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The court simply put the feds out of commission. Now it is up to the States to do the job. The fed courts are not up to the job which is exactly what they wanted. The corruption is soon to be disclosed as all corruption does. It has no where else to go. An angry public is sure to clean the slate and restart a new process that makes sense.

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"The court simply put the feds out of commission." Chevron applies where the enabling language is ambiguous. If Democrats take charge, they can do an easy fix.

The states do not have the same capacity.

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But they have some capacity, especially when it comes to permits. Watched our state kill a very big pipeline---the Canadian bastards pushed hard at the federal level, but gave up when our state agencies, attorney general, and governor took them on about the environment.

Heroes were involved---I will never forget them. That's also why I support what you talk about, because it absolutely WORKS!

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Are you talking about the Keystone XL pipeline, that is suppose to move tar sand oil from Canada to the Gulf coast for refinering.

This oil has sand, it is abrasive, it is like running sandpaper through pipes, it will wear out the pipes and cause horrendous spills. And the Canadians will not benefit a dollar from the whole affair, beneficiaries will be OPEC, the petroleum cabal and of course the Saudi's.

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So true what you wrote about XL, the horrible tar-sand oil, and who profits. We met some of those activists.

NO, ours was about transporting natural gas an enormous distance so they could process it and ship it overseas as LNG. These are 10 billion dollar projects that someone starts, then flips to a consortium of big fossil fuel companies.

Natural gas and the liquid form of it was supposed to be a "bridge" fuel on the way to renewables. Bull-sh*t, because the amount of CO2 emission saved at end use is lost by methane lost in drilling, flaring, and on and on. Those pipelines corrode and explode, facilities explode, and houses explode. There is a house on the news weekly. During Hurricane Sandy a whole neighborhood blew.

Now it's been found having gas in your home can cause lung problems, especially for the elderly and children. Using sun, wind, waves, and geo-thermal is on the way to being cheaper---it's happening around the world.

What will Saudi Arabia be selling and controlling in 50 years? Well, the world will need sand for construction I guess, considering how many homes will be gone from the climate crisis.

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There is sand and there is sand. Not all sand is suitable for making cement.

There are actually criminal syndicates who control access to suitable sand.

The Saudi's know that their oil will run out, so they have hedged by buying up real estate, foreign assets including government debt. They own a large chunk of the U.S. now, and are probably

Two years ago, Fondomont's parent company, Saudi food giant Almarai, purchased another 10,000 acres of farmland about 50 miles away in Vicksburg, Arizona, for around $48 million. They will continue to come over here and buy properties where they can grow good-quality alfalfa hay and ship it back to the Middle East

This was 2018, The Saudi's are buying up America


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Most states do not regulate the same stuff. Where I live, Florida, the state is good at liquor licenses, but sells out on virtually everything else. We have regulatory law of the 19th Century.

Where I live, however we have the government of the Soviet Union via Habana in many areas. Many times our local governments could have a quorum at the big house. True at every level.

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Tex-ass-i-stan is right there with Florida. Miami and Houston are just starting to drown. Houston doesn't have zoning laws and both states are going to deregulate themselves into oblivion. Oblivion is a place where you cannot buy insurance without (drum-roll, please) the GOVERNMENT.

Bless you Daniel for all you teach and all you do . These states can turn Blue or at least some sort of Green, maybe out of necessity.

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