Oct 22, 2021Liked by Thom Hartmann


Thom, your endeavor to produce possibility remains unrivalled - thank you. Sometimes as a reader I remember to look between the lines, behind the lines, and generally anywhere in proximity to the lines. And depending upon the author I may find a higher-level of communication in these slightly grey regions. I've noticed with excellent writers an ability to "paint the edges" of a specific intent as opposed to shouting out the shape. This message of subtlety, of persuasion, of reminding people (Harris, eg) of their true humanness - does travel. Your labors of distilling knowledge, sharing it, and being an aileron nudging us all back to our better selves is THE example of "what we can do about it".

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Thom you are a great thinker but you are also terribly naive. Harris is a neoliberal at heart and as such takes a middling stance on everything including the filibuster. She had her chance, it is too late, and although thank you for at least being critical of the Democrats' cowardess you are far too lenient on them for their anti-progressive, anti-Medicare for All, anti-socialist rhetoric that fuels the same narrative on the right. Harris will not stand up for anything and has been ineffectual and rudderless in her role as VP.

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They are too late. Putting their fingers to the wind to see which way the wind is blowing, or waiting for the polls, or calling their donors to see how far they can go...we have lurched so far to the right as a country, the Democrats trailing along by turning the country against social programs then trying to pass them, I fear we are reaching the point of no return.

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