the Trump of cult. Turns out it is a branch of the FSB.

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As I was reading through Thom's coherent, factual account, I thought, this is just like some "spy book!" Keep reading, girl!

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Stroke, stroke.

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Comer and Jordan are doing it for themselves more than for Putin. To sit on your own kingdom of slaves and servants and dictate who should live and who should die is the reptilian brain Utopia.

Since the right wingers use the lower two parts of the brain, they aren't any good at fixing problems or preventing problems, just at conquering and taking what they want. Would they be able to create new jobs for population growth? Apparently not. So they just end population growth with poverty, wars or extermination camps. They are pro-life all right, only life that will worship them and produce and give them about half of their work in taxes. Everyone else can't die soon enough.

Biden needs to replace Garland and prosecute these seditionists before the statute of limitations runs out in about a year and a half.

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I wonder about AG Merrick's patriotism, sometimes.

There are 147 Jan 6th, elected plotters wandering around The Hill stifling women. Putinesque plotters who should be in prison. To wit, from Wiki. :

A total of 147 members of Congress voted in some form to invalidate the electoral college vote count of the 2020 presidential election: 139 in the House of Representatives, and 8 in the Senate.

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I don't wonder about Garlands patriotism or anything. The man is Trump, thus Putin's best asset, and I fault Joe for appointing him, then after discovering who he really is, keeping him.

Biden may not have been aware that Garland was a right wing fox in the democrat henhouse, but he has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt who he is, from not investigating the congressional conspirator's, to not prosecuting Matt Gaetz, to moving Trumps trial to Mar a Lago on false pretenses (the crime was commited in DC when the boxes were loaded on board the truck to carry them to Trumps plane, and then appointing Aileen Cannon to be the judge, then appointing David Weiss to prosecute Hunter, and not even a blink of any eye about Ivanka, Jr and Eric.

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It truly boggles the mind how deeply imbedded many Repugnants are with Russia, parroting propaganda and conspiracy theories. Their god king tRump is a walking, talking example of a compromised useful idiot for Putin’s interests, especially to destabilize democracies. It HAS been Russia Russia Russia all along since 2015 ( and for tRump decades). Only the fact that the Republicons and tRump had a blocker running interference for them (AG Billy Barr) prevented the sordid reality from coming to light. The DOJ definitely has compromised players in their midst. I hope MR Garland disciplines Hur somehow for his unethical backhanded behavior but I won’t hold my breath. Sadly our democracy is on life support dependent on knuckleheads, knuckle dragging moronic politicians who are playing dirty politics by promoting Putin’s BS. I do not understand the right wing’s ( as well as some on the left who should know better) all in fear and hatred towards Joe Biden. His list of accomplishments so far are phenomenal and more to come if only the obstructive morally depraved Repugnants act in the best interest of Americans but that would be too much to ask for wouldn’t it.

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There’s no question in my mind that there are within the DoJ and FBI compromised people, not so much Russian plants but more sympathizers to the tRump/MAGAt and Federalist Society/Heritage Foundation cause, who are more than willing to carry water. So by extension, being useful idiots for Putin.

What’s morally and ethically reprehensible is the fact Jim Twins, Grassley, and the January 6th GQP enablers in Congress are doing the chest pounding bravado to feed their own egos at the expense of American democracy.

I’d be greatly surprised if AG Milquetoast Garland investigated any of them or their counterpart Rethuglicans in Congress. Milquetoast Garland got a free pass the first year of the Biden administration using the not vindictive, non-political card, but the time for that excuse has long past.

The newly elected Democratic House majority in January 2025 should definitely open hearings on the Jim Twins, Grassley, and the January 6th enablers in Congress. Likewise the DOJ in 2025 under Biden’s new AG investigating the sympathizers in Congress, DOJ, and FBI.

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Michael, I agree that a newly elected Democratic congress should investigate and open hearings on the J6 enablers, but they won't, Do wish otherwise is a forlorn hope.

Gutless they are.

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Yup. They'll be all about "healing." Marianne Williamson could lend them a backbone. :)

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There is a lot to be said for Marianne, however I do not believe nor trust her. Too much like Sinema, she is hiding who she really is. All poliicians do, I am not naive, but my gut instinct with her is something just isn't right, doesn't pass the smell test

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re: "sympathizers:" Somewhere along the way, I picked up that Mormons make perfect bureaucratic servants, and are heavily represented in FBI, Secret Service, etc. Just sayin'.

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I’ve heard of such , probably because they are good at keeping secrets.

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You need to write a post explaining propaganda and how it has been used to shape the American mind, to make us what we are today.

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Yes—perhaps he has, but I would love to see that connection explicitly made, over and over: these seeds are sprouting in fertile soil.

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Yes! I am a "survivor" of a family all up for all of the program since before my Mom was born in 1919. I pun that she was "born a Bircher and Died a Birther," but she was primed, I think in DNA, ready for John Birch when he came along. She kept copies of "The Protocols... Zion" in living room and bathroom, in case any visitor missed it. She had a Master's degree from a prestigious U., and bought hook, line, sinker the one about "sluts," (her word), "using abortion as birth control," seen often to this day. The almighty gerrymander, and Mitch McConnell, have made this ilk our almost masters. God Bless America.

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Wow - that's a powerful story, dating back farther than I could have imagined. Was there ever a time, then, when this wasn't the case? Are we just seeing the breadth of what "always was," and has just grown ever more so?

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The Russians learned from Woodrow Wilson's CPI and from Edward Bernay, then they became the experts! We are now the dupes!

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Yes! I really think Bernays was the epicenter of so much of this. Maybe they would have eventually figured it out anyway, but the way he brought Freud's ideas into the marketplace pretty much seems to have remade the world.

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Ask yourself what good any of the MAGA idiots have done for anyone, let alone their electorates.

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For anyone? The oligarchs, as usual, have made out quite well.

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Yeah, well, he meant "We The People."

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The GOP punches way, way way beyond their political weight, thru partisan gerrymandering, bribery/corruption, vote suppression and by capturing rural states and judicial appointments. If Democrats ever pass legislation to level the playing field, the present GOP is history. But a change to a more honestly competitive GOP party, on real merits, would be a very good thing.

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I would love to see a straight-forward, honest conservative party. I remember real debates between liberals and conservatives on TV years ago, but "debates" these days are laughable and unwatchable. My high school debate team (65 years ago) would have floored the modern GOP.

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It looks like the Democratic party has been bought off and has now become the Republican party and the Republican party has become the fascist party. The foxes are guarding the chicken coop. Hope I'm wrong but I think the government administrators want to administrate themselves to all of our wealth. It is like a fast food worker pointing a gun at the owner of the restaurant and demanding ownership and the owner acquiesces. We are being robbed by nothing but thugs.

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I think the fast food analogy isn't quite right. I would compare it more to two groups that want to maintain their exclusive privilege at the expense of the workers. The workers get a very small say in anything. They may get to vote for new privileged leaders, but don't share in the profits or management. The one group may say consoling things, but are kept from attaining their promises by a more malignant group of competitors. The fact that the two groups maintain a 50/50 hold on overall operations prevents a lot of what might be good for the workers from being achieved.

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Do you think that the two Jimmies have a direct set of strings that control them from Moscow, or are they 2nd tier puppets controlled by Putin's top puppet, Comrade Trump?

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Might as well said they heard it through the grapevine. What a crock of sh*t! Mary Trump thinks the Jimmies will be held to account for this by a new Democratic House Majority. I plan to vote for that.

The MSM was all over this, so for those that hates 'em, give those reporters at least 5 points for confronting these clowns.

Meanwhile, The Putin Show must go on. He has been saying how much he wants Biden to win. At last something we can agree on, only, one of us is lying. Putin is always LYING, and he LOVES doing it almost as much as killing innocent people.

F-ing traitors in bed with murderers and psychopaths. We didn't need to hear any of it from the grapevine, they are doing all of this right before our eyes.

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Are there any GOP or right wingers that are not liars?

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A few---Adam Kinzinger comes to mind, although he describes himself as "politically homeless". I've known many good people over the years, but I'm guessing they feel the same way these days.

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We need Journalists to set a bonfire around Garland and this mess to act like Sorota did around transportation Buttigig after the East Palestine Trainwreck. Shamed him into doing his job. If our justice system can not do such an obvious task,then America is truly in critical condition.

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Putin is destroying America like USSR was dismantled. Without firing any weapon. From inside. Sweet revenge. A dish better served cold. Mama mia! Wake up and send GOP traitors to jails

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The dismantling of the USSR began with one sentence in the Annual Report of the Bank for International Settlements 1983 or 1984. It read: The Soviet Union is a failed economic experiment and needs to be replaced. Five years later Gorbachev was hired to do the job, and he was rewarded with a dachau on Lake Geneva , a healthy retirement stipend and the presidency of the Green Cross which was created just for him.

When Reagan said "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall", his insiders knew that the USSR was in the throes of dissolution

The B.I.S. is the central bank of central banks, it is the boss of all the central banks. The heads or reps of central banks repair to Basel , SW the first Monday of Each month, they repair to the bank, each occupies an office that is identical to all others, laid out identically with blotter, pen, pencil, notepads, this includes the Fed, they give their presentations and receive "suggestions" (Instructions.

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Interesting. Care to share source?

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Moscow On the Potomac.

To paraphrase Strother Martin's character in "Cool Hand Luke:"

"What we've got here is . . . Failure to American-nate."

See him at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2f-MZ2HRHQ&t=6s

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Those two TRAITORS deserve the old fate of traitors: to be HANGED and left to dangle for the vultures!!

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Your spell checker substituted Comey for Comer. Better fix it before Comey sues you!

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Thanks! I fixed it…

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The spell-check bully drives me nuts! Kudos to you for catching that one!

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I turned spell check off. Settings>general>keyboards>check spelling>off

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A similar strategy was deployed, aided by paid for Putin assets, in the UK, to deliver Brexit in 2016, wreaking political and social conflict and chaos. Just how deeply is Rupert Murdoch’s media empire in bed with Putin ?

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Since the Reagan Administration, it seems if a Republican wins, it's from Lying, Cheating and Stealing, and when a Democrat wins, it's the Will of the Majority trying to claw back her American governance.

Prove me wrong.

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Hey, Thom, wait a minute. I live in Ohio and many of the brains here have been poisoned long ago by Big Biz and Trump TV (FOX NEWS). They don't even realize that they've been sucked into a vortex of anti-American Russian agit prop. Not the Ohio I grew-up in and not one I even recognize today. Sad. Our Mad King Donald plays them along with his FOX and FRIENDS by constantly stoking the fires of fear and trembling against the "woke" "radical left" opposition they are certain of going to war with at any minute. Pass the Thorazine and, for God's sake, turn off the MSM!

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We have been taken over by the GOP Borg, and our former chief Justice, though she is a Republican, is trying to get a citizen redistricting initiative on the ballot. AG Dave Yost keeps finding the language in the initiative unacceptable, and I seriously think he would find any initiative language unacceptable because he wants to keep the GQP in power. The General Assembly has a habit of ignoring the voters’ wishes as expressed in initiatives. They ignored the redistricting initiative, and failed to obey 3 different Supreme Court of Ohio orders to redistrict three illegally drawn state senate district. The legislators are ignoring our wishes on Issue 1, which passed by a significant margin.

The First Energy bribery scandal is by no means over. Former Speaker Larry Householder got 20 years in prison for his crimes, and former Ohio GOP chair Matt Borges got 5 years. The bill enacted as a result of their bribery is still law, and Ohio taxpayers and energy consumers are still paying for First Energy. Now, former Ohio Department of Energy head Sam Randazzo has been indicted and arraigned for his role in the First Energy scandal, and some are wondering what Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted knew about the First Energy scandal.

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There might be some context provided in Thomas Frank's book: "What's the Matter With Kansas?" I don't think he had a solution.

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Biden is a "( left-wing extremist)"? according to the right. Biden supports religion, free trade, unlimited greed, the family unit, immigration, corrupt attorney general...

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