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1. IMHO that may have been a one time occurrence. I probably told you that when I was 49 I had a similar episode. I can't handle jet lag. Was hospitalized and it was mainly due to dehydration.
2. Environment. Give the guy some credit.…
3. Consider Trump. On second thought don't.
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© 2025 Thomas Hartmann
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1. IMHO that may have been a one time occurrence. I probably told you that when I was 49 I had a similar episode. I can't handle jet lag. Was hospitalized and it was mainly due to dehydration.
2. Environment. Give the guy some credit.
3. Consider Trump. On second thought don't.
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I firmly believe that Biden's and his family's attempts to whitewash his dementia will hold no meaningful water. Many Democrats and a very large percentage of the public cannot unsee what they witnessed in the debate. All attempts to explain away the causes of his vacancy are effusively put forth and have registered effete. I would have
I'm sorry to say that it is time he quietly withdrew from the race. My wife pointed out that he is from a generation of men who were taught to tough it out and not quit, but he has to get past that. In a way it's like taking the car keys from grandpa. Tough to do, but better now than after a bad accident.
I hope you and your wife take the time to Google the interview from NBC's "Top Story" last night. Llamas interviewed a neurologist named Dr. Tom Pitts. He agrees with you.
Thanks, that is disturbing. Some neurologists noted that Reagan was deteriorating but kept quiet about it as he wasn’t their patient. I’m glad someone is speaking up.
There are many who think that it is Dr Jjll that is keeping him in the race, she has her own ego and ambitions.
She and just about everyone in D.C. lives in a bubble, and completely out of touch with the world around them, or the world outside of the D C Beltway.
Well I don't know if she is, but I agree about the bubble. Far too often in business and government those at the top want an echo chamber, or at least think that if they talk to people just like themselves they will know what is going on. Thus when things go wrong they are completely surprised...and likely as not will do the same thing all over again and expect a different outcome. (Killing Saddam led to predictable chaos so killing Gaddafi won't?) And few appreciate being told that the emperor has no clothes.
You are correct Doc, in one respect,we don't know why people do what they do, we can only infer motive from behavior.
People seldom think of unintended consequences beyond their immediate, self gratfying actions. Invading Iraq is one example.
A theme one sees on TV, in movies and series,is that taking out a criminal boss, doesn't solve the problem, but creates a bigger one as it unleashes a war of rivals in which innocents get hurt.
I am watching a series called the Mayor of Kingston, A town that grew up around two or more prisons., and there are quite a few of them in America.
Crime followed the prisons, because the shot callers, the crime bosses were in the prisons, but the crime doesn't stay in the prisons, the shot callers are still at work and have their constituents on the outside.
When the shot callers are shut down on the inside, holy hell erupts on the outside, as power struggles erupt.
Like a hydra, knock off one head, and you still have other heads to contend with, and worse they aren't the heads of one body, it is a body you can't kill.
I am sitting here thinking that the W.O.T.. is a farce, no mention of it, victory declared with the death of OBL.
But O.BL set in motion the domino's on 9/11 and we, via our elected leaders, have done the rest.
Sometimes, like in the present, people know that the emperor has no clothes, but he is their emperor, their meal ticket to vengeance, domination and control, or so they think.
In an un or underdeveloped country, a dictator comes to power by use of force, despite the will of the people, but not in a developed country, dictators come to power because the people embraced and/or supported them.
Because the regime, the establishment as is, is blind to their fears and needs
Too late they discover that they have bought a pig in a poke,
Democratic governance has afforded humankind freedoms and standards of living, that his ancestors would have marveled at and never believed possible.
Yet Democratic governance contains the seeds of it's own downfall, the very freedoms that it enables and which sustain it, are the very freedoms that will bring it to its knees. Tis happening in Europe as I type, and in the U.S. as well.
I would have Biden immediately put out to pasture, along with his shameless, purely selfish family who have put forth nothing but raw political ambition. There is time to find a new candidate. A new candidate could possibly provide an electric transfusion--like Obama, coming out of nowhere. Only than Biden's removal, there is nothing you advocate in your posts that I cannot heartily endorse.
Voter turnout is key. I have taken my efforts as a sideline to your example to emphasize women. They are a little more than half of our population, and the many arcane restrictions being put forth by MAGA to put them back into three paces behind is .not a pill the majority of women are willing to swallow. Keep up the good work.
Is not a pill that are willing to swallow.. Keep up the good work
Forest vs trees. What if he is the candidate? Will you sup[port Trump overtly or tacitly?
I would vote for him because I would too. Doesn't mean that holding my nose would somehow demand that I join the ranks of the blindly loyal. My forced vote does not deposit valid criticisms , which are mounting daily. His insistence on staying in the race list suggestive of rank self-centered
I share your sentiments Gerald. I voted against Trump in 2016, not for Hillary. I voted against Trump again in2020, not for Biden, and will have to vote against Trump again.
I would love to be able to vote for one time in my life, and not against.
. . . rank, self-centered ambition.
And we know, self-centered is a hallmark sign of a right winger! Hopefully,Kamala will replace him.
Only if Joe is in a wheelchair and drools will Biden's cult acknowledge he is not capable.