
The recent murder of the Chevron Deference by six executioners on the Supreme Court Of The Heritage Foundation - along with a deafening silence from our news-as-entertainment industry - is no less catastrophic than J6.

Between the outlaw arrogance of six operatives on our highest court and the toxic omissions newz industry, the Chevron Deference decree is exactly on overthrow of democracy. It is a nearly invisible J6, committed by business-class anarchists.

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This court is way ahead of Trump at turning America over to a bunch of corrupt billionaires, many from the fossil fuel industry. They promise short term profits for their investors and destruction of the planet sooner than expected.

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They want religion in the classroom; but the only god they pray to is the almighty dollar.

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This is a perfect summary

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Facebook just removed this article i was sharing stating that i was violating community standards. I soon will be excommunicated i believe...such an overt action showing very clearly the monitoring and control of content not supporting the right.

"Let the wild rumpus begin!"

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f--k facebook

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Marilyn both of my posts stayed up. Sure it's not an admin thing for your group; do you need a header comment? Mine was "This is how they will get rid of those pesky regulations."

Also it went on my feed, and I shared it to two different groups from there. I needed that header on both of them.

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I reposted with no header and it was removed the second time… they recently removed another posted article last week… I asked for a review and they reposted that one. I believe I am on a watch list especially since you can post the same article without censorship

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I NEEDED a header. Without saying something about the post, some pages are programmed to think it is spam.

Regardless, thank you Marilyn for your activism. Blessings to you and yours.

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To Marilyn Dame: what do they mean “violating community standards”? Facebook can get away with that bald statement without explaining further? I am new to the internet and not on FB and now certainly never will be.

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Not a surprising ruling given the make-up of the court but I don't understand the end game of what they are doing in all of the decisions diminishing the need to address the problems of the country. It seems to be ok for much of us to be sweltering in 100+ degree heat as long as the fossil fuel industry can continue to emit CO2 at whatever level they wish. We need to vote the republicans out of office this November so that we can change the number of justices on the court. Time is running out.

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The most abused word in politics today is "unconstitutional". Many of those who use that word think it will strengthen their argument against something they just don't like. By that standard, I could declare Brussels sprouts unconstitutional.

What is unconstitutional, in that it surely can't be the intent of the founding fathers, is for the Supreme Court to declare war on the other two branches of government.

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Brussel sprouts are not mentioned in the Constitution. Therefore, it is up to the states to relate their use. In many Southern states they cannot be used for contraception.

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True, but I would agree with that decision on Brussel sprouts.

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As I have been saying, we don't control Congress, so the most effective method is to investigate bribery, perjury, conflicts of interest and alleged financial disclosure is to subpoena witnesses like Leonard Leo and Harland Crow to the grand jury. I suspect that there are dozens of other witnesses -- those who attended programs and received donations from big oil.

I have no access to the discovery in California's suit against Shell, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, British Petroleum, and Chevron to make them pay their “fair share” for the climate change they allegedly cause and for “delay[ing] our transition away from fossil fuels.” I'd expect that expenses for "lobbying" should be public record. I'd expect that discovery could lead to folks like the Koch Bros who have been funding litigation like Loper Bright.

Once upon a time, the Rockefeller family tried to get Exxon to divest. They lost to Saudi Arabian interests. Has Saudi helped fund the litigation? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/mar/27/rockefeller-family-tried-and-failed-exxonmobil-accept-climate-change

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How does the MAGA Supreme Court overturning the Chevron Doctrine affect each one of us. Here's one example to consider the next time you are flying.

Supreme Court Cripples FAA Undermining Flying Safety


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Among the 182 kinds of cases I heard were "AIR 21" Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century whistleblower cases. Sorry to report that the judges hearing those cases are under attack, similar to the attack on the SEC judges, this past term. .

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I posted this column on Facebook, in a political discussion group I administer; Facebook took it down seconds later, claiming it "violated community standards." I will repost it again and again, until I get banned; this is too important to ignore.

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Joyce, I will also try to post this article. I was warned before.

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Very disturbing. I suppose there is no way to ask them what community standards were violated? It is more acceptable to lie than tell the truth since Donald Trump apparently.

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Joyce both of my posts stayed up. I see you are an admin, but do you need a header comment? Mine was "This is how they will get rid of those pesky regulations."

Also it went on my feed, and I shared it to two different groups from there. I needed that header on both of them.

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My posts get removed despite the headers.

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Sorry to hear that. Mine are still up and people have read them and reacted.

All the best to you for your activism.

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We are rapidly approaching a point where our only recourse will be to that Second Amendment whose tortured extension the MAGAts so treasure. Not what I want. But if this country is heading to morbidly rich, bigoted, ignorant dominance, it won’t e worth saving in that form. Better to destroy it and hope we can win the second civil war, though our foreign enemies will intervene, and the final result could be a nuclear Goetterdaemerung. I hate writing this more than anything, but the rogue SCOTUS and sclerotic Democratic leadership may leave no option if November is the debacle it may well be. RIP USA—your candle was brief but bright in the pages of human history, but its ill winds are proving stronger than you are. You are becoming a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. I weep.

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Roy; step number one, elect democrats in November.

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If by some reason Gloria, liiiiike? "GERRYMANDERING!!!! " or a weak presidential candidate or the electoral college... We had better be prepared to defend our stuff from the cult. They will never admit they brought this on, how could they explain it to their children? They must lie once again!

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Believe me. I understand your frustration. I look forward to May 2028, but we have work to do in the meantime.

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The reason the Democratic party is hardly differentiated from the old Republican party is dialing for dollars. Of necessity the Democrats stop from the same trough as the Republicans, only they get what is left over.

One does not win elections without a war chest, and "Wall Street" has the War Chest contents.

There was a serious candidate that proved that you don't need "Wall Street" (or Siliccon Valley) but the powers that be within the DNC, saw that their incomes and status were threatened so they put their thumb on the scale during the primary or 2016

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I really like how Biden addresses these environmental issues first hand, the minute they occur, like the current ones encased by the fascist Supremes . . . . Oh wait! Well perhaps he meant to in one of his many unfinished sentences. Truth is, these environmental issues seem to always escape real pushback by those core tribal elected democrats, the ones currently fighting tooth and nail, fighting mightily to retain their power, currently emphacised by the senseless defence of that tribals' leader, Biden, all of whom should be made to reveal their own massive financial gains made since they have been in office. These rulings and their effects on the environment surpass any interpretation of the word catastrophic. If and when the numbed public should ever pick up the gaughtlet and realize that the only resistance to this corporate-backed coup has to come from them, organized with commitment to massive, well articulated resistance, discarding any notion that the Dems in power in DC will suddenly snap. This requires leadership, not exactly imaged by Biden's dazed dementia. Counting on Biden's tribals is characterized by wide-eyed vacancy, speaking in demential half-sentences, drifting to the side when a strong straight gait is called for. At some point, because the people are the only option, their failure to respond will be included in the overall culpabilities.

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1. IMHO that may have been a one time occurrence. I probably told you that when I was 49 I had a similar episode. I can't handle jet lag. Was hospitalized and it was mainly due to dehydration.

2. Environment. Give the guy some credit. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/22/fact-sheet-president-biden-marks-earth-day-2024-with-historic-climate-action/

3. Consider Trump. On second thought don't.

Support our candidates in every race. Even if you are a dissenter, if you don't want a Fascist government the time has come to stand up to register Democrats. Yesterday FT 6 texted over 100,000 to WI in support of Tammy Baldwin. FT 6 also supports other key senate races, FT 6 targets unregistered folk who trend Democratic.

On Saturday, FT6 sent 200,000 and Sunday 168,000 texts to GA.

FT 6 Text Arcades every Thursday 3pm PT/6pm ET

The next training will be on Thursday 07/11 at 3pm PT at our Text Arcade, which requires a $25 donation to get 1400 texts.

https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ft6arcade24 or Saturday Textbanks with the Union starting at 11am PT/ 2pm ET

Training will also be on Saturday 07/13 at 11am PT


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I firmly believe that Biden's and his family's attempts to whitewash his dementia will hold no meaningful water. Many Democrats and a very large percentage of the public cannot unsee what they witnessed in the debate. All attempts to explain away the causes of his vacancy are effusively put forth and have registered effete. I would have

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I'm sorry to say that it is time he quietly withdrew from the race. My wife pointed out that he is from a generation of men who were taught to tough it out and not quit, but he has to get past that. In a way it's like taking the car keys from grandpa. Tough to do, but better now than after a bad accident.

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I hope you and your wife take the time to Google the interview from NBC's "Top Story" last night. Llamas interviewed a neurologist named Dr. Tom Pitts. He agrees with you.

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Thanks, that is disturbing. Some neurologists noted that Reagan was deteriorating but kept quiet about it as he wasn’t their patient. I’m glad someone is speaking up.

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There are many who think that it is Dr Jjll that is keeping him in the race, she has her own ego and ambitions.

She and just about everyone in D.C. lives in a bubble, and completely out of touch with the world around them, or the world outside of the D C Beltway.

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Well I don't know if she is, but I agree about the bubble. Far too often in business and government those at the top want an echo chamber, or at least think that if they talk to people just like themselves they will know what is going on. Thus when things go wrong they are completely surprised...and likely as not will do the same thing all over again and expect a different outcome. (Killing Saddam led to predictable chaos so killing Gaddafi won't?) And few appreciate being told that the emperor has no clothes.

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You are correct Doc, in one respect,we don't know why people do what they do, we can only infer motive from behavior.

People seldom think of unintended consequences beyond their immediate, self gratfying actions. Invading Iraq is one example.

A theme one sees on TV, in movies and series,is that taking out a criminal boss, doesn't solve the problem, but creates a bigger one as it unleashes a war of rivals in which innocents get hurt.

I am watching a series called the Mayor of Kingston, A town that grew up around two or more prisons., and there are quite a few of them in America.

Crime followed the prisons, because the shot callers, the crime bosses were in the prisons, but the crime doesn't stay in the prisons, the shot callers are still at work and have their constituents on the outside.

When the shot callers are shut down on the inside, holy hell erupts on the outside, as power struggles erupt.

Like a hydra, knock off one head, and you still have other heads to contend with, and worse they aren't the heads of one body, it is a body you can't kill.

I am sitting here thinking that the W.O.T.. is a farce, no mention of it, victory declared with the death of OBL.

But O.BL set in motion the domino's on 9/11 and we, via our elected leaders, have done the rest.

Sometimes, like in the present, people know that the emperor has no clothes, but he is their emperor, their meal ticket to vengeance, domination and control, or so they think.

In an un or underdeveloped country, a dictator comes to power by use of force, despite the will of the people, but not in a developed country, dictators come to power because the people embraced and/or supported them.

Because the regime, the establishment as is, is blind to their fears and needs

Too late they discover that they have bought a pig in a poke,

Democratic governance has afforded humankind freedoms and standards of living, that his ancestors would have marveled at and never believed possible.

Yet Democratic governance contains the seeds of it's own downfall, the very freedoms that it enables and which sustain it, are the very freedoms that will bring it to its knees. Tis happening in Europe as I type, and in the U.S. as well.

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I would have Biden immediately put out to pasture, along with his shameless, purely selfish family who have put forth nothing but raw political ambition. There is time to find a new candidate. A new candidate could possibly provide an electric transfusion--like Obama, coming out of nowhere. Only than Biden's removal, there is nothing you advocate in your posts that I cannot heartily endorse.

Voter turnout is key. I have taken my efforts as a sideline to your example to emphasize women. They are a little more than half of our population, and the many arcane restrictions being put forth by MAGA to put them back into three paces behind is .not a pill the majority of women are willing to swallow. Keep up the good work.

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Is not a pill that are willing to swallow.. Keep up the good work

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Forest vs trees. What if he is the candidate? Will you sup[port Trump overtly or tacitly?

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I would vote for him because I would too. Doesn't mean that holding my nose would somehow demand that I join the ranks of the blindly loyal. My forced vote does not deposit valid criticisms , which are mounting daily. His insistence on staying in the race list suggestive of rank self-centered

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I share your sentiments Gerald. I voted against Trump in 2016, not for Hillary. I voted against Trump again in2020, not for Biden, and will have to vote against Trump again.

I would love to be able to vote for one time in my life, and not against.

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. . . rank, self-centered ambition.

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And we know, self-centered is a hallmark sign of a right winger! Hopefully,Kamala will replace him.

Only if Joe is in a wheelchair and drools will Biden's cult acknowledge he is not capable.

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Two things I saw today:

1) Senator Schumer talking in the Senate Chamber about the Chevron Deference, the other insane decisions, and that they plan to exercise their right to oversee the Supreme Court as per the Constitution.

2) Dr. Tom Pitts, a neurologist that was on the Llamas Top Story show on NBC. We deserve the truth before that convention.

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Senate Leader Chuck Schumer addressed the SCOTUS insanity at the beginning of the July 8th session. If you can find it on C-Span, you will see that they are well aware of every issue of the recent decisions that Thom has addressed day to day in his Reports including the Chevron one.

He started by saying the Constitution gives Congress the power to oversee the Supreme Court. It was heartening. When calling Durbin's office, we could let them know we understand they have the power, and we have their back to use it.

It was obvious from Schumer's remarks that things are in motion even if they are not public as yet.

That said, when those 4 million workers lose their overtime rights, it will hurt them and their families. We must message that. Talk shows, bumper-stickers, and lots of surrogates out there. We have to do the same every time people lose their rights and it hits their pocketbooks.

We do not have to be ruthless, we have to be relentless!

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Establishment Democrats, the Supreme Court, MAGA, and Tr*mp, in that order, are threats to democracy.

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It will be very hard to conjure up a new God when most Americans are allergic to the truth and the truth is what the new God needs to be!

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The court simply put the feds out of commission. Now it is up to the States to do the job. The fed courts are not up to the job which is exactly what they wanted. The corruption is soon to be disclosed as all corruption does. It has no where else to go. An angry public is sure to clean the slate and restart a new process that makes sense.

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"The court simply put the feds out of commission." Chevron applies where the enabling language is ambiguous. If Democrats take charge, they can do an easy fix.

The states do not have the same capacity.

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But they have some capacity, especially when it comes to permits. Watched our state kill a very big pipeline---the Canadian bastards pushed hard at the federal level, but gave up when our state agencies, attorney general, and governor took them on about the environment.

Heroes were involved---I will never forget them. That's also why I support what you talk about, because it absolutely WORKS!

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Are you talking about the Keystone XL pipeline, that is suppose to move tar sand oil from Canada to the Gulf coast for refinering.

This oil has sand, it is abrasive, it is like running sandpaper through pipes, it will wear out the pipes and cause horrendous spills. And the Canadians will not benefit a dollar from the whole affair, beneficiaries will be OPEC, the petroleum cabal and of course the Saudi's.

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So true what you wrote about XL, the horrible tar-sand oil, and who profits. We met some of those activists.

NO, ours was about transporting natural gas an enormous distance so they could process it and ship it overseas as LNG. These are 10 billion dollar projects that someone starts, then flips to a consortium of big fossil fuel companies.

Natural gas and the liquid form of it was supposed to be a "bridge" fuel on the way to renewables. Bull-sh*t, because the amount of CO2 emission saved at end use is lost by methane lost in drilling, flaring, and on and on. Those pipelines corrode and explode, facilities explode, and houses explode. There is a house on the news weekly. During Hurricane Sandy a whole neighborhood blew.

Now it's been found having gas in your home can cause lung problems, especially for the elderly and children. Using sun, wind, waves, and geo-thermal is on the way to being cheaper---it's happening around the world.

What will Saudi Arabia be selling and controlling in 50 years? Well, the world will need sand for construction I guess, considering how many homes will be gone from the climate crisis.

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There is sand and there is sand. Not all sand is suitable for making cement.

There are actually criminal syndicates who control access to suitable sand.

The Saudi's know that their oil will run out, so they have hedged by buying up real estate, foreign assets including government debt. They own a large chunk of the U.S. now, and are probably

Two years ago, Fondomont's parent company, Saudi food giant Almarai, purchased another 10,000 acres of farmland about 50 miles away in Vicksburg, Arizona, for around $48 million. They will continue to come over here and buy properties where they can grow good-quality alfalfa hay and ship it back to the Middle East

This was 2018, The Saudi's are buying up America


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Most states do not regulate the same stuff. Where I live, Florida, the state is good at liquor licenses, but sells out on virtually everything else. We have regulatory law of the 19th Century.

Where I live, however we have the government of the Soviet Union via Habana in many areas. Many times our local governments could have a quorum at the big house. True at every level.

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Tex-ass-i-stan is right there with Florida. Miami and Houston are just starting to drown. Houston doesn't have zoning laws and both states are going to deregulate themselves into oblivion. Oblivion is a place where you cannot buy insurance without (drum-roll, please) the GOVERNMENT.

Bless you Daniel for all you teach and all you do . These states can turn Blue or at least some sort of Green, maybe out of necessity.

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It looks like we are just going to accept that democracy requires constant vigilance. Take our eyes off the ball for minute, and the forces of corruption creep in. It's like keeping the dikes repaired in the Netherlands. And that goes for everyone's partician.


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Biden, before you go let’s use your executive orders to increase the SCOTUS size.

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